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People Break Down The Most Out Of Touch Thing They've Ever Heard Someone Say

People Break Down The Most Out Of Touch Thing They've Ever Heard Someone Say
OSPAN ALI on Unsplash

Don't you just hate it someone makes a tone-deaf declaration without realizing their words have the potential to hurt or frustrate others occupying the same space?

Seriously, read the room.

Curious to hear from those who were put off by ignorance, Redditor LaunchesKayaks asked:

"What's the most out of touch thing you've heard a person say?"

Never assume, is a concept that was lost on these people mentioned, below.

Clueless Employer

"Recently got a new job that paid double what I used to make. When I resigned my former boss told me money isn't everything lol. I was only making minimum wage before"

– HotPotato7915

Seasoned Traveler

"Had a friend in dental school who grew up in the rich suburbs north of Detroit. We were talking about traveling (she was going to Thailand for spring break) and she said 'I’d be surprised if most people hadn’t travelled to at least 20 countries.' I told her I’d be surprised if most people had ever left the US at all."


A Parent's Burden

"When a guy was upset his wife was making him 'babysit' their infant too much, so he and his mom told her there’d be no more going out. He said him going out all the time was different than her going out, and when asked for clarification he said because she’s better at changing diapers and getting the baby to sleep. It truly blows my mind that there are morons out there who think taking care of their own children is babysitting."

– therewillbehints

Bad Priorities

"My old neighbours didn't see the point of taking their kids (3 and 6/7) to the playground nearby, or anywhere for that matter, because he 'found it boring.' The 2 kids spent every day in the house infront of the TV."

"Why would we go to the playground? I find it boring."

– Tabby_Tibs

A CEO's Problem

"During a break room discussion on how one of my co-workers was having to go on food stamps because the job didn't pay enough, the new CEO who for the first (and last) time decided to have lunch in the break room, dropped this gem:"

"Yeah, I know what you mean. We had to let our second nanny go."


"Really Cheap" Bargain

"My boss told me that the leasing of our company car is ending and I could buy it for really cheap if I want it. 'Really cheap' meant 20.000€ for him. He pays me 750€ a month (im still in training thats why its so little) and I live on my own and have a car, so basically I'd have to work about 2 years for this 'really cheap' car without spending a cent on anything."

– Wursti96

Thanks, But No Thanks, Gwyneth

"We're human beings and the sun is the sun--how can it be bad for you? I don't think anything that's natural can be bad for you." —Gwyneth Paltrow, 2013

"Let's say I get bitten by a rattlesnake. I shouldn't be worried; the venom's natural, isn't it?"

"Just a note: she was saying this because she thought that the sun couldn't possibly be bad for you! 15 minutes of sun a day should be healthy for anyone! Pure, radioactive sunlight! No SPF!"

– emriverawriter

Logic Without Traction

"If you can't afford gas, buy an electric vehicle."

– Gogo726

Some statements are so outrageous, there ought to be consequences.

What In The World?

"'Africa is a country.' In front of an Ethiopian who insisted that Africa is a continent..."

– LumiWang

Racist Grandma

"Grandma/mom called her 2 mixed great grandkids '2 n-words in the wood pile' and she wonders why they and my sis don't visit her."

– fqtsplatter

Speaking From His Experience

"The most unusual thing I heard from my friend is that he seriously thinks that menstruation doesn't exist."

– gaySaipan

Ohio's Mayor Feared This

"That allowing ice fishing shacks would then give rise to prostitution."

– Scottybobby33

Two Toxic Options

"Love it when toxic people tell you that you have to get used to or deal with their toxicity."

– alleekatz

These are the last things people want to hear when in mourning.

A Study Of Contrasts

"My dad just died about a month ago. My company gave me 4 days unpaid off. I was really close to my father so this was hard for me to deal with. My pay cheque was enough to pay bills, but I had to buy my groceries on credit card to get by. My bosses brother in law died the following week. All he talks about is how hard this is on his wife. Between the stress of her brother dying, and the reno on there million dollar cabin he's taking his whole family to Hawaii for 10 days this month to try to deal with there grief. Mean while I'm pricing urns out on Amazon to try to save money, trying to sell my dads tools to help my mom, working full time and taking care of a toddler."

