People Reveal What Got Ruined By Becoming Too Popular

People Reveal What Got Ruined By Becoming Too Popular

It happens in a never-ending cycle. You enjoy something, a show, a book, something, but it's not really that popular. There's not much online or in-person support, so all you wish is for people to take notice. But, surprise! One day you wake up and everyone is talking about it. Unfortunately, inevitably, it's ruined by the people who claimed to enjoy it, sometimes irreversibly.

Reddit user, u/XXVXMM, wanted to hear the worst of the former-best when they asked:

What got ruined by its popularity?

Once It Goes Corporate, It Never Can Go Back


But in all seriousness something I can think of is Memes. Once they are popular and companies get a hold of them it becomes cringe. Sometimes they still work but overall they fade away.

With some exceptions


#Nature #Blessed

Outdoor related activity. Too many people on the trail not observing proper Trail etiquette, trashing the place, widening the trail, growing marijuana out in National Forest. F-ck you people.


I'm not complaining about the number of people. They have every right to be there as I do.

The sh-t trail etiquette is the problem. I should not be seeing your cliff bar wrappers all over the place.


Ron Weasley Is Secretly...


Harry Potter.

The worst part of the fandom somehow convinced the author to give more and more "adjustments" outside of the Canon to please then and now the whole HP universe is flawed by its own creator. It's a damn shame.


Remember When We All Used To Like It?

The song Don't Stop Believing by Journey.

The song is actually really good, but (at least in my hometown) it's been horribly overplayed. So now whenever I hear it I want to slam my head into the nearest car


"Hey Guys! It's Me, A Sell-Out!"


Every creator used youtube as a platform because they genuinely enjoyed what the are doing. Now everyone is in it for the money and they are killing themselves for fame.


Too Many Dangerous People

Acapulco. In the 40s-60s it was popular for the super rich, political elite, Hollywood stars, etc. Then the city started to cater to families and Spring Break getaways.

Then it became overpopulated from the 70s-90s. Now it's one of the most dangerous cities in Mexico and drug cartels are very present. The tourist industry has gone down drastically as a result and the city is experiencing high unemployment. Acapulco is the perfect example of something being ruined by its popularity.


When Everyone Has Rare Cards...No One Has Rare Cards

The value of baseball cards plummeted when everyone started collecting them to try and cash in on them.


"Nah, Bro, I Was Just Kidding You..."


It used to be simple things like you jump out and scare someone or you would make a stranger laugh. or you manage to sneak a whoopie cushion under your friend's butt. Now it's all about testing how far you can go, pissing off some folks (usually in the prankster's favorite place to go, the hood), and try not to get knocked out. Every time there's a hood prank I can just smell the racist folks just waiting to generalize black folks based on the video. Then these "pranksters" expect everything to be okay because of, say it with me, "IT'S JUST A PRANK, BRO!"

As if saying that it's just a prank is going to make everything okay and it's inexcusable. Oooh, let me go rob a bank and then when I'm pursued by the cops, I'll just say "IT'S JUST A PRANK!" and then we all laugh and go share a coffee at the Panera.

I get that there are still folks who are the "good" pranksters (for lack of better term), but honestly the guys who think they're funny for pulling stuff like hood pranks just messed it up for everyone.

Also, staged pranks. Just give me genuine reactions.




Rick and Morty.

That whole Szechuan sauce thing... yikes.


Not Everything Used To Make Us Spend Money

The internet itself. Once companies realized it was a cash cow, it went from an escapist paradise to a dystopian nightmare.

I remember the days when everything I looked at on the internet wasn't specifically curated to get me to spend money, and man, I can hardly believe that was real once.


What's the one thing you used to like that's no longer cool? Share it with us!

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