People Explain Which Hill They're Absolutely Willing To Die On

People Explain Which Hill They're Absolutely Willing To Die On
Image by Robin Higgins from Pixabay

Sometimes I wonder if I'd win a political campaign by arguing in favor of a law that ensures the structural integrity of sandwiches. Sandwiches should have structural integrity! That's something we can all agree on, right? Right? It's not a sandwich if it's overflowing with ingredients and falling apart in my hands! Ingredients need to be in proportion! (Not that this has destroyed my sandwich-eating experiences, but when a sandwich falls apart before you can even take a bite out of it, it really makes you question things.)

After Redditor ArtichokeFar6601 asked the online community, "What is a hill you are willing to die on?" people told us all about the things that are grinding their gears lately.

"Sleep is one..."

Sleep is one of the most important things anyone can do for their body. It regulates hormone production, hunger, and emotions. You have enough energy to take care of your other needs if you get enough sleep. You are better able to fight off illness and will be healthier and happier. This applies to adults and children.

It sounds so basic and yet so many people are chronically sleep deprived and claiming they need like 2.36 hours a night for optimal health.


This is true and it's not okay.

It's even worse when you're expected to work nonstop––with little to show for it. Oh, and while I'm at it: It is not okay to put college students in positions where they have to gamble between sleep and finishing their schoolwork, especially when they have to balance jobs and having some kind of a social life.

"Fandom is by far..."

You should never be a fan of any politician. Fandom is by far the worst killer of political progress.


Partisanship is real.

And it can be costly.

Did you know that partisanship regarding politicians––and within the United States Congress has only increased since the 1970s? Now you do.

"I've said it before..."

I've said it before and I'll say it again: we need better standardization of canned food can sizes. Also, the cans should all nest when stacked.


"I see people sending emails..."

I see people sending emails, memos, documents, etc. every single day with other people's names spelled incorrectly. Calling "Susie" "Sussie" and things like that.

Spelling a person's name correctly is important. One of my first lessons in business was me writing a memo, CC-ing my boss on it and sending it out only to have her call me and say "by the way, there are 2 'n' in my last name."

And there was the time I got an "Employee of the Year" award and they misspelled my last name on it.

If you send something out, print something off, have something engraved and don't spell the name right, you are telling that person "You aren't worth the time it takes for me to look up your name."



I'm Alan. Not "Allen" or "Allan" or "Alen." (I still don't understand that last one.)

"Classic Rock..."

Classic Rock is a sub-genre of rock created between the mid-1960s through the early-to-mid-1980s; it is not a radio format for aging rock songs.


"If you are on any walkway..."

If you are on any walkway, and someone is coming straight at you, you move to the right, or give them space to their right (in the US, maybe reversed in left hand drive countries). If you are walking towards me and try to outflank me to my right, I will walk into you.


"I arranged all the letters..."


Once when I was little, somewhere around third grade, there was a game we played in gym called "letters." I don't remember the rules exactly, but it was a type of scrabble thing where the gym was split into two quadrants, one for each team. Letters were scattered around the gym and the goal was to retrieve words from the enemy side and use them to spell out words.

Anyway, everything was going fine. We had a really random assortment of letters until I looked at all of them and realized I could spell out the word Xylophone, cool!

I arranged all the letters into place when suddenly it felt like 30 children were attacking me with shouts about how I spelled it wrong.

"It's Xylofone!!" they shouted, their cries falling on deaf ears as I determinedly pushed back much bigger kids than me in an attempt to keep my spelling pristine. It was a battle. It was a war. It was a trip to the principal's office when I kicked a guy in the shins who called me an idiot.

I have no idea what was running through my little third grade brain, but I guess for some reason I decided to be stubborn enough to hold my ground.

My last memory of this event is me a walking out of the principal's office and talking to my friend. I was telling him about the event and dramatically describing how I had definitely 100% totally absolutely demolished a group of 9 year olds in combat. He nodded, impressed, and then proceeded to say, "Man, that's crazy! Everyone knows Xylophone is spelled with a Z!!!"


I was really enjoying this story...

...and then that last bit destroyed my faith in humanity.

"My toxic family members..."

My toxic family members are not entitled to be included in my life.


"I'll respect you..."

You don't automatically deserve more respect because you are old. I'll respect you if you respect me.


Face it.

We all have that topic we have strong opinions on, and sometimes, other people's disregard can drive us crazy. It turns out that that topic can be rather innocuous, relatively speaking.

What's that one topic for you? Feel free to tell us all about it in the comments section below!

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