People Break Down The Most Underutilized Features On Their Phone

People Break Down The Most Underutilized Features On Their Phone

For most people, a cellphone has become almost like an extra appendage.

It goes with us everywhere and is rarely out of reach.

And most people are also now sporting so-called smartphones.

But how many of the features on these handheld computers are we using?

Redditor akand_1 asked:

"What is your most unused feature on your phone?"


"The ringer."

"I’ve been on silent for at least 9 years."

- dynnk

Oh, Samsung...


"F'king Bixby."

- MenAreHollow

"What? Bixby is my MOST used feature!

"I mean, never on purpose, it just happens to get pressed ALL THE F'KING TIME!"


- Beautiful-Carob-6864

Oh, Apple...

"Apple Store."

"I have never opened that app."

"I don't even know what it does, it's not the App store, that's a different App."

- SuperstitiousPigeon5

"You can buy new apple hardware using that app."

"I also never used it."

- 53bvo


"Most of the Samsung sh*t that you can't delete, only disable. Ugh. Oh and Bixby."

- jeezbigknees

"And likewise, all the Apple bloatware."

- ClassBShareHolder

"Same. Actually I think all phones are problematic with bloatware."

"I think it would be better if we could remove all apps easier."

- Quit_social_media


"Anything that’s in my utilities folder."

"Measure, stocks, compass..."

"The only one I use from there is calculator."

- retrobread_

"I just looked at my phone and discovered measure. Never even knew it was there."

"And no, I don't need a compass. What would I use it for if I have GPS?"

"I am not planning on getting lost in the woods."

- Botryoid2000

"Measure is actually really cool. You can use it as a pretty accurate level and you can use AR to measure stuff. Also quite accurate in my experience."

- ssssskkkkkrrrrrttttt

"Unfortunately, when I need to level or measure something, it's very rare that I need a tool that's 'pretty' accurate."

- ImRudeWhenImDrunk

Take A Picture

"The selfie camera."

"I just hate taking pics of myself."

- FiskTireBoy

"Ditto, but in my case it's more because I have spatial awareness/prosopagnosia issues because of autism."

"I can't center my face in the selfie view."

"It's complicated, but basically my brain gets confused about which direction to move to get my full face in a shot. I look like an idiot moving the camera and my face around trying to line them up."

"Every selfie I manage to cut some part of my face off by having it out of frame so I just don't bother."

- LakotaGrl

Shut up, Siri

"Any type of voice command."

- WickedDreamer99

"That’s it for me. I hate talking to machines."

"Even if it worked perfectly, which it never does, I’d rather use the more cumbersome method of manually entering my commands."

- Annhl8rX

"Word. I love technology, but I hate talking to a machine."

"Literally any other interface is preferable."

- Aman_Fasil

It Happens Eventually By Itself

"The off button."

"My old phone tends to run out of charge, as opposed to switching it off."

- Reddit

"My iPhoneX needs a few buttons pressed to get to the swipe to off screen."

"I have to turn it off so rarely I have to look up the button combo each time."

"Usually I end up taking a few screen shots of my desktop until I say f'k it and look it up."

- SuperstitiousPigeon5

No News Is...


- Poorly-Drawn-Beagle

"If I want to see any news I just open Reddit. Anything important will have memes about it."

- broken-not-bent

"Same, if I want to read the news I use the internet browser but I never use the app."

- cl4r_


"How would I know?"

- HiddenHippo


"Phones have so many features now that everyone's 'least used' is likely something they don't even know it has."

- Geobits

Until I got a job that required using the phone to actually talk to other humans, that was my least used feature.

If it can't be sent in a text, IM or email, do I need to hear it? I don't think so, but society still disagrees. *sigh*

So what's just taking up space on your phone?

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