People Explain Which Clichés They Find To Be Absolute BS

People Explain Which Clichés They Find To Be Absolute BS

Cliches are easy to rely on. They're the most simplified way to understand a type of culture or situation. While some can be flattering or partially-accurate, others can be hurtful or completely wrong.

Let's look at them!

Reddit user, u/abb2158, wanted to know what not to believe when they asked:

What cliche is absolute bullsh-t?

It Takes A Little More Than Moving Hands On A Clock

"Time heals all wounds'.

Not necessarily. I think people learn to live and work with traumatic experiences.


There's Always A New Horizon

"You are perfect just the way you are" is bullshit to everybody.


There's always room for improvement


I Just Need A Minute...

The hacker who presses a couple of buttons to obtain government files.


( click click clack clack )

Im in


Everyone Has Different Pain Thresholds

"What doesn't kill you makes you stronger"

No. Sorry. What hasn't killed me has made me a shell of the person I used to be and made me want to kill myself.


We've All Read THAT Book Before, In One Way Or Another

not sure if there's a name for this one but one that pisses me off is when there's a clearly predatory guy (especially just flat-out abusive) and then the female protag, usually a teenager, ends up ~falling in love with his harsh personality~ as if he's just some normal angsty guy. Really common in supernatural romances with an immortal love interest, makes me uncomfortable to no extent. YA authors are on some crack sh-t


Opposites Are Sometimes Just That. Opposites.

"Opposites Attract"

It's difficult to build a relationship with someone you don't share interests with. The more dissimilar you are, the greater challenge you encounter when trying to find activities that you both enjoy.


There's A Fine Line To Walk

"They're mean to you because they like you." No, that just sets someone up to suffer abuse in silence.


"Oh, sweetie he just pushed you down and ran away because he doesn't know how to say he likes you. Boys are just so silly!"

And then everyone gets made cause she's an adult and keeps hoping her husband will figure out how to tell her he loves her without shoving her into walls and slapping her.


No One Gets Anything They Deserve Unless They Want To

That people always get what they deserve.

So many believe this. And then they use this belief to feel better about not helping others who are suffering and innocent. No, they didn't deserve that. The world is just a cruel place, and you have to create the kindness if you want it to be there.


They're Minds Are Hardwired Differently, But Don't Ever Assume

The autistic character is a genius.

It sets unrealistic expectations.


As someone who works with kids on the spectrum... Yeah. Some are ridiculously smart, logical, and incredibly good with memorization, but they're not savants, that's not a symptom of autism. They're not all intelligent at something, some of em are normal people. They're wonderful kids and I love them with ever fiber of my being, every ounce of my brain, but some of them will never be 'normal' and it's so much better to accept them where they are and help them improve than to expect savantism from them when they struggle to achieve age appropriate tasks :(


Maybe With A Little Effort, But There'll Always Be Someone In Your Way

"You can be whatever you want to be"


The world is designed in a way that most people will never be what they want


There's Little To No Room Anywhere To Do Much Of Anything

Getting beat up in a Manhattan alley.

Manhattan has no alleys!

Part of the reason why there's so much trash on the curb. There's nowhere else to put dumpsters.


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