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People Explain Which Seemingly Unhealthy Foods Are Actually Quite Good For You

People Explain Which Seemingly Unhealthy Foods Are Actually Quite Good For You
Image by stina_magnus from Pixabay

As with all health food advice, your mileage may vary.

Most of this advice can be boiled down to, "eat everything in moderation." Even the healthiest foods can have negative effects on your body if you eat too much of it. However, there's some food contents that can be beneficial for your overall well-being you might not have ever considered.

Reddit user, u/icetea_69, wanted to know what we should eat more of when they asked:

What "unhealthy" food is actually healthy? (serious)

Reddit Users Share Their Best 'It's A Small World After All' Experience

It's All In The Preparation

Sometimes the food itself isn't unhealthy, sometimes its all in how you prepare it. Turns out when you douse your food in a liter of butter and a barrels' worth of salt it'll lead to bloaty, dreary results.

They Can Be Fun...Or Healthy, I Guess

Tacos can be very healthy depending on what you put in them.


I came here to say tacos. Living in mexico, everyone always talks about tacos like junk food. Like i wanna loose weight, no more tacos orno more tortillas. But they can be part of a very balanced and healthy meal.


Keep It Above Butter Level

Popcorn is overall a pretty low calorie snack as long as you don't drown it in too much butter and salt


Lean Ground Beef And Fresh Ingredients, There's Nothing Better

A burger.

Not a fast food type but a good burger with fresh ingredients is a mighty fine and healthy meal. Protein, bread, lettuce, onion, tomato.


When People Don't Understand What's In The Food

We don't understand a lot of what's in our food. This comes from a constant stream of diet fads and online "health gurus" shouting at us for our attention. Do the research yourself, look at what's in it and what ti does, and make the choice for yourself.

Mmm, Crispy And Slow Roasted....​

I know most people already know this, but Pork belly is healthy. I'm no doctor, so I'm not going to attempt to explain why animal fat and cholesterol are actually healthy for you, but there is growing evidence that it's an essential part of the diet. I keep salted pork and non cured pork belly in the fridge at all times, not to mention lard. Instead of using vegetable/soy oil I use pork fat in my cooking.


Ghee Is Putting Olive Oil On Blast


I remember some millennials making faces and turning to subpar olive oil just to seem westernised. Ghee is healthy in small amounts, just like real olive oil. But way better than hydrogenated oils. It won't make yoj unhealthy if you have like 1-2 tbsps/ day.


Fats Are Energy

Well fat in general gets a bad rap... but it's pretty universally agreed upon these days that there are a lot of healthy fats that are important for brain function and do not "make you fat". Also, foods that have these fats may be seen as "unhealthy" to someone on a restrictive diet because they are high in calories, but in fact are super healthy! I.e. avacados, walnuts, flax seeds...


Eating fats alongside vitamin-rich foods (in particular fat-soluble vitamins A, D, E, K) can improve absorption of those vitamins. To get the most of your multivitamin supplements, they should be taken with a meal, and they will be most effective if that meal has sufficient oil in it to promote absorption of the fat-soluble vitamins. The water-soluble ones will be absorbed pretty easily since we're mostly water anyways.


Who Doesn't Love A Good Potato?

Potatoes get a bad rep because they're "full of carbs" and, of course, how most people tend to eat them. But they're actually a very good way of helping to lose weight, and have most of the nutrients you need.

Potatoes have an incredibly high "satiety index": that is, how full you feel after eating them.

If you plot the satiety index, you'll see a pretty straightforward linear relationship (those high in sugar tend to have a very low index, which is why you can scoff a tub of ice cream and still feel hungry afterwards). There's one massive outlier: the humble boiled potato:

Importantly, this is only true for boiled or baked potatoes. Chips score much lower on the satiety index (less than a ¼ of the boiled potato).

If you are trying to lose weight or maintain a healthy weight, replacing pasta or rice with a boiled or baked potato is a very good to go about doing it. Its much cheaper than all those diet drinks etc.


When The Best Stuff Is Also A Benefit

Isn't it a treat when the stuff you really want to chow down on all day turns out to not be as bad as you thought?

Well, still, eat an appropriate amount and you should be fine. No one's saying have 15 bananas a day.

It's Food On A Stick. You Can't Beat That.

Chicken doner kebab with herb dressing. It's just chicken meat grilled on vertical rotisserie, so all the fat just drips down and it's served as a tortilla wrap with a big pile of salad veggies and some yoghurt dressing.


"When I was a lad I ate 4 dozen eggs, every morning to help me get large."

food science has more or less squarely determined that eggs are amazing little nutrition bombs and that the idea that eating a serving of eggs is like pouring concrete into your veins was utter f-cking rubbish and kind of terrible science.

People still think they're horrible for you thanks to a decades-long history of them being demonized by fad diets.


Maybe Don't Add So Much Flavored Creamer Too, Huh?

Coffee. It often gets a bad rep ...but, along with increasing metabolism for weight control and can increase adrenaline for athletics and/or for clearer thinking...& much more...Did you know that many of the nutrients in coffee beans make their way into the finished brewed coffee. A single cup of coffee contains:

Riboflavin (vitamin B2): 11% of the Reference Daily Intake (RDI).

Pantothenic acid (vitamin B5): 6% of the RDI.

Manganese and potassium: 3% of the RDI.

Magnesium and niacin (vitamin B3): 2% of the RDI.

That doesn't sound like a big nutritional supplement, but...since most people drink several cups per day — these amounts quickly add up.


