Open People Share Their "Tell Me I'm Not The Only One Who Does This" Stories

Open People Share Their "Tell Me I'm Not The Only One Who Does This" Stories

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You know those quirky things you do, sometimes reflexively, that make you think, "I hope I'm not crazy for doing this?" Well, don't worry. We aren't that different from one another, and chances are, your habit is experienced by lots of other people.

samalethu asked, What's your "Tell me I'm not the only one who does this" weird/odd habit?

Submissions have been edited for clarity, context, and profanity.

You're not alone in wanting to make pizza last as long as possible.

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This isn't that weird, but whenever I have a small piece of pizza and a big piece I always eat the small one first so I don't finish the big piece and then become sad because the last piece is a small one.

Lots of people have asthma, and it sounds like anxiety too, which also means you're not alone.

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I learned that most people when out of breath just take deep breaths and get back to normal. I've always had a thing where I had to hit the perfect inhale.

When out of breath I'll take several deep breaths but I never feel quite right until I can get this one breath that feels as if it fills up my lungs completely and the others just never made it.

I mentioned it in a biology class in high school and that's when I learned I have asthma.

I pace like crazy when I'm on the phone, glad I'm not alone!

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I can't talk on a cell phone and sit down at the same time. Got a call while on my, normally, one mile walk. Ended the call after six miles.

This is a healthy way to help organize your thoughts and figure things out. Arguing with yourself is fun, too.

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I have fake conversations in my head, but on occasion say my half of the conversation out loud, either to no one or to anyone in the room if I'm not careful.

It's okay if you don't want stuff getting in your eyes.

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Whenever I wash my face (or submerge my head), I have to "wipe" my eyelids before I can open them, even if they are not particularly wet.

There's nothing wrong with wanting a product that has yet to be touched.

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I've been told this is weird. When shopping, I never grab the first one available.

Buying a movie? I don't want the one on display. I want any other one behind it.

That box of cereal up front looks fine? Then someone else can have it. I have to take the one behind it.

I like to think about what people's life story might be, close enough. Plus talking to strangers is scary.

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Think up conversations I have with strangers then end up never talking to those strangers.

Reflexes are involuntary, and none are more annoying that saying, "whoop" as you almost knock into someone. We all do it.

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Not a habit so much as a reflex, but oftentimes when I'm thinking of something embarrassing from my past I'll uncontrollably blurt out a random word, phrase or even just a noise, regardless of if I'm alone or in public.

Walking must always be symmetrical and have equally placed steps. Always.

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Stepped on a crack with my right foot? Now I need to step on one with my left. Oh, but you stepped in the center of the pavement with the last two left steps? Better make those next two right steps centered to balance it out.

Sometimes I find myself walking like a f_cking moron to keep some stupid made up rhythmic balance going.

Most people have short attention spans and talking to cats? TOTALLY ACCEPTABLE.

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If there's nobody in the house, I'll just talk to myself endlessly and walk around.

I cannot watch anything through continuously and silently. I have to pause or interject to riff and commentate.

I meow at my cat.

Sounds like you're carrying a lot of stress... which is normal (sadly).

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I tap my fingers when my hands aren't doing anything, but I have to make sure that every finger is tapped the same amount of times, and I only tap one at a time.

I tap my index finger (2x), middle, ring, pinky, thumb (2x), then back. I continue doing this until I have something to do.

Hey, stretching out in bed feels amazing, so leave that arm up.

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I'll randomly raise my arm while laying in bed, and just let it stay there as if I'm Hermione Granger in potion class.

If you're gonna sit, you may as well recline.

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I always have to have my feet propped on something when I'm sitting. I usually either perch like a gargoyle or sit cross-legged.

I can sit normally when I have to, but I'll either be bouncing a leg or wiggling a foot unless I put in conscious effort.

Our brains have evolved to analyze things that are "different," just keep it to yourself.

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Whenever I'm talking to someone that has an accent, I slowly start to subconsciously mimic their accent. It makes it seem like I'm mocking him/her and I HATE IT!!!! Whyyyyyy!!!!!

I like to hold a pillow in order to feel less alone.

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I like to hold a pillow when sitting on the couch, although that may be because I don't like people seeing my rolls.

Ow. The urge to go becomes stronger the closer you get to a toilet, let it out.

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If I get home and I really have to pee I do all my errands before peeing even if I'm bursting. For example, changing into comfy clothes, putting groceries away.

No. Clothes. Allowed. In. Bed.

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Not sitting or laying in bed with "outside" clothes.

I relate to this on a spiritual level.

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I have a weird compulsion to experience equal stimuli. Accidentally scuff your left shoe while walking? Gotta scuff the right one. Oops! That scuff was too hard. Gotta rescuff left again, just a tad.... dammit, too much. Rescuff right. Not enough. Scuff again, aaaaand..... drat, too much. Gotta rescuff the left again.

Also, I'm not sure how to describe it, but sometimes my nails feel too detached from my fingers? I'll, like, apply pressure on the pads of my finger, right under the nail, until the nail is entirely touching flesh, then release. But wait, that was too much pressure on my left index, gotta do the right now, and..... dammit.

It's good to argue with yourself -just remember, what's in your head is you, good or bad.

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I have such strong arguments with myself in my head, it will affect my mood.

Many times, I've been pissed. I was like thinking to myself, "wow, that was so uncalled for? who the would say that." Then I remember it was me to me.

Also, I have strong visualizations. Like one time, I cried because our son didn't get his scholarship and we couldn't afford the school he wanted to go to. Then I remember I'm 26, financially stable, not married nor do I have kids.

Edit: We are all normal, fam. And no, I will not go see a shrink.

You are not the only one. The last bite is sacred... and fleeting. Sigh. This is why we organize our pizza.

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I don't know how to explain this. But, here we go. Say I have a plate of food. I'll automatically try and find the perfect bit of the meal and eat it last, eating around the "perfect" bit.

Please tell me I'm not the only one :P

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