People Describe The Weirdest Laws From Where They Live
Image by Sang Hyun Cho from Pixabay

It's amazing what the legalities are from place to place. I live in New England, and in Connecticut, passengers are allowed to drink alcohol in the car, as long as they aren't driving. Weed isn't legal there, but open containers in the car? Totally fine. At least we have something to look forward to as we cross the border.

There are some truly strange laws depending on where you go. Here is a list of the weirdest ones.

U/Bone_Donor asked: What is the stupidest law where you live?

Did you know that murder is allowed in certain instances, depending on where you go? Talk about scary.

​I’m sure no one will test these laws.

Not sure how much of it is true. But apparently if the Swedes cross the border by walking over the ice given its frozen over, (which it hasn't in like more than 100 years) we are allowed to kill them.


There's an old law in York in the UK that says if a Scotsman is within the city walls after sundown you can kill them with a longbow. I assume no one has tested the law for a while.

The exact gates they have to be within are defined but I don't remember what they are.


​Dying is illegal in France.

Kate Mckinnon Snl GIF by Saturday Night LiveGiphy

Oh boy. France has some history and a love of regulation. Perfect mix for absurd laws. Quick examples:

It's still technically mandatory to have hay at home in case the king's horse is nearby and needs some... Horses have been a pretty rare sight, let alone kings.

A mayor made it illegal to die in his town. The initial problem was an overcrowded cemetery, but he kinda reached the wrong solution.


This probably isn’t enforced anymore.

There is a medieval law here that has never been repealed: all males over the age of 14 are required by law to practice longbow for at least two hours per week.


​Some of these laws are so silly, they make you wonder what event happened that put them in place.

I think everyone has done this.​

"Forbidden to pee in the ocean". I live in Portugal.


'Like a piss in the ocean' is literally a euphemism for something not mattering. What's the problem?


Tigers are fine, though.

film history GIF by DiggGiphy

It's illegal to bring a lion to the movies.


Somebody better have a conversation with MGM.


Define “suspiciously”.

You can't carry a salmon suspiciously.


"Sir, what were carrying this salmon close to your body? Were you going to use it as a weapon?"

"No officer, I was going to eat it later"

"Seems suspicious you were carrying it around in public. I'm gonna have to take you in for questioning."



​What is the backstory here?

It's illegal to sleep on top of a refrigerator outdoors here.


I know this is Pennsylvania, but I forget the exact reasoning, but I think it has something to do with homeless people.


​These next few laws will definitely make you question these towns’ legitimacy when it comes to lawmaking.

Poor raccoons.

raccoon stealing GIFGiphy

In Virginia, it's illegal to "hunt or kill any wild bird or wild animal, including any nuisance species" on Sundays. However, it is permissible to kill raccoons.


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How the heck is this enforced?

I don't know if this is still a thing anymore, but in Texas it used to be illegal to own more than six dildos.


It's illegal to own any at all in Alabama unless the owner has a letter from a doctor claiming a legitimate medical need.


Granted, most of these laws were written a very long time ago. But it makes you wonder, what the heck were these original lawmakers doing? And what event happened that needed these laws to be enforced at all?

If some of these laws don't make you want to be a criminal, then I don't know what will