An Apple A Day And All That

Bananas. Sure it's 100+ calories, but the fiber helps with sugar release. Same with other sweet fruits. Saying the fruit as a whole is bad due to "sugar" makes the fallacy of saying all sugar is the same. It's not. The sugars in whole fruit get released slowly and steadily in the bloodstream than simple sugars, even though they are both sugars.


Dark Chocolate For Everyone!

Dark chocolate. The darker the healthier


Diabetic here. Sugar free chocolate is trash and literally has laxative in it--but 90+ dark chocolate works great for me. It's a pretty easy choice :)


In Moderation, People. Moderation.

Peanut butter! Criticized for being high in fat- but is also super high in protein and an important part in a lot of people's diets.


Peanut butter is healthy, but is super caloric. The serving size for peanut butter is deceptively small and that's where it can become unhealthy if you have too much


Remember: Everything in moderation. Nothing is truly "unhealthy" for you, so long as you keep in mind that overdoing it on anything can lead to weight gain. Be mindful of what you're eating and, above all, enjoy it.

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Things People Secretly Love But Would Never Admit To In Public

Reddit user sweet_chick283 asked: 'What do you secretly love that you would never admit to in public?;

Collection of VHS tapes
Bruno Guerrero/Unsplash

What makes us all unique is our passions and the things we love, whether it's singing in the shower, reading books, or listening to specific music artists.

Unfortunately, we live in a world where we are judged for our various tastes and interests thanks to social media, and it makes us consciously selective about sharing the things we love on the internet.

Curious to hear about people's personal desires under anonymity, Redditor sweet_chick283 asked:

"What do you secretly love that you would never admit to in public?"

These aren't really chores for the following Redditors.

Good Clean Fun

"Mopping, im a janitor and generally hate my work... but damn mopping is so good."

– MrDDog06

"When you have a great rhythm going it is something special. I get the same feeling while I vacuum, but won’t let my wife know I enjoy it."

– Bogus_34

Act Of Unwrinkling

"Ironing clothes. A dozen of them. Can’t explain how it relaxes me. I told one person and they looked at me like I’m crazy."

– eerie_white_glow

"My mum misses the days when dad would be out on a Friday night, my brother out with friends and me upstairs quietly playing PS1. She would pour herself a Bacardi & Coke and do the ironing while watching her TV shows."

"I'm sure she doesn't really miss it now that we've moved out and they've retired but it was her wind-down after a busy working week so I can see how people can find it relaxing."

– xdq

Our solo actions can spark joy.

Big Brother Is Watching

"pretending to be on the Truman show and whenever im in my house i act all inconspicuous so they dont know that i know that they’re watching me."

– Bec_121

"C’mon man, you’re not supposed to let him know. You signed a contract when signing up for live views. I’m reporting you."

– doeswaspsmakehoney

The Multi-Tasker

"Playing video games naked at home while eating cheese."

– thickening_agent

Releasing The Kraken

"I love the feeling when you've eaten good fibre and let out a solid long train log in the toilet. That feeling is heavenly."

– therapoootic

"Even better when it’s a clean wipe and not a poo crayon."

– TheWarmestHugz

Ultimate Comfort

"My (male 41) weekend routine is coming home from work, make hot chocolate, start a fire, dress in a ugly pink nightgown made for old ladies and watch forensic files."

– crazyloomis

Some people are obsessed with collecting things.

So Kawai

"Sanrio stationery stores. All those different multicolor pens, a thousand kinds of erasers, spiral bound notebooks galore... my kids sadly have absolutely no appreciation for this wonderland..."

– HavingNotAttained

It's A Staple

"Office supplies have a weird, special place in my heart ever since I was a kid. They don't even have to be 'cute' necessarily."

"Japan's legendary stationery stores is unironically a reason I want to go."

– _CozyLavender_

Not Caring Anymore

"The older I get the shorter that list gets. Not because I love less things, but because I don't care about hiding it."

– Bi-Beast

"YES!! I'm 53 now. I'm working my first job in public since 2006. Today is Halloween and we're allowed to dress up so I am sitting here waiting to go to work dressed as a VERY bad Wednesday Addams. My bf said I'd 'look stupid' because no one else will probably dress up and I'm like, 'WHO CARES!' My makeup looks horrible and not like I practiced, but I DO NOT CARE! I'm having fun with it anyhow and I don't care if my coworkers dress up or not. I'm bein' ME! :)"

– deanie1970

Honorable mentions start here.

The Savior

"Picking up worms from the street and sidewalks when it rains and moving them into the dirt so they don’t burn in the sun, every time it rains I do this."

– sky_kitten89

Hero Of The Moment

"Yoooo I scoot SO many snails and worms. I work as a tech/mechanic at an automotive shop, I had a peoject car towed to my house the other day and it was covered in snails. I saw them when the tow guy/coworker was unloading and I was like, 'oh! It comes with free snails!' and began moving them. He laughed then realized and said, '... Oh, you're serious. Uh... Okay.'"

"I don't care who knows it. These little things barely can look out for themselves, why shouldn't we if we can take a moment to help? I don't care what happens next, it probably doesn't matter overall but I can help this moment."

– chris14020

Why should some of the hidden desires mentioned above have to be secret?

Redditors opening up about some of these would make them a hit at parties–no shaming.

As a matter of fact, I'll totally be down for a Forensic Files viewing party where we all make hot chocolate, light the fireplace, and cozy up together in our respective pink ugly nightgowns for old ladies.

historical reenactors
Sigmund on Unsplash

We've probably all heard some variation of the saying "Truth is stranger than fiction."

Real life isn't just strange, it can also be downright ridiculous.

History is riddled with moments of absurdity.

So ridiculous that people have a hard time believing real life is, well, really real.

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