People Break Down Which Trends They Refuse To Get Behind

People Break Down Which Trends They Refuse To Get Behind
Image by beautifulrecovery from Pixabay

We all want to feel like we belong.

For some people, that entails jumping on the bandwagon and doing what everyone else is doing.

But how far are you willing to go?

There was a time when every kid in my neighborhood played Dungeons & Dragons, which, for the uninitiated was a fantasy role-playing game that was ideal for escapism.

I tried. I wanted to be cool, but I just was not into it. And that was when I realized I don't have to do what everyone else was doing and that marching to the beat of my own drum was much cooler.

Although I lost out on social opportunities with friends, I gained perspective by staying true to my convictions.

I don't knock others for the things they are into – whether it be tattoos or listening to the most commercially successful music group or artist, but I will seek them out on my own terms and not because they are trendy.

Redditor Mobslayer7 asked:

"What's a trend you refuse to get behind?"

Proof Of Philanthropy

"Filming myself doing a good deed."

"I'm not sure why this starting, but personally I find it takes all of the generosity out of the act. Ex. Filming yourself giving a homeless person food."


Blowing Up Lips

"Lip injection."


"a-f'king-greed. Your lips have to fit your face. If you have naturally big lips, great! But if you don't, there's nothing wrong with having Tilda Swinton lips."


Time To Shut The "Gate"

"Adding 'gate' to the end of every controversy. It makes no sense!!! It was called the 'Watergate' scandal because that was the name of the hotel that was being broken into. But ever since then...ugh."


Vine Replacement

"Tiktok. (Oddly enough, I miss vine!)"


"TikTok is poisonous."


Hey All You Cool Cats & Kittens

"Watching Tiger King. Still haven't."


"There are no hero's in that show."


Music Video GIFGiphy


"Purposely going against a trend for the sake of being qUIrkY!! Also hating people for following trends. And writing words in random uppercase and lowercase letters."


Bringing The Curtain Down

"Cancel culture."


"This guy wants to cancel cancel culture! Let's cancel him!"


The Sweet Stuff

"Smoothie bowls. You're putting fruit on top of your blended fruit??"

"Also, those things are sugar bombs. It's a really weird way to start your morning—I'd crash within an hour."


Cancelling Fashion

"Wearing super expensive, popular clothes or shoes."

"Im part of the age group that does this and i think it is the stupidest thing, more so with shoes and the people who try to keep them clean all the time. Half the time the expensive sh*t dont even look that good."


Kids These Days, I Tell Ya

"Those weird 'emojis' as I'll call them that kids these days are using."

"OwO UwU whatever the hell those stupid ass things are."


"what👋is👋this👋 suppose👋to👋mean???"

"I f'king hate people that do this."


Let's Leave "Karen" Out Of It

"Using the name 'Karen' as an insult. You want to call someone an entitled b*tch, call them an entitled b*tch. Leave poor Karen out of it... none of the 'Karens' I've met were actually named Karen, and all of the people I know named Karen are lovely people... but they can't complain about their name being taken as an insult because to do so would get them immediately labeled as a 'Karen.'"


Showing Skin

"Torn jeans. They don't look cool they look like wasted jeans."


Political Mockery

"Trump bashing. It seems the thing to do on Reddit, but you will never hear me badmouth that orange, small handed, lift wearing, stroke denying, cheating, fraudulent piece of turd treason scumbag a**hole. Never."


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Little girl covering her mouth with both hands
Jelleke Vanooteghem/Unsplash

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