People Divulge Their Biggest Irrational Fear

People Divulge Their Biggest Irrational Fear
Image by Capri23auto from Pixabay

Even the strongest of personalities have that one paralyzing fear or phobia that cannot be understood by others.

Many phobias – like the fear of clowns – can be considered irrational.

Although, clowns should be universally feared after "Pennywise" – the Dancing Clown from Stephen King's It became a part of pop culture.

"Down here, we all float." Not with you. Bye-bye.

Let's hear from others.

Redditor puns-sometimes asked:

"What's your irrational fear?"

Slicing Fingers

"That when i fall while ice skating, someone wont see me on the ground and theyll skate over my fingers slicing them like carrots. luckily i dont ice skate much and if i do i hold the wall."

"edit: so ive been getting comments on how this isn't irrational (because it really isnt) and how this has happened to people and im letting you know that the last time i remember skating is when i was 7, and i havent been on the ice since. since i havent skated in almost a decade, why does my brain worry about getting my fingers cut off???"


It's A Snap

"Breaking my neck or spine. Not too realistic but working as a lifeguard one summer I was always on super mega alert while watching the diving well. I can't imagine living the rest of my life being paralyzed."


Upon Reflection

"I hate looking in mirrors for a prolonged amount of time due to the fear of my reflection not matching. Also, mirrors at night are just freaky."


Bye Shins

"Tripping over while walking up granite stairs with sharp edges and end up breaking my shins into multiple segments."


Sharing The Road

"When I drive buy a cyclist I'm always afraid they're gonna fall off right as I'm next to them and roll under my tires."


The Depths

"Being in a swimming pool alone for fear of sharks/fish. IRRATIONAL"


"Omg I had this fear as a kid too!

"We had a pool which would get partial shade over it during the day, idk why but I'd sometimes freak myself out that a shark was going to suddenly appear in the shaded parts of the pool so I wouldn't swim in it or avoid those parts (even tho they'd move throughout the day) and I'd be happily swimming in the sunny bits."

"I dont feel this way now about swimming in pools but I'm glad I'm not the only one who had/has this irrational fear :)"


They Didn't Do It

"Being accused of some horrible crime and having my whole life destroyed because of it."


Crashing At Your Place

"Every time I hear a plane fly over my house my heart starts pounding because I think it's going to come crashing down."



"I f'kn hate spiderwebs, and spiders too."

"I squeal like a little bitch if I feel a web on me... Ugh."

"Yesterday, was vacuuming and stuck my hand in the gap behind the fridge and hit web, pulled hand out, spider attached... #Screamfest 2020"


Wrong Place And Time

"I'm gonna cross the street and get stuck in a time glitch and when time corrects itself a car will suddenly be right next to me and run me over."


Point That Somewhere Else

"Needles, hypodermic ones specifically."


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