People Break Down Which Things They're Sick Of Trying To Explain To People

People Break Down Which Things They're Sick Of Trying To Explain To People
Anita S. from Pixabay

If there's one thing I think most of humanity can agree on, it's that people are annoying. People are the worst.

You'd think they'd get the simplest concepts into their heads but they don't... and then they have the audacity to fight you on it.

Take this pandemic, for example.

Why are we still arguing over whether people should wear masks? The fact that so many people refuse to wear a piece of cloth is ridiculous when there's a deadly virus going around.

What's up with that?

After Redditor moneybot13 asked the online community:

"What are you sick of explaining to other people?"

"There is no law..."

Legal does not equal moral. Moral does not equal legal.

Example: Yes, I agree that the executor of the estate should notify you of what's going on with gram gram's estate. Yes, I understand being left in the cold sucks. No, I cannot do anything about it, because while s****, it is NOT illegal. There is no law against being an a-hole.


If only more people understood this.

Unfortunately, some of the biggest a-holes are family.

"As long as it's not hurting anyone..."

You don't have to understand someone's hobby to just accept that they enjoy it. As long as it's not hurting anyone, let them have fun.


Believe it or not...'s really as simple as that. Why bother other people? Why "yuck their yum," so to speak? It's pointless, isn't it?


This next one is super relatable.

"That being depressed..."

That being depressed isn't (necessarily) about lying in bed all day.


It certainly isn't.

Depression manifests differently for different people.

"Wanting others to have a better life..."

Wanting others to have a better life than we had should be the GOAL, and forcing hardships on others simply because you had to endure it is a really crappy way to live your life.


We definitely see this... the United States concerning the student loan debate. It's awful.

"That's it's okay..."

That's it's okay to let people live their lives even if you don't agree with them.


Ah, so simple!

As long as no one is hurting anybody, leave them be.

"That I'm not an introvert..."

That I'm not an introvert for not wanting to go to a family gathering. No, Mom, it's because they're constantly being annoying.



I have memories of all the annoying family members whose BS I had to suffer through because I was being forced to attend some ridiculous gathering.

Thankfully I'm an adult and spared that nonsense now.

"I just don't like..."

That me being a quiet person doesn't mean I'm angry all the time.

I just don't like talking as much as most people. Unfortunately, I don't even get the chance to explain before they judge me anyway.


Why do people have so many strange opinions about quieter folk?

At times, it truly does seem that the world is made strictly for introverts.

"I'm just sick of them..."

How to sell things online or in an antique mall.

I'm relatively successful selling on Etsy and in person and it's a hell of a lot of work. People ask me how I do it and I could talk till I'm blue in the face and they'll list 10 crappy things which will never sell like Norman Rockwell Collector Plates and complain they never sell anything like it's my fault. Or they'll get a booth and put those damn plates in and never ever make their rent and ask me how to make it better and then not do anything I told them to.

Funny how these people are always victims. "I tried but it didn't work." No, you didn't try. Not even close.

I'm just sick of them asking me for advice and then not doing anything I told them. Like, why ask?


If you are successful selling things...

...then you're running a business.

Most people are not business-minded.

"People either think..."

That I, a woman, don't want children. People either think you're lying or you'll grow out of it.


People really need to leave women well enough alone.

If they don't want children, then that decision should be respected.

"That there is still so much stigma..."

That there is still so much stigma towards mental illness. Especially mood disorders and those that are deemed "f**** up enough" to sensationalize through film and television. It really affects those of us who are just trying to be okay, not harm others, and not harm ourselves.


If only people weren't so insufferable.

Life would be a lot easier, don't you agree?

Good thing I'm indoors and not looking outside at all the people passing by who aren't wearing their masks, otherwise I'd be going a bit crazy.

Have some of your own complaints to share? Feel free to talk about them in the comments below!

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