People Break Down Which Things Scream 'I'm A Terrible Person'

There are some things you probably shouldn't want to do if you want to remain in people's good graces. But some people legitimately don't seem to care. What's up with that?

After Redditor texas-is-the-reason asked the online community, "What screams 'I am a terrible person'?" let us know about the behaviors they just cannot stand. People definitely have high standards.

"Making your children..."

Making your children upset in order to record it and post it for internet points.


"Walking around a store..."

Walking around a store or public place playing music on a bluetooth speaker full blast.


"Going to get free food..."

Going to get free food provided by the community intended to help out struggling families, elderly, etc., and then trying to sell it on Facebook, getting called out, and claiming that you did nothing wrong.


"Feeling like you..."

Feeling like you having a bad experience justifies you putting others through that same thing.


"They even tried..."

I have neighbours who I know mistreat their animals. They even tried to steal one of mine. It takes a lot for me to dislike people but I would happily end those people's lives if I had the opportunity..



Leaving a shopping cart in the middle of a parking space in a packed parking lot.



Not accepting/admitting when they are wrong. Constant excuse or finger point instead of saying "I was wrong."


"Parents that force..."

Parents that force their kids to make sacrifices so that they can live the life that they want.


"I see this..."

Pulling out the 'ol ad hominem when something makes them uncomfortable (Attacking their character rather than the argument itself).

I see this at an alarming rate.


"Honking at someone..."

Honking at someone as soon as the light turns green and then dangerously cutting them off cuz they weren't moving fast enough.

Is it really worth 5 seconds of your life to get that fed up?


"Continuing to bother..."

Continuing to bother someone when it's painstakingly obvious your making them extremely uncomfortable.


"Every one of these compromises..."

Taking masks off in stores to speak. Not wearing a mask over your nose. Full neglect of mask wearing. Every one of those compromises the whole point of the mask: to keep whatever you breathe out contained.


"Only listening to what people say..."

Only listening to what people say so you can use it as an opportunity to bring up something about yourself that is only mildly relevant.


"Someone who is incapable..."

Someone who is incapable of feeling happy unless they can make someone else feel miserable.


"I could literally go back to the kitchen..."

Making a minimum wage fast food employer working hard to buy a decent place to live get fired because he messed up your order.

I could literally go back to the kitchen and get the right order if that women didn't start screaming at me and complaining with the manager.


"People who drive slowly..."

People who drive slowly, and then as you are about to overtake them, speed up; then once you've given up on overtaking them, slow back down again.


"Treating people in service jobs..."

Treating people in service jobs (restaurant workers, shop assistants and so on) like you're better than them or badly in any way. Just remember, I won't spit in your food if you're being rude, but I might give you little bit extra if you're being nice.


"Changing nothing..."

Changing nothing about how you treat your child after they have a mental breakdown and are diagnosed with depression.


"Claiming other people..."

Claiming other people "can't" be mad over bad behavior or that others are insert insult here for being upset. Bonus points for justifying the bad behavior when called out. ("I only did X because you did Y.") Hypocrisy at its finest.


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