Parents Reveal The Most Illogical Meltdown Their Toddler's Had Yet

There's just no rhyme and reason to a toddler's moods sometimes. They're tempestuous creatures: Be kinder to them: They don't know what the hell's going on most of the time.

The meltdowns, as you can imagine, can run the gamut from annoying to downright hilarious, as Redditor mirarom discovered when they asked parents, "Redditors with toddlers, what's the most recent illogical breakdown they've had?" These parents thankfully still have their senses of humor intact.

"Nothing worked."

I'm a nanny, we are driving home from preschool. Enter his neighborhood


me "we are"


Me "I know but we are driving there"

Him "THIS ISNT THE WAY TO MY HOUSE" *pulls up to house"

me "see child we are here"

Him "THIS IS NOT MY HOUSE" He Repeats screaming and crying for about 15 minutes as I try to prove it's his house via his animals and room and toys. Nothing worked. I actually became paranoid that this was not his house and I was in some strangers house with the same pets. The child got to my head.


" he was stuck inside."

Because the imaginary door on his imaginary fire truck wouldn't open, so he was stuck inside.


"I asked my dad what initially set him off though."

My son was basically upset I missed the tantrum he had started to throw for grandpa... He was doing his face in the carpet, kicking feet, over the top fake crying when I guess he realized he was missing something.

So he came upstairs, grabbed my hand, huffed and puffed angrily while walking me directly next to Grandpa, totally positioned me for the show, and got right back into meltdown mode. Looking up every so often to make sure we were still watching it.

I asked my dad what initially set him off though. He said he shut off his own show and didn't know what else to do.


"The enraged, sobbing wail from back seat of my car..."

The enraged, sobbing wail from the back seat of my car "He's looking out my window"

My youngest was mad because his brother was looking out of "his" window instead of the other one.


"He already finished eating it."

My girlfriend-at-the-time texted me when she was looking after her 3 year old brother.

"Josh is crying because he doesn't want an icecream.

He already finished eating it. This was 15 minutes ago."


"My mom would then ask..."


My mom used to offer food to my brother. He'd clearly say no. My mom would then ask,

"Are you sure you don't want this? Because I'm going to eat if you don't want it. This piece of food, right here."


Eats it

45 minute tantrum with hyperventilating crying


"It was just a glance..."

8 year old sister was looking at her. It was just a glance, but my 3 year old went into a f---ing rage.


"My little kraken just slept..."

My little kraken just slept... after a raging tantrum because i did not let him chew on the connected cables.

I'm just trying to keep you alive buddy, I swear.



They wanted another chicken nugget, so I gave them another chicken nugget.



"Buddy, it's not our car!"

I wouldn't let him get in the car parked next to us. Buddy, its not out car!


"Thankfully she's a young toddler..."

I wouldn't let her put crayons in my ear.

Full-on dropping to the ground, wailing and sobbing like I'd killed our cat in front of her. I would tell her we don't put stuff in our ears, which would make her sob louder.

Thankfully she's a young toddler and easily distracted, so it only lasted a few minutes.




That my mom was not my mom but her grandma.


"She yells at people..."

Elevators... My kid thinks people get on them to die! I have shown her that it's okay, even ridden one up and down with her (while she screamed the entire time). I just don't get it. She yells at people not to get on the elevator! Screeches and is terrified if someone she loves gets on one...


"...and passed out."

2 AM, 2 year old wakes up due to bad dream. Asks his mother to put the "blanket up" I.e. cover him with the blanket. She proceeds to do so and he yells "NOT LIKE THIS, LIKE THIS!" and holds the blanket six inches above his body.

So my wife takes the blanket and holds it above him, then let's go and it falls. He gets mad. "LIKE THISSSSSS!"

He expected my wife to be able to make the blanket float six inches above him for the entire night.

30 minutes of crying later he conceded that he had lost his fight against gravity and passed out.


"Spoiler alert."

My daughter dropped a pretzel and the dog ate it. She started bawling and threw her entire cup of pretzels on the floor. Spoiler alert: the dog at those too.



Me: Sydney, Mommy came in your room and gave you a kiss while you were sleeping last night. I missed you because I wasn't home when Daddy put you to bed.

Sydney, 3 yrs old: immediately begins hysterically crying and yelling, YOU DIDN'T COME IN MY ROOM BECAUSE I WASN'T SLEEPING!!

Me: Okay, Syd, you're right, I didn't come in your room, I only went into Avery's room.

Sydney: still crying 20 minutes later, I WASN'T SLEEPING!


"Guess who got a new cookie."

Yesterday my son cried because he didn't want to finish his chewed up cookie. He basically put it in his mouth, sucked on it, and then spit it into my hand. And then he decided he wanted a new cookie. I told him he can't have a new cookie because I knew he was going to keep doing it. Plus the cookie he spit into my hand was fine lol. Cue mental breakdown. He's 1 1/2. Guess who got a new cookie.


"Suddenly my toddler noticed..."

My husband wanted a hug from me so I was about to go give him one. Suddenly my toddler noticed and screamed "NOOOOOO only I can give daddy love!" and proceeded to have a meltdown while pushing me away and hugging him. She instantly calmed down, glared at me, and said "you're not allowed to hug daddy, daddy's love is mine."


Key word: "Tried."

My daughter tried to wipe off my tattoo and went into full tantrum mode when it wouldn't come off.
