People Reveal The Craziest Thing They've Ever Slept Through

Some people wake up the moment they hear someone stir. Others sleep like a rock through absolutely anything. The noises and commotion that a heavy sleeper sleeps through is next-level weird, but it can also be a weirdly good trait to have.

u/anarachelb asked: Deep sleepers, what have you slept through?

Dang, Grandma.

My grandmother was staying at my house and one night, she got up to get some water, and fell and broke her hip. I slept through the ambulance arriving to pick her up.


Don't blame them.


A fire alarm. My parents thought I had died when they got out of the house and I wasn't there.


Now THAT'S a heavy sleeper.

A tornado. I woke up and my neighbor's roof was gone.


He must've been really tired.

I think the all-time champion was a guy in a motel near Columbus, Ohio back in the '70's. The after a tornado went through the western suburbs, the police were going through the wreckage of the motel, and in what was left of a corner room that had two walls and the roof blown away, they found a guy in the bed. At first they thought he was dead, then they heard him snoring.


How does that even happen?


A nurse was stunned to find me sleeping while I was in labor. She woke me up to tell me so. Apparently me falling asleep triggered some alarm on one of the machines they had me hooked up to (my heart rate and pulse ox changed or something).

I was a bit miffed, because it was like 4am, and I was very tired.



My friend slept through his wife beginning labor. She was screaming and shaking him, and then screaming in pain. He wouldn't wake up.

She called the non emergency line to ask for help, and they finally woke him up so he could take her to the hospital.


Late night craziness.

A car hit our house when I was fourteen. It happened at about 2:30am, and the cops estimated the driver (quite drunk) was doing more than 80mph through our subdivision at the time.

There was the impact, the damage to the house, shattering windows, screaming, shouts from the neighbors, staircase charges of my siblings, sirens, everything.

I would have slept through until morning if my sister hadn't woken me telling me I didn't want to miss this.


Hope a fire never actually happens.


When I was a kid my mom accidentally set off the fire alarms and couldn't get them to shut off for like ten minutes and was running around, getting pissed off, yelling up a storm and I slept through all of it.



Went to another university to participate in a competition. The organisers accomodated us in the university hostel only. After settling down, the people I was sharing my room went out while I decided to sleep.

When I woke up, one of them was back. He told me there was short circuit in the air conditioner and the room was filling with smoke when he arrived. The fire alarm was also ringing. He tried waking me up too.


That's insane.

From what I was told:

When my mom was younger, she was sleeping on the sofa in the living room which was located next to the kitchen. My Grandma decided to try and cook a live chicken. (She has never done it before). She was reading instructions on how to do it as she was preparing it. The only problem is that chickens can still survive for a short time after you cut their head off.

After she chopped the head off, the headless chicken went crazy. My grandma was yelling, the chicken was getting blood everywhere, and my mom slept through the whole thing.


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