People Break Down Which Movie Death Impacted Them The Most

People Break Down Which Movie Death Impacted Them The Most
Image by Sammy-Williams from Pixabay

Movies' strong focus on creating drama through conflict inevitably has lead to countless on-screen deaths.

Some of those movie deaths occur to minor characters we don't care much about (enter Wilhelm Scream). Nonetheless, they can still pack a punch if the manner of the death was gruesome or sad enough.

On the other side of the coin, a death doesn't have to be spectacular to create drama if it happens to a character we've grown to love throughout the film.

And sometimes, a beloved character faces a gruesome end. That's the double whammy.

Redditor Boston_Strong_CQB241 asked:

"Out of all the deaths you seen in movies, which one really stands out to you as the worst?"

Many Redditors recalled the deaths that drew their intensity from the connection they'd felt with the character who did the dying.

And, yes, sometimes the manner of death only heaped on the drama.

Last Gasps

"The soldier in Saving Private Ryan that had the knife slowly plunged into his chest after a hand to hand fight and he was begging the other soldier to stop. Intense."

-- thefirstbrick

That Etched Wooden Beam

"The old man (Brooks) who hangs himself from The Shawshank Redemption."

" 'Get busy living or get busy dyin.' "

-- derty2X

A Very Different Boxing Film

"Hilary Swank in Million Dollar Baby. Almost becoming World Champion, then paralyzed, her family only caring about the money she won from boxing, then having her limbs chopped off because of bed sores that got infected."

"All this just to be put down as a act of kindness like the story she foretold of her dog she grew up with. I will never watch that movie again."

-- Titans_are_Fun

Stoic Until She Wasn't

"Vesper Lynd drowning in 'Casino Royale.' That moment when she goes serene and calm, to a panicky and frenzied last gasp for air.... that really bothered me."

-- GrannyGoodness79


"Rufio getting killed by Captain Hook in Hook."

"That was the first on screen death that fu**ed with me bad."

-- barf2288

One for the Team

"Armageddon, where teddy stepped in to be the hero because someone else didn't do there job. He shouldn't have died because of someone else's fu** up."

-- Jentzlemen

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A Tearjerker Every High Schooler Knows

"One that always got me was Lenny's death in Of Mice and Men. I first saw the movie as a teen and the death just left such a strong impression on me."

-- jwhudexnls

Others were spooked by the pure violence of some onscreen deaths. They could barely watch the gruesome moments when they erupted.

But now they can't forget them.

Slam, Slam, Slam

"That f**king wine bottle scene in Pan's Labyrinth. The casual brutality is so horribly realistic." -- Darth_Mufasa

"My jaw dropped the first time I saw it and it still haunts me. In fact, that movie gave me nightmares for two weeks" -- TheSilverCrystal


"The curb stomp." -- AUTheatreNerd

"American History X. The curb stomp. It haunts me." -- DigitFisher


"Ryan Reynolds getting his insides eaten out by an Alien in the horror movie Life. It still traumatized me."

-- Darkrow_

Dinner Time

"The assistant who was always on her phone in Jurassic World. Her screaming while getting dragged underwater is forever burned into my brain."

-- Sa1Ch3

Opaque Attack

"Movie deaths haven't really bothered me...except I can't watch The Mist ever again. I fu**ing hate those lunatic sacrificial idiots."

-- DuneDragoon

And some people recalled the deaths they witnessed as children movie-watchers. All grown up now, they still can't unsee those old images.


"That shoe from Who Framed Roger Rabbit, it was so happy and friendly and then it gets slowly dipped to death. The smoke and its cries of pain are burned into my mind 25+ years later."

-- Lorlocks

Aptly Named

"Artax in the swamp of sorrows. Made me cry so much as kid, Atreyo was so hopeless." -- kirby60

"Don't you dare do this to me right now" -- OmgOgan

Multiple Movies' Worth of Sadness

"Stoick from How to Train Your Dragon 2, I still cry every time I even think about it, and the flashbacks in the third movie just break me, great trilogy. Full of emotion and great everything, best Dreamworks movies, in my opinion"


The worst part is that this is only a small handful of the tragic movie moments that are out there. And we have so many unknown future deaths we'll see too.

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