People Explain Which Things Some People May Believe To Be A Scam But Aren't At All
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With lightning speed credit card processing and a never-ending stream of spam emails, the using the internet has become synonymous with scam-awareness.

And that's fair. There are so many people out there, all trying to swindle the most gullible among us out of their hard earned cash.

But our preoccupation with having our heads on swivels sometimes pushes us to shut our ears to genuinely worthy services. The trick is maintaining scrutiny without completely putting on the blinders.

That's easier said the done, so Redditor resilientiddle asked for some help:

"What do people think is a scam but they just don't understand?"

Many people described the brass tacks transactions and negotiations that tend to be lumped in with other, slimier financial maneuvers.

Just because it has to do with banks, fees, and payment, that doesn't mean it's not worth our time, money, and trust.

More Money is Still More Money

"We had a gal in the telco who was retiring under a surplus - meaning they would pay her so much for each year she worked, in addition to her pension. She turned the money down because she didn't want her taxes to be too high. I didn't know her and heard about it after she left."

"The Union guys tried to explain it but she just would not listen. I don't know if she thought it was a scam but she didn't trust the IRS."

-- ta0questi"

Declining pay rises because they think they'll pay more in tax and their take home will be less than before the pay rise."

-- insane__knight

Shutting Out a Major Convenience

"My dad and online banking. You can check your balance, make transfers and even set up standing orders. 'But my account will get hacked' is his response every single time."

-- Malcolmpargin

Zooming Out

"The stock market. Lots of people over worry about the short term, withdraw once it dips and never put back in. Never realizing the magic is in the long term"

-- dajadf

In Their Defense, That Must Have Been Weird At First

"There was a time when my parents thought buying stuff online and paying with a credit card it's a scam, took me a while to convince them that if you know which sites are good to order from and which are bad, you can actually avoid scams."

-- TheDarkGrenadeX

Other people noted the things that do cost me money, but actually deliver on what they promise.

Stepping Stones

"Buying a beginning band instrument, then buying a step-up instrument within a couple of years" -- 75thTrombone

"Yes, yes yes."

"I think a beginner instrument is a good investment to see if the person sticks it out. But past that it's a complete waste of money. The difference in quality between a $100 guitar and a $600 guitar is night and day."

"When I started to get better at drumming as a kid, trying to explain to my parents why i needed the $200 splash cymbal instead of the $40 one was infuriating. I paid with my own money but they insisted it was a waste. I still have that $200 splash cymbal and it STILL sounds amazing. My cheaper cymbals literally exploded." -- Its-my-di**-in-a-box

They Did Fix the Thing

"The repair industry. I worked in home repair, small engine repair and computer repair shops years ago. A lot of people expected us to just fix things for free. Others would take it as an insult when we would quote prices or ask to be paid for a job."

"Send a bill and some people would ask why or what is this. Ask us why we were ripping them off even though the bill was itemized and the price was discussed before hand. It was a horrible industry to work in because of they way people are."

-- barvoues

Doesn't Come From Thin Air

"Some members of my family think internet providers are scammers because they pay for 400mbps download and think they will get 400mbps download on each device even if someone is watching Netflix or downloading at the same time on another computer."

-- themalaki

A Worthy Expense

"Therapy. People just can't fathom that just talking to someone who is not involved directly in your life can really help with processing and resolving a problem. You only get out of it what you put in."

-- eleanorabernathy1

Finally, a couple shared the things that we simply have to deal with to have some benefit in the long run. These expenses feel horrible in the moment, but they have the sad truth is they have their purpose.

Stay Fresh

"The air in bag of chips." -- gambit_

"It's actually nitrogen which is used to keep the oxygen out for an anaerobic (to deter bacteria) and non-oxidative (so chips won't get stale as fast) environment for the chips. I have heard they put less chips in the bags and less seasonings. I remember salt n vinegar Pringles in the 90s made me sweat now they don't do anything to me." -- IdiidDuItt

Just In Case

"Insurance. It's weird to pay for something that you hope not to use." -- Some-Basket-4299

"The sad thing is if you're unlucky a single time where you'd wish you had it can make up for a lifetime of paying in, so it's often better safe than sorry, at least with the most common ones." -- deviant324

So while this list by no means aims to get you trusting of all transactions and offers out there, hopefully it helps you stay open enough to take advantage of the legitimate ones.

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