People Explain Which Fictional Characters They're Glad Don't Actually Exist

People Explain Which Fictional Characters They're Glad Don't Actually Exist

Sometimes we pine after fictional characters and wish that we could be friends-or more-with them, in real life. They have been constructed to connect to us, and they did their job.

And then there are the fictional characters that absolutely revolt us. We need to stay as far away from them in real life as possible.

And they both exist in equal amounts.

Redditor u/weeeeboi asked:

"What fictional character are you glad isn't real?"

Here were some of the answers.

All Of The Boys

"Homelander. This world is messed up enough already without a Superman-flavored Hitler going around."

"(Also don't need an Omni-Man or that BrightBurn kid either)"-SylancerPrime

Horror From The Mid Aughts

"Jigsaw. I don't wanna make some mistake in my life and get killed for it. Have you seen the petty sh*t people get abducted for in some of those movies?"-StellaDebra

"Literally killed a guy for being a smoker! I love the movies, but Jigsaw's moral code gets more and more inane as the films go on"-Snappleabble


"Timmy's Dad from Fairly OddParents, he's actually quite a horrible human being, especially to his neighbor Dinkleberg (He wanted to blow his house up with a bazooka in one episode.)"

"And another episode had him and Crocker conspire to literally f**king nuke Dinkleberg to death."-natemamate

We are glad these characters only exist in words.

The Lannister Scourge

"GoT provides a nice array of characters I'm glad do not exist. Joffrey definitely rounds out the top 5 though."-Cleopatra572

"Can we give credit where credit is due? What an amazing acting job by that kid!"

"Jack Gleason is humble and down to earth in interviews, so it really was his ability. I would love for him to be type cast as a villain, we need better villains."-flashingcurser

Supervillains Of The World

"Vilgax from Ben 10. The last thing the Earth wants is a giant cyborg octopus invading us."-BernardinaMatheson

"Alien X would be worse in existence, yes he helped recreate and saved the universe from a doomsday weapon, but imagine if he decided he had enough of all living beings and decided to destroy the universe in a thought, we definitely wouldn't be prepared for that."-Snoo79382

The Killing Joke

"Honestly Joker, I don't ever want to hear his laugh when I'm in public, a movie theater or even in my own home with a gun."-MaDroXBaNaNa

"No I mean, HOW DO THESE OTHER INMATES SURVIVE BEING AROUND HIM. Like 2 face is walking past joker in the hall and his shoe squeaks and suddenly he's getting stabbed up because the shoe squeak reminded joker of a bat."

"I couldn't do it at all."-onlyhav

A Life Of Rules

"Umbridge from Harry Potter. She was so hateable because she was real."

"I had two teachers who were extremely similar, who seemed to get off on punishment and making rules for you to break."-nomroMehTeoJ

But then, they might remind us of people we do actually know, which in this case, may actually be worse.

A Real Life Florida Man

"Trevor from GTA V. I really love that game and Trevor's character too, but that men is something else. Imagine in real life???"

"He could beat all the Florida mens' crimes in a record time. Give him 6 months and he'll take over the whole country with his drug farm."-TheNiceGuyOver

I Am The Senate

"Emperor Palpatine. I don't think anyone fully realizes just how terrifyingly charismatic and manipulative he really is. This is excluding his force powers."

"Imagine a man like him in today's political climate. If he were real he would have made today's political leaders look weak by comparison and could have manipulated, lied and cheated his way into a seat of power easily."-Selcouth2077

I've Got A Golden Ticket

"Grandpa Joe from Willy Wonka and the Chocolate Factory. "

"Time would fail me to tell all the reasons that he would have been the most despicable, evil, disgusting, diabolical human being to ever walk the earth, and how I thank the Good Lord that Grandpa Joe isn't real."-danram90

There you have it--the characters we have relegated solely to print and screen so that we should never have to deal with them darkening our doorsteps in real lives.

We have plenty to deal with already--why bring these jerks into the mix?

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