People Reveal Which Mild Inconvenience Drives Them Crazy

People Reveal Which Mild Inconvenience Drives Them Crazy
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It's easy to make a mountain out of a mole hill, isn't it? Maybe it's the day you've had, or maybe it's the final straw on the back of the camel, but it can hit you out of nowhere. You'll be having a grand ol' time at a dinner party, when suddenly you snag your pocket on a kitchen drawer handle for the 37th time, and you officially lose your mind in front of family and friends. Sound familiar? That's what these furious tales are all about.

Reddit user, u/Defenseless_squirrel, wanted to know what sends you up the wall when they asked:

What's a mild inconvenience that drives you f-cking crazy?

Nothing Worse Than Wet Elbows

Washing your face in the bathroom sink and the water trickling down your arms towards your elbows


Bonus Fury if you're wearing a sweater and get the sleeves wet to remind you of your stupid mistake for hours to come.


It's Like It's A System Rigged Against You


Stoplights feel timed so that if you go in one direction for a few miles and you have to stop at a red light, chances are you will have to stop at all the red lights in that direction.


You're Literally And Figuratively Interrupting The Flow

when someone goes to shower/bathroom right as you were about to.


You need to announce your intentions some time in advance. Not enough time for them to usurp though.


You Can Probably Talk Elsewhere

When two people in a shop stop, trolleys side by side and block the entire aisle just to have a conversation.


"excuse me"

Death glares from both of them

F-ckers, you're the ones blocking the aisle. Go park your carts somewhere else and talk.


Just Leave Me Alone

Walking through the city late at night after work. When I'm crossing a side street near the train station, taxis will inevitably see me coming and pull up right in front of me so I have to walk around the back of them. Every single night. I tried a different route but it's longer, I tried waving them off, but they just come quicker. I tried running so I can get there before they block my path but they just accelerate.

I think the only solution is to run up and do a hood slide.


Stay In One Place

Clicking on a button, except that the button jumps just as you're clicking and you get the wrong button. This happens often when an app opens a new window and it takes time to fill up all the contents.


Snags. Snags For Days.

Apparently I am the exact height to have my pockets get caught on my drawers in the kitchen. I swear my basketball shorts will reach for the drawer handles and grab them. Makes me see red.


Prime Example Of First World Problems

When my Bluetooth doesn't connect in the car.

It makes me want to stab my phone even though it's not a big deal at all and has zero effect on my life.


Someone Will Burn For This

Getting all comfortable in bed, well positioned and everything, then realising you forgot something in the living room/kitchen and having to get up and get it.


"Please Try Again."

Enter password.

Your password is incorrect

Request password reset, enter what you want it to be

You cannot use your current password as your new password*

Try to use that password

Your password is incorret

Computer flies out window.


Maybe Try A Bike?


Oblivious Drivers. Not ones texting, they know they're being an a--.

I'm talking about those people who honestly have no clue how to drive properly, yet totally think they're good at it. Leaves me fuming. Especially when they're putting other people's lives in danger.



At work, the bathroom stalls can be locked (obviously) and you'll have a small red sign to indicate that it's occupied.

Nonetheless there are always people trying to open the door just to make sure that it's really unoccupied. It drives me nuts. Can't you let me sh-t in peace!

Two things : I didn't know there were so many colorblind people. You're forgiven. Every one else that try to justify their trying to barge in because they "want you to hurry", you're not forgiven. Go sh-t in the wood and let me finish in peace. Yeah, I sometime play Candy crush while I sh-t. So?


Teacher standing in front of a classroom
Photo by Taylor Flowe on Unsplash

It's a teacher's job to leave a lasting impression and set a good example for their students.

With this in mind, particularly in this age of viral videos and social media, teachers have to be very careful of what they say during class hours.

Even so, there are very few teachers who haven't said something they've regretted when teaching a class.

Sometimes to control unruly students, other times when they've simply had enough.

Then too, sometimes teachers leave their students baffled and perplexed by what they say in their classroom, well aware of what they were saying.

Always making for a memorable story.

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