People Reveal The Most Disturbing Trend They're Seeing Nowadays
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"What's a disturbing trend you are seeing and why?" –– That was today's burning question from Redditor F00dBasics, and people had plenty to say.

Consider that back in the day there were people who believed the Beatles were producing Satan's music: That sounds a lot more innocent than social media mobs, doesn't it?

"People instantly..."

People instantly buying into intentionally anger-inducing media or material. There's nothing inherently wrong with feeling a certain way, but recognize why you're feeling what you're feeling, what caused it, and whether or not it's valid. It's more important than ever to realize when something or someone is just looking to use you by feeding you bait.


"The amount of kids..."

The amount of kids not being parented by their parents and instead being parented by YouTube.

Their minds are developing with exposure to absolute trash media and social concepts with no knowledge shared about how to handle external tuations from their parents. They cry and get cranky and bam there's YouTube in their hands. I've seen this with children as young as 6 months old.

There's some potential, like those cute learning videos, but it's lost when you see a Peppa Pig video edited to murder someone.


"The picture perfect..."


The picture perfect lives on social media. It's all fake, but can really make some people feel worse about their life when everyone is posting how wonderful their life is.


"Loss of privacy."

Loss of privacy. When you cede to others all your thoughts, conversations, pictures and plans then eventually they will use your own words/pictures to own you. Look around, people, find a balance. Otherwise, we are all just part of a grand oligarchy scheme.


"The idea..."

The idea that it's okay to film/photograph someone without their knowledge or consent. You see so many memes where the subject is someone who has know idea they're being made the punchline of a weak joke.


"The world is changing..."

The world is changing faster, and faster. Technology is advancing faster than we can figure out what it's doing to us.

Political extremism, fake news, the negatives of social media, privacy issues, change and simplification of language. Most of the issues stated in this thread stem from technology in one way or another.

20 years ago we envisioned every home would have a PC. Now we're literally living in a reality where the lines between fake and real are being constantly blurred more and more. Everything is a commercial, every one fortifying his corner in the boxing ring of ideas. Ideas are commercials for political agendas, governments and corporations.


"These things have gotten worse..."


MLMs. These things have gotten worse and more plentiful. Our government is only getting more lenient with them. Not surprising since a member of our government is from a founding family of one of the worst MLMs: Amway.


"That not all data is equal."

That not all data is equal. People like when data represents their confirmation bias. The issue is anyone can publish anything. Without a way to reproduce or validate the findings it's junk data. This junk data gets posted on social media and media sites and people believe it.

This is what causes fake news, climate denial, anti vaxx, and every other conspiracy theory.


"People becoming disconnected..."

People becoming disconnected and isolated from real-world connection and in-person relationships in favor of social media and internet friends.

Each have their place, but it can easily shift into unhealthy territory when the majority of your interactions happen in front of a screen rather than face-to-face.


"Poor grammar..."

Poor grammar and spelling. It's related to texting and online communication. Just read somewhere that 26% of college graduates are writing deficient. That is, they couldn't even accomplish the basic writing tasks of the jobs that they were hired for proficiently.