– candy_15

Not Something To Hear In Grief

“'Aren’t you a bit too old to have a grandma?' A neighbor when I told her my grandma just passed away."

– SadNAloneOnChristmas


"I'm so sorry for your loss. Hang in there. Also, your boss is a dick."

– SpareToothbrush

Those who are completely self-unaware tend to be so out of touch, it's a wonder how they have assimilated into their respective communities.

Usually, it's not worth the headache to confront these people who can't see beyond anything that is relevant to their world.

Would you put these tone-deaf individuals in their place?

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One the strangest and most perplexing things about being a human is the fact that we can only experience what's going on inside our own bodies and minds. Sure, we can ask someone questions, we can listen to their accounts, and technology is increasingly closing the gap, but there's still nothing like a fully immersive experience.

For this reason, it can be easy for us to think that we're the only one having trouble with something, like the only adult who can never seem to keep their laundry pile caught up, but on the reverse side, it can also mean missing something that's abnormal.

It's, quite frankly, shocking how many people live with some kind of physical abnormality while assuming that it's normal.

Fascinated, Redditor amistakewasmadehere asked:

"What did you think was normal about your body until someone pointed out that it wasn't?"

A Double Uvula

"I have a double uvula. That little hangy thing in the back of your throat... Mine looks like a ballsack."

"I thought that's just what they looked like, because how often do you look in people's throats? I remember seeing cartoons as a kid where they'd zoom in on a character's mouth when they were screaming or something... And I just thought the artists were lazy, drawing a simple droopy line. But no, that's what most people's look like."

"When I was in my 20s, I went to the doctor for something unrelated, and she checked my throat and just said, 'Huh, you have a double uvula. Neat!'"

" I went home and told my roommates and they all had to look in my mouth. I thought they would think the doctor was the weirdo but they were all shocked..."

"I'll never forget one saying, 'You've got balls in your throat!'"

- xx2983xx

A Popping Jaw

"My jaw pops whenever I open my mouth. I thought it was normal for your jaw to just "unhinge" because how else could you open your mouth wide? Turns out, nope."

- PikaBooSquirrel

The Wrong Number of Organs

"The first year of menstruating, I had intensely painful periods and severe constipation. The periods would last two weeks, with two weeks in between each one."

"Everyone told me things would calm down and even out."

"Then one night, at a friend’s sleepover, I was in so much pain that I was sobbing on the bathroom floor. My parents rushed me to the hospital."

"Everything I was describing, pain-wise, made it sound like I was in labor. But I was 14 and still very much a virgin."

"After a week of tests and painkillers, they finally figured out the issue; I then had surgery to open up my second uterus and cervix, which had been sealed shut by a membrane."

"I had been having periods for a year and had built up like 2 liters worth of old blood in my sealed second uterus. So once that was drained out and I was put on major antibiotics, I got to go home and tell all my friends that I had two uteruses."

"I was also born with one kidney. Not sure if that’s related, but I sure am a mess down there, lol (laughing out loud)."


Heart Flutters and Palpitations

"I used the phrase, 'You know when your heart does that fluttery sensation and it’s like you can feel it beating for a few seconds?'"

"Apparently not everyone does know that; in fact, most don’t and my colleagues looked at me like I’d lost my mind."

- The_Sown_Rose

"Mine does this. I’ve mentioned it to my doctor but it didn’t show up on a heart tracing (I wore one for 24 hours)… Some days, it will happen multiple times, and then nothing for a month or two. It’s really odd."

- Gremingtonspa

Shark-Like Teeth

"That I had eight wisdom teeth grow into the extra space in the back of my jaw (two for each side, top and bottom) that all grew in just fine after 20... Only to find out on my last trip to the dentist that I have eight more growing in sideways..."

"The normal amount of wisdom teeth is four. Not 16."

- Rathewitch

"Some of the women in my family grow a third set of teeth in their 30s. My great aunt had a nearly perfect set, only one came in crooked, but my mum's sister had hers come in next to her adult teeth, so she has two rows in some places, like a shark."

"My mum got a couple extra, but they were pulled, and I haven't gotten any yet, though I got to keep all my wisdom teeth and they didn't."

