People Describe The Most Cartoon-Like Thing They've Ever Witnessed In Real Life

People Describe The Most Cartoon-Like Thing They've Ever Witnessed In Real Life
Photo by Jake Nackos on Unsplash

Life can be pretty funny. Sometimes, this comedy is seen and experienced inadvertently, such as when you see someone slip on a banana peel or fall on their butt while walking on the ice.

Hopefully the people you saw these things happen to––and maybe it was YOU!––are okay. But let's face it, people who saw it might have laughed, right?

It's the sudden absurdity that cracks people up, as we were reminded by Redditor I_am_tangible asked the online community,

"What's the most cartoony thing you've seen happen in real life?"


"Someone running in place because it was slippery."


This is definitely something from a Looney Tunes cartoon. How many times have we seen this?!

"I've seen my friend..."

"I've seen my friend slipping on a banana peel."


Did your friend somehow attract the attention of a beautiful dame who wanted to see if he was okay?

"I once saw a dog..."

"I once saw a dog find a chain of linked sausages unattended and then he ran away with one in his mouth, the others flapping and bouncing behind him."


This is funny and also really cute! That dog definitely had a better day than you.

"My cat drifting..."

​"My cat drifting on the slippery floor when taking corners while running. She loved doing that."


Of course she did!

If there's any animal out there that knows how to make their own entertainment, it's a cat!

"A couple of guys..."

"A couple of guys were at my place putting in new pipes. One fell through the ceiling, but only halfway, so only his lower half was sticking out of the ceiling, legs kicking."


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That final part, with the legs kicking, is hilarious.

"A naked man..."

"A naked man with a cardboard box around him running down the street."


Are we certain this isn't a scene out of a Judd Apatow comedy? Are we absolutely certain?

"A car spinning..."

​"A car spinning 360 degrees, hitting a pole, and having smoke come out."

"The reason why it was cartoonish is that it happened in the snow so it was basically in slow motion and the least dangerous thing ever while being funny."


I chuckled, but let's be serious for a moment: This absolutely is dangerous. Hopefully the driver was okay!

"My neighbor came over..."

"My neighbor came over, drank a box of wine by himself and it took him 20 minutes for him to walk home right next door."

"It was windy as hell, like 25-30+ with gusts upwards of 40 mph. It was the most cartoony thing I have ever seen. He was tryna fight the wind all the way home. I am pretty certain I saw him crawling at one point."


This one is my personal favorite.

Nevertheless, your neighbor persisted.

Hopefully his dignity was intact.

"Someone stepping..."

"Someone stepping on a rake and hurting their face. That someone was me."


I never would have guessed! Hopefully you didn't hurt yourself too badly.

"I slipped on the ice..."

​"I slipped on the ice a few years ago. I know it had to look like a cartoon. My feet flew up in the air and when I landed my head, neck and shoulders hit the ground before the rest of my body."

I'm pretty sure it must have been funny as f*** to see because it hurt like hell."


Life isn't always so serious, people. Sometimes it's utterly whimsical... like the cartoons we know and enjoy.

Where do you think the writers of these cartoons got their inspiration?

Have some funny experiences of your own? Have you also slipped on a banana peel and done the walk of shame? Tell more in the comments below!

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