People Explain Which Things Make Absolutely No Sense To Them

I'll never understand any of this.

People Explain Which Things Make Absolutely No Sense To Them
Image by Steve Buissinne from Pixabay

There are a few questions in life where it seems an answer is impossible.... actually many questions. Life is full of mystery and no matter how hard we study and try to dissect every angle, sometimes we're just going to be left with more mystery. Then of course there are the questions that seem to have answers but those answers still don't always add up to digestible detail. Why is the sky blue? I've been told, but I just don't get it. More importantly... who really uses trigonometry in real life? Like for real.

A mystery Redditor wanted everyone to discuss the things in life that continue to confound many by asking.... What absolutely makes no sense?

In the Air....

partly cloudy hello GIFGiphy

Clouds. Literal tonnes of water just hanging there in the air.



That I needed work experience and references from previous employers and teachers (which I haven't talked to in 6 months) for a STOCKER position at Costco right after getting out OF HIGH SCHOOL.


The lack of work experience thing is kinda odd since they're hiring high school students and/or high school graduates.

It should be pretty straightforward to get references from teachers though. Just pick a teacher who had a good experience with you (i.e. you weren't disrupting class, you participated) or a teacher who's class you worked hard in or showed great work ethic in.


Teeth suck

You can shatter a bone and it will heal itself but if you get a tiny cavity you gotta get that filled.


Never thought about that.... kinda glad it's not the reverse of that situation. Happy we don't have to fill cavities in our ribs or whatever.


And Sideways...

Count Me In Lets Go GIFGiphy

Saying that you're up for something or down for something means the exact same thing.


"Where's the tunnel to California?"

How Hawaii has an interstate.


I made jokes about "where's the tunnel to California?" to my travel companions (who also agreed with me) but some time later a friend (from the USA) enlightened me as to why it's called an interstate, even though it doesn't actually go from Hawaii to another state.

Apparently there are other states that have an interstate that doesn't actually go between states. The name 'interstate' just denotes that the roads receive federal funding. It all started with roads that actually did go between states, and they just kept the term regardless of whether the road actually linked two states or not.


Customers are Loud....

Why customers continue to gripe at me, a lowly store employee who literally has NO part in what items the store stocks, about our store being out of stock of an item.


This isn't getting enough attention. Just general abuse to people whose job is trying to help you. It's not my fault you waited until the last second to order a product that is so popular that it's selling for 9 times its retail value online by scalpers. It's not my fault that you didn't know this burger had pickles on it.



Linking healthcare insurance to employment.


Yeah for real like what would even happen if, hypothetically speaking, there was some massive pandemic and people started simultaneously losing their jobs and therefore health insurance due to an unprecedented market downturn?

That would be the worst!


papering the town....

panicking leslie nielsen GIFGiphy

There are trash cans literally everywhere, and people still fill the need to just throw their crap on the ground. On top of that, now I'm seeing paper masks everywhere too. And as a Canadian, I legit expected more consideration.


dirty particles...

Dust. Something sits there and does nothing and it gets dirty.


I used to think it was skin cells (popular belief), but then I'm like, what about abandoned houses? Do homeless people break in, throw down layers of skin everywhere, and sneak out again every night? Where does it all come from?


Counting Coins....

winning video game GIF by Lil YachtyGiphy

The fact that the government knows exactly how much tax you owe but doesn't tell you unless you under-pay.


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silver sports coupe on asphalt road
Photo by Erik Mclean on Unsplash

As we get older, cars become less of something that gets us from point A to point B and more of a necessity.

Not only do we need to use cars to get from one place to another, but they also double as storage spaces, private places, and, in the worst of cases, shelter.

Because of their importance in our lives, it's good to have a few things tin your car to keep you prepared. When I got my first car, my mom stocked it with the usual supplies: jumper cables, ice scraper, spare tire, and a roll of quarters. She also added a blanket, a powerful flashlight, and a knife.

While I've never needed to the knife, I was glad to know it was there, and the other items have all come in handy.

I also like to put a change of clothes in my car. You never know when someone will cut you off in the road, making you spill coffee all over your white blouse.

Redditors know there are other important things to always keep in your car, and are ready to share.

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My co-worker, who had previously just listened to me and offered platitudes, gave me some real advice that morning. The advice had come straight from her therapist.

"Think about your worry and think about if there is evidence to support that worry. If not, you shouldn't worry."

It seems simple, but it really helped me. While many businesses didn't recover, the company I worked for had, meaning there was no reason to worry about my job -- unless, of course, I spent so much time fretting over getting fired that my output suffered.

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I believe good parents are miracle workers.

And I know for a FACT that it is not a job I am capable of doing.

But, based on simple moments I've witnessed, I do believe there are some people I can do better than... if I had to.

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Sometimes those chances pay off and other times... it's a travesty of life.

Yes, I'm dramatic, and so is movie-making!

The WTF aspect.

That is usually born out of big chances.

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It's always a gamble to create.

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