People Explain Which Old Trends They're Afraid Will Make A Comeback

People Explain Which Old Trends They're Afraid Will Make A Comeback
Florian Schmetz on Unsplash

Retro is cool. Just look at how popular vinyl records are.

Through the last several decades, people ditched record albums in favor of cassette tapes, ditched tapes in favor of CDs, and eventually ditched those for the non-tangible convenience of streaming music.

But nostalgia won when consumers started enjoying the novelty of the classic medium for listening to their favorite music artists.

While vinyl is a niche interest, the public doesn't seem to have a problem with its making a comeback.

Not everything is missed, however, especially when it comes to trends and certain behaviors.

Curious to hear what strangers online might object to most, Redditor prettygirljess0092 asked:

"What’s an old trend that you’re afraid will come back?"

People could seriously do without these becoming popular again.

Tasting The Goods

"Where they lick foods at supermarkets and not get caught."

– X275S

"I can't believe that was a trend."

– PiggyNoDance

Unnecessary Ornamentation​

"Tying an onion to your belt."

– LondonIsBoss

No Rest For The Wicked

"Working from the office every day."

– NerimaJoe

Hazy Dining

"Smoking inside restaurants."

– bubbles2pop

Shortchanging Staff

"Employers getting their way and going back to paying min wage and then convince people they are lucky to have a job."

– Sharpshooter188

These elaborate pranks and stunts don't need to come back ever.

Prank Call

"Swatting. I've only heard of one case this year. Hopefully, the repercussions prevent anyone from ever making a fake call to any emergency service."

– ModeratelyAmateur

Visual Aid

"Fake 'social experiment' prank videos."


Once something's out of style, it should stay in the past for all time.

The Greeting

"Bros greeting each other with a backhand to the sack."

– SourFix


"Boys wearing pants below their boxers. Used to be some kids at school that wore them as low as their knees... Took forever for them to waddle to class."

– siyl1979

Denim Disaster

"Low rise jeans & they aren't far away from what I hear."

– dragonfly-1001

Forms of protest.

"Witch burning."

– JLD1981

Bad Blaze

"The book burning trend."

"It is usually just a step away from burning people."

– mvrk3

If vinyl can make a comeback, low-hanging jeans may not be far behind if there's a demand for it.

Unfortunately, the same can be said with pranks and other harmful stunts mentioned earlier in this thread, like swatting.

As long as there are nitwits and ignoramuses looking for a good time at people's expense, it could be just a matter of time.

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