People Reveal The Obvious Things They Didn't Realize Until Late in Life

People Reveal The Obvious Things They Didn't Realize Until Late in Life

Realizations can come to us at any time, and they're usually a good thing. Sometimes they take a while, and can make us feel more than a little slow on the uptake.

Reddit user u/psychasinpsychic32 asked:

"Which two and two did you just recently put together?"


Mr. Dink from the 90s cartoon 'Doug'. He and his wife are 'dinks' because it stands for 'dual income, no kids'....

If you recall Mr. Dink showing things off, that's why...

"Very expensive!"



I race cars in an amateur league. There is a blue 240sx with the name "blue Bayou". I always thought they were from Louisiana or something until the other day when I realized it sounds like "blew by you"



Whenever you see weather stations on the news and notice "Hey I wonder why they went with some random town in the area when there are other bigger ones nearby?" Its likely because there's a regional airport or small airfield. They all need accurate weather for planes to take off including wind direction, intensity, and barometric they have all the equipment available to show the bigger picture locally.



Jackie Chan is one person. My first language is spanish, so I always thought it was "Jack y Chan." The only movie I had seen him in was one with Owen Wilson, so I thought Owen Wilson was Jack and Chan was Jackie Chan.



Sonic the Hedgehog's best friend is named Miles Prower. "Miles Per Hour."

How the heck did this take nearly 30 years of life to see.



In Spanish, hats are called "sombrero" because they make "sombra" (shade)


I'm Spanish. I just reallized that.



I have heard the words hors d'oeuvres many times.

I have seen the words hors d'oeuvres many times.

I only put together that they are the same word last week.



A chum bucket is where you'd keep fish guts, possibly explaining why Plankton's restaurant ain't so busy.



No me but a boss of mine just realized you can count the steps on a ladder to tell how tall it is.



There's a meme going around about making sure your young kids go to classmates' birthday parties because it's devastating to be a kid and have nobody come to yours. And I thought that I was damn lucky that even though I didn't cast a wide net of friends, everybody always came to my birthday party.

My mom was a teacher at my school. It never occurred to me until recently that SOME of those kids had a vested interest in making sure they came to my birthday party.



Why they are called "contact" lenses.


"Feels like there's something in my eye." —me, at my first contact lens fitting



Ore-Ida potatoes. Crossed Oregon state line where factory was, into Idaho. Just then realized name.



PGP encryption that a lot of large businesses use stand for 'Pretty Good Privacy'.

It's good to know data security is so important.



Cul de sac means 'bottom of the bag' as in the only way out is where you came from. And my first language is French :/



WWE wrestler The Undertaker's long-time valet was named Paul Bearer as in someone who carries your casket.

I'm embarrassed.



The blacks of the eye are black because there's nothing there.

It's just a hole.

You're seeing inside their eyeball, but you can't see anything because there's no light in there.


The red pupils that you get from flash on a camera are from that light shining on your retinas and their blood supply. Some other animals, like cats, have a special tissue behind their retinas which can reflect back blue, green, or yellow light with flash.



Always thought whipped cream was difficult to make. My friends and I would get excited and impressed that this crepe place would make their whipped cream in-house, as advertised for an extra $1.50.

Can't begin to tell you how dumb I felt one day when I realized... It is literally whipped... cream.



Despite living in various houses growing up my dad's closet would always smell the exact same way; he said it was the "mothballs" that he used.

Later when I tried pot for the first time I said "This smells like mothballs!"

Everyone looked at me funny, and it still took days until I finally realized what that meant.



When I was a little kid, my dad had some friends over to drink beer and watch a movie. My mom made me play in the other room, because "this wasn't a movie for kids." So I was playing in the living room as the men laughed, cracked jokes and loud music blasted from the other room.

Eventually I wanted to see what the fuss was about, so I crept into the room in time to see a beefy, mostly-naked man chained to a bed. Immediately the men start shouting "get him out of here! Turn off the movie! He shouldn't see this!" and they hustle me out of the room.

Being about six or seven, I put the pieces together and think "they were watching that man get tortured!"

Later, in my teens, a different answer occurred to me. "They were watching adult movie... they were watching gay bondage" But it didn't make sense. None of them were gay, my mom was right there.

Years later I realized what should have been obvious given my long association with the stage show: they had been watching The Rocky Horror Picture Show, and I walked in on the scene where Rocky breaks free of Frank's bedroom to run for freedom.



At the end of first grade the teacher asked the class "so who wants to stay here with me next year?" We all threw up our hands up excited, and she picked one of us. That kid stayed behind when we went to second grade.

I think about this once in a while and feel thankful she didn't pick me.

Last time I thought about this I realized that I've been missing the mark. That specific student was being left behind that year and the teacher did it in the smoothest way possible.


Adults Who Still Need A Stuffed Animal To Go To Sleep Share Their Experiences

Reddit user Old-Horse1185 asked: '34 percent of adults sleep with a stuffed animal or other sentimental object. Are you one of these people? What do you sleep with?'

Old, pink stuffed animal bunny sitting on bed
Photo by Paulo Almeida on Unsplash

Stuffies, plushies, stuffed animals, or plush toys; whatever you might call them, we likely all can remember a fluffy friend we had in our childhood.

But some adults might have carried their childhood friend into adulthood, or even made others along the way, and they might even still go to sleep with them at night, too.

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Kate Townsend/Unsplash

Working remotely from home certainly has its advantages, including not having to endure traffic and deal with coworker drama.

But many people found that during the pandemic, the isolation of working from home left little to be desired.

People who have jobs requiring them to commute every day and arrive at the workplace are given the opportunity to be social and feel like they're a part of society.

But being a part of a work environment can come with its own unique occupational hazards.

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Be it desperation, self-indulgence, or simply optimism, many people never leave home without a condom.

If the chances of "getting lucky" are much more likely at some places than others, one never knows where or when they might hit it off with someone.

Including a funeral.

Bizarre and tasteless as that sounds, a recent study reportedly showed that 1 in 8 men under the age of 35 do, in fact, bring condoms with them when attending a funeral, "just in case".

Whether or not these condoms were used, however, is another story entirely.

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People will trip themselves up eventually.

Because liars and lunatics always make mistakes.

They may be small mistakes, but they leave just enough room to expose their wicked ways.

Sure we all want to fight off an enemy and be the victor.

But sometimes the victor's greatest weapon is nothing but a little patience.

Then, we celebrate with a smile as we watch the crumble.

And maybe we have a little victory dance.

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