People Divulge The Types Of People That Annoy Them The Most
Photo by Michael Dziedzic on Unsplash

Inevitably, not everybody in the world is going to like each other. People are so specific and cut from such specific molds, that it's far too easy to run across someone who makes you absolutely crazy.

Traits grind on each other, get under each other's skin, and in general make life quite a bit more difficult than if everyone could just swallow their pride to get along. Sadly, that's not the case on planet Earth.

Redditor New-Good-3363 asked:

"What type of people annoy you?"

Here were some of those answers.

They Annoy Us All

"People who talk your ear off but won't let you get through one sentence without interrupting."- Yawnmon92

There Is A Way To Be Wrong!

"People who won't admit they're wrong even when they obviously are."- Dracodyck

We Live In A Society

"People who are inconsiderate, like littering or not picking up their dog’s poop."- Caseylightning

"There is absolutely zero excuse for littering. I hate seeing trash in my apartment parking lot. Not like there's a shortage of trash cans. So gross."- Totum_Dependeat

These are the kind of people that ruin your day before it even starts.

You've Been To The Moon, I've Been There Twice

"A colleague, when my father passed away suddenly and I was in worst emotional state and of my life, literally told me he buried 2 sets of parents because he was adopted."

"How is that gonna help me, Sir?"- Commercial_Quarter_6


"People who interrupt others while talking."

"I get that a conversation has give and take and that some interruption is normal, but people who cut you off at every opportunity are the worst."

"They also tend to be one-uppers..."- HRMqueenofeverything


"People who call you up and vent to you, want you to be there for them for whatever they need."

"But when the time comes for you to need a shoulder to cry on, for them to be there for you, they give you nothing of the sort."

"Can’t stand people like that. I stay as far away from people like that as I possibly can."- tspofcharity


"The ones that will just not f**k off."

"They have to be in everyone's business."

"They have try and find people doing something wrong."

"They have nag and whine."

"Just f**k off and mind your own business."

"I don't want your help, I don't want your attention."

"I want you to shut up and stay away from me."- 2Nafishsammich

And also, they seem to crop up everywhere, because nobody on earth can get away from these people.

Protagonist Syndrome

"People who think they’re the main characters of life."

"I was sat in a takeout waiting for my food and there was a guy with his feet up on the chairs talking loudly on the phone and swearing."

"And when he got his food he started eating it right then and there and was burping loudly and muttering to himself."

"I get embarrassed if I think other people can hear my headphones on the bus."- Thursday_the_20th

Phantom Helpers

"Those who proclaim to be the type that are ALWAYS willing to be there/help but then when the time comes are no where to be found and are blatantly ghosting you."

"Then after said task/event is complete, they decide to start chatting you up/pretending like they didn't do anything."

"I don't know if theres a specific word for that (maybe a 'flake') but it's that type of person I truly despise the most."- 3p1ctamp0n

"When I listen to someone talk for an extended amount of time, I finally get to tell my story, they immediately pick up their phone and stop listening -_-"

"Also, people who make loud noises all the time."

"Chewing, talking loud on the phone, using speaker phone for private conversations, etc etc..."- Small-Jellyfish-1776

Omg Soooooo Sorry

"I have a roommate that just doesn't give a sh*t but she is so apologetic."

"Sorry this sorry that it won't happen again I promise."

"It always does."

"She never cleaned any part of house since she moved in."

"She throws random parties without telling anyone beforehand."

"And me and other roommates often work early in the morning."

"We complained to landlord bunch of times."

"But landlord is too soft to throw her out so she will stay unfortunately."- Crazyshark22

Definitely NOT Cut From The Same Cloth

"As a black person, white people who interact with me as if they studied and trained themselves with flash cards containing black stereotypes."

"lmfao like come on bruh…"- TripleKookieKookie

Inability To Grow Up...

"People who still behave like middle school bullies, well into their 40s, 50s, or even 60s in age."- Lilith_28

But Enough About Me, What Do YOU Think Of Me...

"People who are always attempting to relate to your problem or attempt to divert it to another thing."

"For example whenever someone comments or responds 'BuT wHaT aBoUt StRaIgHt PrIdE!' On a post or convo about LGBTQ+ pride."

"It really pisses me off."

"Dude it’s about someone else so stop trying to make it about you."- Revolutionary_Pop_55

Take It Down A Notch Or Two...

"People who are very over the top and bubbly."

"I’m a chill person so if you have a very loud personality it automatically annoys me."- Yes_Imthatbitch973


"People who act ghetto to fit in."

"It’s not a good look in itself."- Wooden_Albatross8005


"People who are narcissistic and are purposefully rude to other people because of it."

"It's always annoyed me when people label themselves as 'confident' when in reality they are just self-centered."

"I also really don't like when someone doesn't own up to doing something wrong and blames it on someone else."- retrotaco111

There's A Time And A Place

"The people who bring politics into everything."

"'Excuse me Minecraft YouTuber what do you think about the election?'"- IfailedartschooI

Well You Didn't Know Either!!!

"The type of people that ask you a question that you don’t know the answer to and then get annoyed because you didn’t know the answer."- Lostqueen6

Some People Are Allergic...

"The idiots who bring dogs to the working place."

"Leave the dog at home or let it find a good home."- DisastrousAR

These types of people ruin the day to day pleasures of life for everybody else. Nobody wants to be that person.

And if you do know these people, maybe it's time to run away as fast as you can.