People Reveal What They Have In Their Home But No One Uses

People Reveal What They Have In Their Home But No One Uses

Petri Oeschger / Getty Images

You know exactly where it is.

Even now, your mind races to your hall closet, digs underneath a stack of coats, and uncovers a box. Inside that box is a "doodad," a "thing-a-majig," a "kitchen essential" you saw in the store you just had to have....And you've never used it. Not once. It's okay!

We all do.

Reddit user, u/Xenothorns, wanted to know:

What's something in your house that no one uses, but is just there?

Always Good For A Party?

I have a 6-person hot tub on my back patio. I had always wanted one, and when we built out the patio, I made sure I set aside the money for it. It literally gets used twice per year, it's an absolute hog on electricity costs, and the constant maintenance of it is a complete pain. Worst thing I ever bought.


*raises guilty hand


Calendar on the wall. Every couple months it's, "Oh, we need to change the calendar hahaha."

forgets for a couple more months


Who Has Time For Muffins?

I have a kitchen drawer full of stuff I've never touched. Melon baller? Pie crust crimper? Muffin pans? It's like you buy your first home and people think you've transformed into Martha Stewart.


We Don't Eat In The Dining Room! We Eat In The Kitchen!

A whole extra dining room table and chairs- my mom has one in the dining area and one in the kitchen.

she said the one in the dining room is for aesthetic purposes only


Shes from the old school: "It's for company to use, not the family."


Fresh Baked Bread Twice A Year

The bread maker. It seemed like a good idea at the time.

Zero loaves of bread baked in the past three years. Still on the counter.


...I Got Nothing.

My parents have a giant wooden giraffe in the corner of their dining room. I have no idea why.


If anyone asks just tell them "We don't talk about it."


We Got It In. There Has To Be A Way Out.

One of those giant big screen tvs from like 20 years ago that take up an entire wall because noone in my family wants to bother with figuring out how to get it out of the house because it is massive, and on the 2nd floor and we dont even have a car big enough to take it to the disposal center.

Now that I think about it, I don't even know how it got upstairs in the first place.


Ugh. Cat.

My cat.

Shes so useless. Doesnt pay her share of the rent, and never brings home chicken wings.

No one has any use for her, yet there she is, sh-tting in a box in the closet.


Does she at least eat bugs?


Not even that.


When You Have No One To Play Against...


I have a nice stone chess set that doesn't get used because I live alone.


Play against yourself. Make a move when you leave in the morning for white and one for black when you get back.


Wait, Why Are The Cords Red, Yellow, And White?

Box of cables you just KNOW you will need someday, but by the time you need them you forget you have them.


Every time I say screw it and throw a cable away I need it the next day


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