- foxtongue

Transferable Eyesight

"I’ve got ‘alternating exo,’ the eye doctor called it. I can choose which eye I can see out of and can switch as I please, and whichever eye is not picked 'turns off,' and I don’t see out of it since I chose the other eye."

"Since I've been able to do it all my life, both of my eyes can operate alone, so if I lose one, it won’t be as bad adjusting. Pretty nice actually but the ‘exo’ makes me hate selfies cuz whichever eye isn’t picked drifts outward, which is noticeable to me at least."

- Nez_bit

Precordial Catch Syndrome

"You know when you’re breathing like normal, and suddenly when you inhale you get this sharp pain in one side of your chest, at the ribs behind your pectoral muscle? And every time you try to inhale further it comes back, then goes away entirely after a few minutes?"

"Yeah, that’s called Precordial Catch Syndrome."

"Doctors don’t know exactly what causes it, but the running theory is that a nerve near your ribs occasionally gets pinched when you inhale and it takes a few moments for your body to dampen the signal from that nerve. It’s very common, and does not indicate any underlying or dangerous medical issues."

- ScrembledEggs

Literally a Large Head

"I have a big head. I've never once found a hat that fits. Not even a toque."

- Grant_Ham999

"So, when I joined the army they didn't have a hat big enough for me. I was the only person out of 60 of us without a hat. Drill sergeants I had never met would run from across fields to yell at me for walking outside without my hat."

"When I explained that they didn't have a hat big enough for me... they cracked up and called me Charlie Brown. It took two weeks of that before a hat arrived big enough for me."

- mighty1u2

The Tensor Tympani Muscles

"I can activate my Tensor Tympani Muscles (they make that roaring in your ears when you yawn) at will."

"For some reason, they also activate when I feel a sudden pain, even when there’s no sound or noise involved."

- ShinyIrishNarwhal

"Wait, this isn't normal?"

- Pratius

Secret Asthma

"I thought I was bad at running because my throat would seize up and get painful whenever I ran for more than a minute. I mentioned this to my doctor when I was 30. Turns out I have asthma."

- PachinkoBiloba


"Dermatographia. I have really sensitive skin with an overactive histamine response. When I’m gently scratched with a blunt object, I get a hive in the shape of the scratch. I can write my name in hives on my forearm."


Temperature-Inspired Itchiness

"I get itchy as soon as I get overheated. Like an all-over body itch. There's no rash that pops up, I just get very, very itchy."

- f**kf**k9001

Unexplained Abnormality

"I once took part in a study as a paid participant. The doctors used ultrasound probes to examine the blood vessels on my face."

"They commented on how strange my face's blood vessels were, they struggled and puzzled a little while examining my face."

"Then they handed me more cash and asked whether I would be willing to donate my body after I died to a medical study."

"(They were polite and respectful throughout the whole process, just seemed excited?)"

- breakdancing-edgily

Restless Leg Syndrome

"I constantly have to flex my muscles. Not in the douchey 'check me out, ladies' kind of way, but in a more frustrating, 'I need to move this muscle in the next three seconds or I will feel like I am being tortured' kind of way."

"I'm constantly rotating my shoulders, flexing shoulder blades, neck, arms, wrists, ankles, legs, wherever. It makes it hard to sit still or sleep."

"I only seriously noticed when I slept with my first partner, who was very confused as to why I wouldn't stop twisting and flexing for at least two hours before falling asleep. I just figured everyone got that feeling."

"Being under a weighted blanket or feeling my arm or leg fall asleep, both feel like utter torture and will make me scream and writhe about. I would love to know what the h**l this is and how I deal with it, because so far, I have no clue."

- DeviousFox

"It sounds like restless leg syndrome (which can affect your whole body, and not just your legs). Have your iron levels, specifically your ferritin levels checked. RLS is torture, but there are treatments!"

- SenseiKrystal

In Need of Glasses

"I thought I had great vision until I tried glasses and found that everything was so much sharper and more vivid! Apparently, my left eye has a vision defect, but my right eye learned to compensate so I never realized!"

- LLAA00

It's amazing what we can go decades living with, even when it technically is not the norm. In many of these cases, there are even treatments or tools to improve them!

This just goes to show how important it is to ask questions if you have a concern, and if one doctor is not willing to properly discuss it with you, perhaps try talking to another one.