People Describe The Most Beautiful Spot They've Ever Visited

People Describe The Most Beautiful Spot They've Ever Visited
Image by Pexels from Pixabay

I loved working on cruise ships because it allowed me to travel extensively to locations I would never get to if it weren't for the job.

If I had to choose my favorite destination, I would go with Santorini. The rugged topography shaped by a major volcanic eruption during the 16th century BC lends itself to an otherworldly sight.

I remember riding a mule to the top of the underwater caldera and taking in the majestic view of the Aegean Sea and rendering me speechless.

When Redditor throwawaycrossstitch asked, "Hands down, what's the most beautiful place on Earth that you've ever been to? What made it so?", Redditors responded with some of their favorite locales that will make you want to pack your bags.

Ready for a virtual trip? Let's go!

The Hike

"I have never been outside of Europe, I'm Danish and grew up in the middle class so we only ever went on small European travels for a week or so every 2-3 years."

"A few years ago my father, stepmom, my two sisters and I were in Crete and my father decided to rent a car and go through a valley up a mountain to this small village that was surrounded by nothing but high hills and mountainsides. The village itself was beautiful in its culture and atmosphere of hospitality, even though there were a few gift shops, which kind of brought a touristy feel to an otherwise peaceful and 'out of reach' place."

"The real beauty was on the way back, when we stopped to take a hike down through a forest. It was the most beautiful walk I have ever been on, we walked on small stone paths laid by mountainside civilization more than 200 years prior, ate figs off a naturally growing fig tree and saw an old abandoned stone house. It was beautiful, and I took some nice pictures of my family to preserve the memories."

"The only other place I can think of that comes close is probably the old war tracks outside of Rome we walked by, back when I was on my high school study trip. The cobblestones laid on the road by ancient romans leading to small towns with wine cellars and a whole lot of culture."



"We have stayed on Big Island twice. In February, around my birthday, we flew over to Kauai for a day. It's exactly what I have always pictured when I hear "Hawaii". When we go back, we are staying there. Napali coast is on the list!"


Bench-side Hospitality

"Innsbruck Austria. You see that bench over there? I passed out on the son of a b*tch after a night of partying in germany at a concert. Someone woke me up with breakfast, an espresso and this drink thats like gatorade. Spent that day recovering in Venice."


Eighth Wonder Of The World

"Milford Sound in the south island of New Zealand."

"Writer Rudyard Kipling once described it as, 'the eighth Wonder of the World'; and, after visiting it this year, I am in full agreement."


Vast Beauty

"For me it would be the Namib Desert."

"Maybe for most people it would seem a strange choice, but there is this haunting beauty of endless acres of shifting sands and emptiness contrasted against the wide sky. You feel like you are the only person on earth. And then you begin to notice that it isn't empty. There are signs of life here and there. Hardy and resilient. Traces of animals and insects passing by. Relics of humanity in ruins, abandoned buildings, vehicles, and ones far older, in carvings and designs on the rocks themselves. And then you get to the coast, and this mass of rock and sand crashes against the Atlantic, empty, as far as the eye can see."

"Its an experience and feeling that is hard to describe in words, but will stick with you always."

"A close second would be the Mountains ranges of the Himalayas, Hindu-Kush, Karakoram."


Otherworldly Views

"Iceland, without a doubt. The waterfalls are stunning, the people are friendly, and the views, oh the views are from different world."


Norway Is Unreal

"I was backpacking in Norway once and made it up to the Lofoten Islands. It's far enough north that you can experience the northern lights or the midnight sun - I got the latter bc I was there in May. Think light turquoise waters, cotton candy-colored skies, and incredible views anywhere you went. I hiked to the overlook of Reinebringen (look it up, seriously) at 3 am and watched a storm roll in."

"Idk man, the whole place looked unreal. The colors, the gnarly, massive, terrifying fjords. Go to Norway y'all."


Goosebumps From The Alps

"Swiss alps and specifically the Jungfrau region. I've been there multiple times now and it still gives me goosebumps."


Starry Skies

"The Grand Canyon, at night, looking up at the stars. It appears infinite, and is incredibly humbling. Hands down is the most beautiful thing I've ever seen."


When In Montana

"Glacier National Park, Montana, US. You drive up into the mountains and then no matter which direction you hike you are surrounded by stunning, snow-capped mountains (even in August), crystal-clear lakes, tiny waterfalls coming down the mountains, and wide fields of wildflowers."


A Gem In Japan

"When I visited Kyoto a few years back, my friend and I visited the Okochi Sanso Gardens. At a certain point, you can see these lush mountains, my friend and I stood in silence for a few minutes. The view and sounds of nature really made me so emotional."


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Photo by Taylor Flowe on Unsplash

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With this in mind, particularly in this age of viral videos and social media, teachers have to be very careful of what they say during class hours.

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Always making for a memorable story.

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