People Reveal The Creepiest Hallucinations They've Ever Experienced

My eyes be paying tricks on me.

Oh the things in life we can never unsee; or did we really see them? Whoever thought that the traumas and horrors that leave a lasting imprint and are emotionally inescapable could be unreal... as in, a hallucination. When you are living in a moment and that moment feels like a horror movie, the mind can be a weary warrior. Of course for so of us it would help to cut back on the drugs. Just a thought.

Redditor u/Sheo_of_Isles wanted to hear from everyone about a few tricks vision has played on them and left a scar by asking.... People who had hallucinations, what was the creepiest thing you have seen?

Mirror, Mirror on the wall.


I get sleep paralysis quite often. Scariest one was when I was 11. I was sleeping on my back with my head to the side looking at my wall. I woke up looking at myself in the big mirror on the wall. Mirror me was staring back, but he wasn't paralyzed, and looked like he wanted to kill me. Shes_dead_Jim

I Can Feel It. 

I regularly had hallucinations before I got on my antipsychotics, still get some today but they're nowhere near as vivid as they used to be.

I saw a lot of tall, pale humanoid figures with no facial features. Scared me sh**less when I read the Slenderman creepypasta.

Also saw plenty of nondescript shadows. One time I saw one near my pantry looking like it was sorting through the food. That actually made me less afraid since I imagined it was just grabbing a snack. Lmao.

My tactile hallucinations were the worst, I would feel itchy all over or felt like bugs were crawling over my skin. My auditory ones were the less frightening ones, I'd usually just hear voices that were to quiet to understand. It felt like I was hearing someone else's conversation in passing.

I've been on my meds for 4ish years now and I am doing so much better! I still see or hear the occasional thing but overall I do not hallucinate anymore!! zemnia

Gone Forever. 

So I was tripping on acid and anyone who has tripped on acid knows that hallucinations aren't always visual. They can be sensory, auditory etc.

Anyway, I beat my meat whilst trying to contemplate the concept of pornography and how it plays a role in the universe. When I nut I felt my thoughts leave my brain. Like my actual thoughts. They was lost forever. MC_gnome


The scariest thing I saw was I was biking to a friend's house around the corner from my house. I felt something behind me and looked and there was this pitch black humanoid figure riding on the back of my bike. I crashed the bike.

Rude hallucination. Ithikari

Bugged Out.


Hundreds of insects crawling up my arms while I was paralyzed. Was not a good idea talking sleep pills when 5. Zer0_Cookie

Schizo here, and i know that exact feeling! for me its usually under the skin, and i have to hold back from scratching my skin off trying to let those bugs out. kyberkat0w0

The Cow Farm. 

One time me and a couple of my friends smoked some weed that someone put pcp in. The first full on trip i noticed was sitting down beside my friend and was on my ipad, at the same time my friend had the same ipad and was doing the exact things i was doing on the ipad. Next thing i notice he stands up and i see him get pushed into the couch like some weird animation from a ghost movie or something just swept off his feet into the couch, next thing i can remember is running around my friends cow farm for a good while.

My friends (who didn't smoke the weed) finally got us back inside, when we got back inside i kept hearing my friends talking to me even though they where not talking my friend also ended up full on stomping on my head as a joke and i felt absolutely nothing. My friend on the other hand said he saw the devil and a weird demonic girl sitting in the corner which i thought was creepy. Anyways thats why i buy legal weed now lmao

Also have done acid, saw how energy moved and worked, saw the connections between plants and the world, honestly it was one of the most beautiful experiences i have had. weeeeeeeeee__d

The Void. 

I once had this dream where I was in the middle of a fancy party but everyone else there was static as if the time has stopped. The most interesting part about it was that everyone had a rotating void instead of a head. Really dope dream tbh. Yaelesque

Linda Blair is that you?

The creepiest thing I've seen while hallucinating hmmmm, when I was maybe 14 or 15 I had "seen" a tall lanky silhouette at the bottom of my stairs. It's head was facing up to me but I couldn't see any facial features. It reached out with one of its arms up to me but before anything else happened I closed my eyes and stood there for about 5 minutes maybe 10. I open my eyes and poof it's gone. I dunno if you'd class that as creepy though. Noodles-kun

I'm Watching! 

I have bipolar, and before I was diagnosed/medicated I had auditory and visual hallucinations, also known as psychotic symptoms. The auditory ones included someone screaming my name, the sentence "big brother is watching" over and over and a male voice screaming.

The visual ones I had were damn scary. I woke up and saw my arm covered in spiders which didn't go away when I swatted them. And I saw a guy in thick-brimmed glasses and a hat looking back at me from inside my black tv screen.

Hopefully I don't come across as too crazy to you all! I thankfully haven't had any serious symptoms in about 6 months. Antipsychotic and mood-stabilizing medication is a Godsend because hallucinations are no joke. green-lori

Damn Benadryl.


My creepiest was an auditory hallucination after taking too much Benadryl. Every few minutes I would hear my mom yelling my name along with bursts of a man laughing. Was crazy scary. Had to put the TV on and wait the 4-6hrs it took to wear off. therustyfaucet


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