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People Share The Stupidest Thing They Ever Believed As A Kid

Kids not only SAY the darndest things, but they also BELIEVE the darndest things. Like seriously, did anyone EVER actually believe in the Easter Bunny? That one's definitely not real, unlike Santa. Santa is totally real and you can't change my mind.

u/Drakonish asked: What's the stupidest thing you believed as a child?

Story checks out.

That brown cows made chocolate milk and black cows produced coffee. The more white a brown/black patched cow was, the more milk in the chocolate milk/coffee.


I actually believed this one too. Glad I'm not the only one!


True facts.


Narwhals were a mythical creature like unicorns.

Upon further investigation at 11, they're real.


Am adult. Can confirm.

That adults know everything.


True, I clearly remember looking at family friends, teachers, etc thinking how serious and trustable they were. Analyzing now the behaviour of a good percentage of them is kind of sad. Especially regarding my parents.



That pepper made food hot and salt cooled it down.

No idea where I got this from but it did lead to me not wanting to eat a lot of diners cause I put to much salt on them.


Well, technically, you're not wrong...


I mean, you could, it would just cost a lot.


I thought that once we grew up, we could decide what we looked like. I wanted to look like Selena- man was I disappointed when I learned I would be stuck with my face my whole life.


Well if you bring 1000 gold to the Thieves' Guild...


So innocent, so stupid.

Kids are born just due to adults getting married.


My wife often tells a story about how she thought women got pregnant when they put a wedding ring on. She once told a lady it was impossible for her unmarried daughter to be pregnant without a wedding ring. She probably sounded so pretentious.


I STILL believe this.

I believed that inanimate objects had feelings for WAY longer than I should have. I didn't wanna be "mean" to them, lol


I used to make sure all my stuffed animals were tucked into bed with me because I didn't want to hurt anyone's feelings for having a favorite doll and bear. I did that until I was almost 12....


Wait....they don't????


Women give birth through their bellybutton.

Hey, it is a hole in the stomach. I knew it had something to do with babies. If you think this is crazy, my twin brother thought you gave birth through your mouth when at first.


It's amazing what CGI can do these days.

I believed that actors would dress up as cartoon characters to film cartoons


This is like, a universal belief of kids.

That it was illegal to turn on the interior lights of a car in the dark.

There was definitely some adult/parental influence to this notion.


Scams That Are All Too Easy To Fall For

Reddit user ChoiceLine2569 asked: 'What's a scam that's really easy to fall for?'

Suspicious person using computers in darkened room
Clint Patterson/Unsplash

Let's face it: Not even the wisest person is immune from being hoodwinked and swindled out of their hard-earned cash.

With every scheme that is exposed, another new tactic seems to quickly take its place.

The increase in deceptive emails and phone calls under the guise of unpaid fees or fines that don't exist is enough to make skeptics out of everyone–which can't be good for your social interactions with friends and colleagues since not everyone is out to get you.

But it's good to be familiar with the most common fraudulent acts in order to protect yourself.

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