People Break Down The Biggest Plot Holes They've Ever Seen

People Break Down The Biggest Plot Holes They've Ever Seen

We keep ourselves entertained through storytelling. In the 21st century, film, TV, podcasts, video games, books; any medium of storytelling you can think of; are a part of our every day lives.

But not all storytelling is created equal. Suspension of disbelief can only go so far--sometimes, people just really can't reconcile the material that isn't there.

u/Naweezy asked:

What are some plot holes so big you can drive a truck through?

Here were some of those answers.

Just Stop At "MI: II"

Mission Impossible 2. The guy is trying to create a cure to all flus. To do this he has to invent super-duper flu. He does and he invents a cure. Then they destroy the cure even though it cures all flus? WTF?


A Trilogy About A Speed

Back to the Future

WHY 88 mph? I suppose maybe that generated the needed energy to the flux capacitor or something..but that's super cool and they could have spent 5 seconds explaining it. The 88mph thing made the series a trilogy.



In Season 2 of Dexter, Rita asks Dexter how he knew how much heroin to give her ex-husband and deducts deduces that Dexter himself is a heroin user. Dexter was top of his class in med school and is a forensics guy. I can't imagine it would be hard for a guy like that to figure it out.


HUGE Plot Hole.  HUGE

In Liar, Liar, Jennifer Tilly's character gets her way in the divorce despite cheating because she lied about her age, therefore making the prenup null and void. However, this would also nullify the entire marriage, entitling her to nothing.


Maybe the marriage is retrospectively ratified by cohabitation, or child marriage is merely punishable but not void ab initio. Doubt it though.


College Don't Work Like That Boo

Accepted (2006)

At the end, in a surprise turn the board decides to let them keep going. Never mind the fact that I don't think any of the parents paying for that would continue to dump money into this "experiment". But say someone does graduate with a degree there. That will mean nothing in the work force. All that time and money wasted.

You can't just think you're qualified to teach a class and just teach it with any real collegiate meaning.

I liked this movie when it came out (I graduated high school in 05) and thought it was funny and a cool idea. The older I got the more I realized how stupid the idea was. But still kind of a funny movie.


What Blackout?

Ocean's 11. During the blackout scene, there is mad chaos in the casino. People stealing chips and just mass hysteria. Then the team goes to steal the money during the blackout. Afterwards, the lights are back on, and as they walk out of the casino, people in the background act like nothing has happened. No hysteria, just a normal casino with people gambling in a fun and jovial manner.



In Back To The Future, the 1955 version of Marty McFly's mother shows up at Doc Brown's house after tracking Marty down. So she lives in the same town as Doc for decades, her and George McFly revered Marty so much that they named their kid after him and their son becomes best friends with Doc as a teenager. How does George McFly believe that Marty is his biological child? He looks exactly like "Doc's nephew" who was responsible for them getting together in the first place and who she had a giant crush on back in 1955.


But They Chose The Supervillain

In Star Trek Into Darkness (2013), Kahn turns out to be a race genetically enhanced human with blood with regenerative healing powers, which they need to save Kirk. So they have this big battle on the ground in which they need Kahn alive, but they could have just used the blood from any of the 75 other cryogenically frozen superhumans they had on the ship.


So Why Didn't We Know This???

One of my favourite movies but Interstellar. There's the one planet where the surface is water with huge waves and time moves much slower, so like 5 minutes on that planet is 2 years on earth (or something like that).

Before going down, the scientists discuss how risky this is, as even if they go down to get the earlier astronaut and check the planet out for habitability, years will pass on earth while they're down there, and earth is running out of time. They are experts in this and they fully understand the time distortion on this planet caused by the black hole it orbits.

HOWEVER, they decide to go anyways because the astronaut that went there to check it out has been sending positive signals about he environment and habitability of the planet for something like 12 years. So OMG we have to go if it's so good that she's been there that long and everything is good. Their only concern is about the amount of time that will pass on earth...

After they land, they have this massive realization that it's just a bunch of shallow water with massive tidal waves every hour or so, and the astronaut they sent there 12 years ago actually just landed like 30 mins agoin her time because of the time distortion, and is dead. Then they are like "oh doh we've been getting positive signals for 12 years because for her it's only been 30 mins and she hadn't been hit by a wave and killed yet - this planet is bad".

The entire rest of the plot is completely dependent on the fact that they get destroyed by this stop as the ship now has low fuel from orbiting the planet for like 15 years while the others were down there. So the entire movie rests on the idea that a group of the world's best physicists who had already identified and discussed the time distortion of the planet didn't connect that to the fact that the "12 years of good signals" actually means less than an hour of good signals because of that very time dilation.


My Specs

In the Mummy with Brendan Frasier, Imhotep steals body parts from the looters to put himself back together. At one point he takes the eyes from a person wearing glasses, so for the rest of the movie Imhotep should really be squinting at everyone.


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It's a teacher's job to leave a lasting impression and set a good example for their students.

With this in mind, particularly in this age of viral videos and social media, teachers have to be very careful of what they say during class hours.

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Sometimes to control unruly students, other times when they've simply had enough.

Then too, sometimes teachers leave their students baffled and perplexed by what they say in their classroom, well aware of what they were saying.

Always making for a memorable story.

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