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People Explain Why They Had To Ghost Their Best Friend

People Explain Why They Had To Ghost Their Best Friend

Sometimes, your best friend can accidentally become a toxic relationship.

That toxicity can take many forms. Co-dependency, emotional manipulation, cheating, backstabbing--unfortunately sometimes, it just happens.

u/Lo-Fi_Kuzco asked:

[SERIOUS] People who ghosted their best friend, why?

Here were some of those answers.

Alcoholism Is Real

He spiraled out of control with alcohol for a while and he's an angry drunk so I blocked him for a month. He was a jerk to everyone during that time, so it became apparent to him that he can't get drunk anymore. Now everything's better.


When People Show You Who They Are, Believe Them

Her boyfriend started spreading rumours that I slept with him after I turned him down over snapchat (messages deleted though so no proof.) apparently he told the whole school and she confronted me after a week.

I told her that if she believed her boyfriend of 9 days over her friend of 7 years, that I don't want to be around her.

She texted me last year, told me he admitted everything to her when they broke up (3 months after the rumour). I never responded.


Don't Knock My Life Bro

I visited said friend and his wife for his 30th. The entire time I was there all they talked about was how long it had been since I last visited and not in a fun and happy way.

This was also the trip where they got to meet my wife. But still, all they talked about was how long it had been and that I was a quitter for deciding to in a different direction with my life. I worked completely different hours from him and at the time had very little time-off I could take to visit.

After that trip, I was done.


Selfishness All The Way

Unhealthy relationship, we would always do what she wanted and whatever I wanted was put on the back burner. Started from primary school and ended slightly after high school where I realized that I was worth more.

She never cared about me, or my feelings. I literally just walked away from her after she once again changed my plans to suit her and never spoke to her again.

She never even tried to find out what was wrong... some friend!


I Was A Teenage Toxic

I don't know. In some cases I've been ghosted. Maybe I ghosted a few people. It seems like it is just something that happens as you grow older, get married, have kids, stress about work, stress about bills, blah, blah, blah. I'll admit that having little interaction with people makes life a bit easier for me.

I will also admit in one case that I had a terrible crush on my friend and my attachment was inappropriate and unhealthy. She ended up getting married and I did not attend the festivities; that ended it.


No Excuse For Destruction Of Property

My best friend of twelve years destroyed my computer because he found out on facebook that his girlfriend was cheating on him while he was using it.

I kicked him out of my house and told him he was only welcome back if he paid me for the damage he caused. It's been over a decade and he still hasn't paid. As a result I haven't talked to him since.


Exit SR

I used to be best friends with this girl who used to lie a lot. She would lie about innocuous things like how much money she made etc. It was obvious that she was lying but I went along with it because I figured that she was insecure and that it made her feel better I guess...?

Eventually, it got to a point where she started lying about things in order to make me feel bad. For example:

I am registered with accessibility services at school for my mental health issues. I was granted extra time on tests etc.

She told me that the fact I am registered with accessibility services would appear on my transcript and that I wouldn't get a job. That is 100% a lie. That is not true at all.

At first, I didn't understand why she would lie about stuff like that. Then it dawned on me that she was trying to sabotage my self-esteem so that she would be more successful than me.

I have a mental illness. It's not a joke, it's not funny. It's a severely debilitating thing to live with. I ghosted her after that. Sometimes I feel badly about it but I got a real bad feeling about her.


Anybody Who Is Mean To A Puppy Deserves Nothing

He had a dog for about 2-3 years and wanted to get rid of it because it peed on his leather couch and was okay with just taking it to the pound where it could have been euthanized. He also made it seen like it was my problem if I didn't help him re-home it. I felt it was a completely heartless thing to do since it was a minor training issue and even though my friend was a d!ck, that dog loved him and was his whole world. I stopped talking to him completely and handed him his spare key I had to help with said dog, apparently it took me doing all that for him to realize what a jerk he was and decided to keep the dog. He still has him to this day, I helped with training the dog, but haven't had much contact with the friend since.


Important To Detox

Because everyone and everything around her was toxic according to her. I couldn't say anything positive about almost anything or anyone without her getting defensive and telling me how toxic they were. Myself and another mutual friend slowly realized that she took anyone not agreeing with her or wanting to be her best friend as them hating her and it just got to the point where hanging out with her left us on the defensive the entire time.

We both slowly ghosted because we are all in the same grad program and social group and knew if we actually said anything to her she's make it into a huge drama and possibly affect our other friendships. Slowly ghosting over time made it seem like we were naturally just fading away and has made the end of our friendship a lot less drama-filled.


When You're Tired--It's Time

I couldn't handle it anymore. I realized he was using me to feel better about himself and to pass some time and as support for exams. But if I needed help or support he wasn't there, he didn't care, he was really selfish. He was throwing a party and I called to tell him that I can't come because my mom fell and ended up at the emergency room, and he knew that she is sick, and he just answered- okay, I don't really care I gotta go bye. That's the moment I realized he is not my friend. Telling him something just goes in one ear and out the other. It was exhausting being his friend. If I see him, I'll say hi and chat for a bit but I don't answer calls anymore and don't hang out with him.


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