People Explain Which Villains They Actually Agree With

People Explain Which Villains They Actually Agree With
Image by ErikaWittlieb from Pixabay

The best-written characters are the ones with complex origins stemming from violent histories and broken families.

Villains are often misunderstood and eventually snap when they reach a breaking point after constant ridicule and mockery.

For them, the only way out of an unfortunate situation or deep despair is to take matters into their own hands – at all costs.

To have a nemesis who is just evil in nature and exists for the sake of providing conflict for the protagonist is just lazy writing.

But to have someone you can actually relate to and understand their motives – regardless of their violent methods – is more compelling to watch.

Curious to hear about the opinion of strangers, Redditor nico346i asked:

"What villain do you actually agree with/get?"

Comic book villains did not always start off with evil intentions.

That Mutant

"I don't agree with Magneto, but I understand why he would feel the way he does."


"I have the most sympathy for this villain."


A Flawed Perfectionist

"Dr. Doom. He saw all possible futures and the only one that didn't end in humankind dying out was him ruling the world iirc."


For Love

"Mr. Freeze, now that Batman: The Animated Series has given him a legitimate backstory. Look, if you're a scientist and your wife is suffering from a rare condition, but you know you can save her if you just have more time, doesn't it make sense to put the love of your life in suspended animation while you do everything imaginable to save her?"


Anyone is capable of giving in to the darkness, especially like these characters who were dealt with unfortunate circumstances.

Sucks Being Widowed

"Dracula in Castlevania. They killed his wife and he said they had a year to get out. It's on them for murder and not believing a murderous vampire."


Cursed Appearance

"Baby Doll from the animated Batman series."

"The way her entire life is ruined based solely on her physical appearance. Her career and relationship with Killer Croc in particular, but the way you can clearly see the mental effects of looking permanently like a child."


Kung-Fu Panda Antagonist

"Tai Lung"

"All he wanted was to impress his adopted father."

": You knew I was the Dragon Warrior! You always knew! But when Oogway said otherwise, what did you do? What did you do? NOTHING!"

"Shifu : You were not meant to be the Dragon Warrior! That was not my fault!"

"Tai Lung : Not your fault? Who filled my head with dreams? Who drove me to train until my bones cracked? Who denied me my destiny?"


The Shapeshifter

"Sandman in Spider-Man 3. There's little I wouldn't do for my kid."


These mean toons have a likeable quality in spite of their nefarious tendencies.

That "Phineas and Ferb" Scientiest

"Dr Doofenshmirtz - come on man, those inventions are awesome!"


"It's his parents who are the real villains."


The Powerpuff Girls' Tetartagonist

"Mojo jojo"

"My man was straight up abandoned"


"There's an episode where he actually wins and when he finally rules the world he... Archive the world peace, reverse the climate change, and things like that. So yeah, totally agree with Mojo."


Forte mojo GIF by Cartoon Network EMEAGiphy

The Mean One

"The Grinch; he just wanted his annoying neighbors to not play their loud holiday music at the crack of dawn."


"The Grinch didn't hate Christmas. He hated people. I think we can all get behind that."


Not So Despicable

"Gru from Despicable Me."

"I too, dream of stealing the moon."

"I might put it back, I might not. Haven't decided yet."


Redditors found a vast number of wicked characters who possess motives they agree with to excuse for their bad deeds.

We all have suffered challenges and obstacles – some we never overcome – but we don't necessarily go on a killing spree because of unresolved issues.

Maybe that's why some of these villains resonate with us on various levels.

Watching these misunderstood or wronged characters wreak havoc on society could be a manifestation of something hopefully most of us aren't inclined to do but feel a sense of satisfaction after watching destruction take place in worlds of fantasy.

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