People Break Down How A Gut Feeling Actually Saved Their Life

When you're in a tricky situation, the best thing to do is just listen to your gut. It always knows what's best for you, and won't let you down when the going gets tough. In some cases, it can actually save your life. Here are a few examples, courtesy of the people over at Reddit.

u/12345burrito asked: When has a gut feeling saved your life? [Serious]

That's so scary.

I almost got kidnapped once. I was like 23 or so.

I was walking down my street at a little after dusk. I saw a van approaching a little ahead, no lights on. Didn't think much of it due to the time of day.

The van slowed down and almost started creeping, as I was approaching this part of the sidewalk which had a tall solid wall fence to a community. This gave me some pause in that quick moment. For me to keep walking, I'd have to go between the wall and the van.

In the little time it took me to take a couple of steps, and as the van was getting close, I noticed that the side door was slowly sliding open.

The one thought in my mind was, why isn't the light turning on inside the van? When you open the door of a vehicle, the light should come on inside it. Unless you deliberately switch that off.

And I just ran to the median, I ran in front of the van and across the street... because if they're gonna have some use of roadkill me, have at it.... but they're not getting me in one glorious piece.

Immediately, the van took off like someone lit it on fire. From a slow crawl to full speed. As I looked after it to see the plates... I noticed it had no plates. And still no lights.

I called the police, of course. They sent cars out and didn't find the van. I never had anything like this happen again and I'm just an ordinary person, so I don't suspect it was targeted. I was just in the wrong place at the wrong time.




I get really bad vibes from the car park in work - it's a giant, poorly lit multi-story and I've seen enough horror films to know I shouldn't be taking it lightly. Whenever I get in, I pay attention to the floors people call the lift to to keep an eye on where they're going.

One time a guy got in in front of me and pressed 6, while I was parked on 8. He didn't get out at 6, and was still in the lift as I got to my floor. I leave, he doesn't... so I guess he's remembered he's on another floor, but just before I get to the dark area with all the cars, I turned back. This guy had waited about 30 seconds (therefore held the lift to wait) and silently emerged to follow me. I just stopped and stared him down. He had a deer-in-the-headlights look and turned straight back to the lift.

I have no idea if it saved my life but it freaked me the f*ck out!


Holy crap.

When I was around 18, I was on a backroad with some friends and a girl I didn't know was driving really fast. Now, I'm a bit of an adrenaline junkie, and I have always enjoyed a calculated risk in the name of a good time, but on this occasion I told her to either slow the f*ck down or let me out. I literally had to start screaming at her before she listened and slowed down.

A week later she crashed on that same stretch of road at 90mph, killing her, and the three passengers of her car.


Smart of your wife to suggest that.

A pain in the lungs when I inhaled. I've never been stabbed, don't know what it's like but the pain should have been equal to it, if not worse.

It had happened before, years ago. Some hot water in the shower and the pain was gone.

My wife (then girlfriend) insisted on going to ER. I insisted on hot water. "I feel like we should go and see a doctor", she had said.

I was diagnosed with pulmonary embolism on both lungs. Doctor said "1 or 2 more hours and you were gone".

So yeah, I owe my wife one.


That's lucky.


My now wife and I did the long distance thing in college, and I planned on doing my normal routine to visit her, leave Chicagoland in the morning, get to her early afternoon on Friday. Well I'm closing my store on Thursday night, and get a feeling I should leave that night. So I said 'F it' and left that night.

A little after lunch on Friday, tornado sirens go off. I don't think anything of it until I head back home Sunday, and drive through a town about half hour north of her. It got lit up by the tornado. I quickly realize that I had left at my normal time, I woulda been smack dab in the middle of tornado.


Oh my God.

Few years ago I was at a bar with a couple of friends. All was good, we were drinking and having fun.

All of sudden, we heard this discussion taking place just a couple of tables from us. Two guys decided to have a shouting/threat match.

I stopped everything to pay attention to them. My friends were making fun of me, saying I was gossipy.

One of the guys in the discussion got up and left. Immediately after he left I told my friends we had to go. Now. Let's gtfo now!

They didn't get why I was like that, but I'm their friends since forever, they reluctantly agreed.

We went to a different bar in a different neighborhood but I couldn't take my mind off of those two guys.

The next day, the news were talking about a bar fight. Apparently the guy who got up went home, grabbed a gun and came back for a drive by. Killed 4 people in the process.

My grandpa taught me to never ignore my gut and I couldn't be happier to have listened.


Good on your mom for standing her ground.

My mum knew something was wrong with me when I was younger, Drs didn't want to see me for another 2 weeks. Mum went into a blind rage over the phone telling them that she was taking me to get checked whether they liked it or not....

We got to the GP, he puts a stethoscope on my back and smells my breath. Then says "We need to get him to hospital NOW."

Turns out I have type 1 Diabetes and if I'd waited another day I would have died.


That's terrifying.


A few weeks ago.

I had just left my apartment complex and was heading to a friends. I pulled out of my driveway and up to the traffic light and stopped, I was in the left turn lane, light was red. It was late out and there wasn't many people on the road. I watched as the light went yellow, and then red for through traffic, one guy ran the tail end of the yellow, like usual.

My turn! Light goes green, I have an arrow blinking for me to turn left, I looked both ways and there was no one around, and I just didn't go.

I can not explain what happened other than something inside me just said DON'T GO, so I sat there staring at the green light. A couple seconds later a car came screaming through the red light, through the intersection, probably doing about 100km/hr, in the lane I would have been turning in to. They were going so fast their vehicle had a bounce to it. If I had turned my car would have been destroyed, and me along with it.

I sat there through the whole next light cycle and then turned, pulled over and called my sister. It was a ghostly feeling. I am a light jumper, I look both ways but I am impatient, and I can not explain what stopped me from going the second that light went green, but I'm glad it did.


Bless that fifth doctor.

Lump in my right breast. 43 years old; clean mammogram 5 months earlier. I just knew. Four different doctors told me it was nothing and to come back in a year. I did not and found a 5th. Yeah, I had to argue my way into being diagnosed with a rare and aggressive form of breast cancer.

On the bright side, Thursday was my 5 years all clear date!



I was at the county fair when I was younger, like eight or nine. I wandered off from my parents and I had an odd feeling that I was being watched, but I ignored that for some reason. This man had followed me up and down the walkways of the expo hall we were standing in. As he started to get closer, I got this overwhelming feeling of fright.

I called for my dad and I could tell it startled him — he promptly turned and changed direction from me.

A really quick thing but it's stuck with me all these years.


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