People Break Down The Most Suspicious Historical Coincidences

History is full of very intriguing historical coincidences – and some are more suspicious than others.

Did you know for instance that President Richard Nixon's secretary, Rose Mary Woods, erased several crucial minutes of the Nixon White House tapes at the time of the Watergate scandal? We will never know what was missing. How convenient.

People shared their thoughts after Redditor dudebrostein asked the online community,

"What are the most suspicious coincidences in history?"

"Twain's prediction..."

​"Every 76 years, Halley's comet soars past Earth, where it's visible to the naked eye. Now Mark Twain was born on one year after its passing, in 1835. By 1909, he predicted he'd die the next year when the comet passed again. "The Almighty has said, no doubt, 'Now here are these two unaccountable freaks; they came in together, they must go out together'." the New York Times quotes him as saying.

Twain's prediction ended up correct. He died one day after the comet's closest approach in 1910."


Did Mark Twain have a sixth sense? Or did he just... you know... die? Probably the latter.

"Nixon's secretary..."

"Nixon's secretary, Rose Mary Woods, was transcribing audiotapes relating to Watergate when she was interrupted by a phone call. Because of the distraction, she pressed the wrong button and "accidentally" erased 18 minutes."


This was widely mocked in the media of the time. And we'll never know what was erased. How far did Nixon's criminality go?

"When they shot..."

"When they shot the Wizard of Oz, the actor who played the Wizard, Frank Morgan, wanted to have a coat that looked elegant but had "gone to seed". The wardrobe department visited a second-hand store and purchased an entire rack of coats for him to choose from. One day while wearing the coat he chose on set, he turned one of the pockets to discover a label indicating that the coat had been made for L. Frank Baum. Or in other words, the AUTHOR of the Wizard of Oz.

They contacted his wife who was still alive and it was verified that the coat once belonged to him. After filming was finished, the coat was returned to Ms. Baum."


Suspicious? Nah. A pretty swell coincidence? You bet.

"Every person executed..."

"Every person executed in the Salem Witch Trials was politically against the family of the accuser."


And there's your explanation. Witches? Yeah, right.


"Epstein killing himself in prison before being able to snitch on the rich and powerful."


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"The ship..."

"The Wreck of the Titan: Or, Futility book, pretty much exactly predicts the sinking of the RMS Titanic 14 years before its actual sinking. The ship was called the Titan, it was also the largest ship afloat at the time, both had a shortage of lifeboats and both sunk after being hit by an Iceberg! Still not enough for you? The Titan sunk in April in the North Atlantic in the story and so did the Titanic in real life!"


This one is a classic, and yes, it is eerie.

"There were tsunamis..."

"There were those tsunamis that twice sank the Mongol fleets invading Japan."


"I still can't..."

"Cass Elliot and Keith Moon dropping dead in the same room four years apart. I still can't wrap my head around that."


"Maybe not..."

"Maybe not really suspicious, but I bet there was a large group of people who thought it was. The driver for Archduke Franz Ferdinand took a wrong turn and had him personally delivered to his death/assassin."


Some of these might get your brain whirring. Just don't fall in too deep – you'll start seeing things that aren't actually there.

Have some opinions of your own? Feel free to tell us about them in the comments below!

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