People Explain Which Human Features Are Universally Sexy Regardless Of Gender

Humans are built to be attractive to one another.

And there are some qualities you can't help but find yourself overtly attracted to. No matter who is sitting right in front of you.

u/xxxabgdisasterxxx asked:

What is a feature that is inarguably hot, regardless of gender?

Here were some of those answers.

A Click In Place

Definitely humor. When you have the same sense of humor as someone else and you can just feel the click, that's an amazing feelings.



Context: I am a very lonely man and don't connect well with people on a deep level. But a girl sent me this message after an event and I will treasure it 'til the day I die.

Come get your hugs y'all.


Love In Your Heart

Passion. When someone speaks about something they're really passionate about I can sit down and talk with them for hours. Just to hear them speak about it.


Let Me Get Lost

Eyes. I was once working at a charity shop and a women came in, she was probably in her late 40s about 5 foot 2 when she approached the counter the first thing I saw were her eyes and they were gorgeous, they were just so mesmerising and beautiful. They were like a grey/blue with a hint of light purple all combined to make a pastel galaxy. After that I realised how amazing our eyes can actually look.


Name It, Let It Take Up Space

Emotional intelligence and communication skills. If you can tell me what you're feeling during a disagreement without being hurtful, and can also tell me what you're feeling and what feels good.........that's hot.


Carrying A Tune

A good singing voice. A lot of singers are okay but there are a few that certain parts of their songs will give me that same rush like someone kissing my neck.


Real Humans

Definitely authenticity. I don't want an Instagram clone! Tell me about your niche hobbies and interests! Be the weirdo you are on the inside!


This Is Me


Being sure of yourself goes a long way. It comes across in how someone walks, talks, wears clothes. Even someone who is not traditionally attractive can become so through confidence.


How Do You Treat Those Bound To Serve?

I pay attention to how people in particular, treat their service staff. Saying "please" and "thank you" to your waiter is definitely nice to see in a person.


It's Always Passion

Excitement over something. I don't care if it's the trip you took to wherever or if it's the most recent XMen comic book. If you're excited and telling me about it, it's super attractive to me.


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