Morbid People Explain What They Want To Happen To Their Bodies When They Die

Morbid People Explain What They Want To Happen To Their Bodies When They Die

You get an organ and YOU get an organ!!

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I don't really care, but I'd prefer that my organs are taken and donated.

Save the trees.

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Obviously once I'm dead it won't matter, but I'd prefer a green burial. Don't buy a fancy coffin, don't embalm, and certainly don't waste resources with putting me in a concrete vault. I don't see the point in going to the trouble of letting my corpse take up all that space when there are people and animals alive that need space to live in. And embalming chemicals are harmful. So either green burial or tree pod burial so the earth can have me back.

Doctor, doctor take me!

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I definitely care. I would be absolutely pissed to find out that lots of money was spent on an expensive burial. Make me useful and burn what's left. As a second option, donate me to science.

Fire Up the BBQ!

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Take what's good then burn the rest, bury it, feed it to the pigs BrickTop style, I won't be aware of it anyway!

Up! Up and Away!

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Not that i could particularly care but what i would really like is:

To be shot into deep space in the hopes of crash landing on some distant planet and becoming the precursor for life on that planet.

Into the wind...

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I want to be cremated and set free into the wind somewhere nice in nature. The idea of being buried has always freaked me out. I don't really care if I have a plaque or something somewhere.

Walking Dead style!

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Bang me, eat me, I don't care, you're dead you're dead.

A hole is a hole.

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Just dump me face down in the closest ditch.


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I've had this planned out for years. I want to be buried in a spring-loaded casket and posed like I'm waving. Why? Because I want to scare the hell out of future archaeologists. I know I'd appreciate a find like that.

Lemme just settle in for a long winter's nap.

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Buried. I have had recurring nightmares where I die and am somehow still able to see and feel after death despite being unable to move or speak, and thus feel every second of cremation until my eyes are destroyed. Needless to say, watching videos on the cremation process didn't really help either. I just want to skip embalming, get thrown in a comfy box, and buried.

Y'all come and get it!

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Not at all. Dump my dead body in the woods so my body can feed the plants, insects and animals just as I fed off them when I was alive.

Just between us...

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I won't be conscious. My body could be defiled, desecrated, or dumped and I still wouldn't say a word.

How Terminator!

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I'm probably going to die alone and then my cat will eat me, so no.

Take pieces of me everywhere.

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I would rather not die in one piece. Preferably squished by a boulder or blown to bits in an explosion. As a ghost, I would be really sad if I saw my body intact, but I couldn't get back in there. Like if I had drowned or died with a small bullet wound.

Follow the man who follows the Cosmos!

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I follow the philosophy of Neil DeGrasse Tyson on this one:

'I want to be buried, so flora and fauna may dine on me, the way I have dined on flora and fauna my entire life'

Being cremated would be the worst, what a waste of energy

Do it all!

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If I could have my way I'd have my ashes infused into a tombstone and dropped into the Mariana Trench.

Now who gets to sign for that?!

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I want my skeleton cleaned and donated to my high school, just because I want to know what would happen if they received a shipment of human remains.

Would they try to send it back? Or would that be too disrespectful? Would some science teacher volunteer to have an actual human skeleton in their classroom? The possibilities are endless!

If it works for Harrison it works me us!

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I want to be encased in carbonite like Han Solo. Hang me on the wall for eternity.

Keep the laughs coming!

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I want to be stuffed a la Jeremy Bentham. Just stick me in a weird place that people walk by every day and don't make it obvious that it's an actual human. Donate all my useful bits cause I essentially just want to be a prop. Maybe a theater company could use me. Reason? Just for laughs!

From birthday suit to burial suit, same thing.

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I want to be buried naked, no embalming, no coffin, just a bio degradable shroud and to be buried with lots of flowers, seeds, earthworms maybe even a tree planted on the burial site. Just a nice natural transition from this physical form into the world around me.


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H/T : Reddit

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