People Confess Their Absolute Requirements For Dating Someone

People Confess Their Absolute Requirements For Dating Someone
Image by Free-Photos from Pixabay

Dating is tough enough on its own but it becomes more complicated when you reach that breaking point. When you finally decide enough is enough: It's time to hold potential romantic partners to a self-created set of standards.

This can feel awkward, since you're turning away people who haven't yet done anything to you, but what they haven't done. It's important to have standards, to have expectations possible partners need to hit because if they don't, you'll spend the rest of your dating life settling. And who wants that?

Reddit user, u/Zoni6, wanted to hear what you have in mind for a potential partner when they asked:

What is an absolute requirement for you to date someone?

Talk To Me

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When I met my current bf we had both just gotten out of horrible relationships and we both agreed that communication was key because our past partners kept secrets and lied to us. We both wanted to make sure that we could be open and honest with each other at all times and that we would tell each other if something was wrong.

It's worked well so far. 11 years and counting. Still high level of communication and still very very happy with each other.



I just want to be with someone who I can truly be myself around. I believe I have a lot to offer to a relationship but for me opening up and being completely myself is the hard part. So if I had to pick a requirement I would probably want her to have supportive qualities.


They're Comfy And Easy To Wear!

They're gonna have to learn to appreciate (or at least tolerate) my hardcore dedication to wearing shorts as often as is reasonably possible.

"Reasonable" being "So long as it doesn't pose a safety risk, like say when welding or handling radioactive materials"


Interesting Take On Ex's

Just that they are funny, interesting, and that they don't say all of their ex's are crazy. Like they have to be the problem if they aren't on decent terms with one or two of them. I'm a girl if that's relevant.


Finding That Perfect Balance

I require them to not constantly shove their political or religious beliefs in my face. If they do they're not for me.


For me it is important that someone has more or less the same values, and part of this is communicated trough political opinions. If someone doesn't like politics and doesn't want to talk about it all the time I completely get it, but I would be curious to know where they stand.


Understand Their Feelings

Don't be misogynistic.

Treat women like people with feelings and not just little pretty things to make love with


Love 'Em Or Leave Me

Like animals.


For me, they have to like cats in particular. I'm not getting rid of mine when we move in together.


Can We Talk For Longer Than 2 Minutes?

Being able to hold an intelligent conversation is a must for me.


Not. The. Same.

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I lose all interest in someone as soon as they try to tell me that astrology is just as legitimate and real as science


Oh Yeah. Dedication.

Show interest, show love and support, and MOST IMPORTANTLY - don't cheat.

My ex cheated on me, and it still mentally f-cks me up a bit.


Think It Through

She has to be able to both think and act independently and logically.

I can say living with siblings who cannot do either of those has caused far too many avoidable problems.


Two Words: Shared Interest

They must enjoy flying. I have my pilot's license and I love taking people up in small airplanes and just sharing the experience of flight. So it's very important to me that anyone I date would be fine with me just saying "hey let's go flying today." and actually enjoy coming along.


Don't Make Me Play Games

Be open about their feelings, sry but I'm ain't gonna guess everything, your mood, where you want to go to eat, or what I did wrong


We Don't Always Have To Be Doing Something

The constant need to be out doing something is what drove me further and further away from my ex. They ALWAYS had to be doing something with friends. There was no such thing as a night in watching a movie. It got old real fast. While that life works for some people, I really appreciate quiet nights in.


It Seems Obvious, But Some People Won't Accept This For Themselves


If they're not interested, then I'm out.


it sounds obvious but too many women just look at their phone all night expecting me to buy them a meal


Time Is Important

Be on time.

Date was 90 minutes late for a first date. There was no 2nd date


90 minutes?! Holy sh!t man I'm surprised you didn't go home, or started eating alone.. depending. The situation that'd be a bigass no for me lol, I'd just blow off the first date.


We were meeting at one of those town fair things, so at least I was able to walk around and stuff. After an hour of waiting for her, she said she was still 30 minutes out. Thats when I left and said forget it haha


In This Year, Especially

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These days?


The amount of people walking around without feeling empathy for their fellow man is staggering.


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