People Break Down Which Modern Day Practices And Beliefs Will Be Considered Barbaric In The Future

People Break Down Which Modern Day Practices And Beliefs Will Be Considered Barbaric In The Future
Clay Banks on Unsplash

It's hard not to look back on history and be disgusted by a number of things which were at one point deemed acceptable, even not so long ago in the grand scheme of things.

The endless list includes segregation and women not having the right to vote.

We'd certainly like to think that we've come a long way.

But when we look back on how much we, as a culture, have evolved for the better, it also makes us stop and wonder what current customs or practices accepted in society today people twenty years from now will look back on in disgust.

This piqued the curiosity of RedditorSalt-Campaign6402,leading them to take to Reddit to ask:

"What modern day practice/ belief is most likely to be considered barbaric and outdated in the future?"

A revaluation of medical practices

"The way that f*cking speculum is shaped."- PopK0rnAndMMs

"Gynaecology procedures being done with out sedation or some type of proper numbing agent."- baconbutt96

"Chemotherapy."- sphygmomanometito

The end of stigma

"The entire system surrounding mental health."- crapgarbage

More respect for the environment

"Deforestation hopefully."- CrumbledTheCookies

More sustainable materials

"Single use plastics."- Lemilli000000n

Improvements in wages and working hours

"Working long hours to the point of sleep deprivation and exhaustion."

"Right now people brag about it."- HonestlyPizza

"Hustle culture."

"It's a scam made up by the rich to make the poor feel good about being exploited."- whythatusername

More humane treatment of animals

"Breeding dogs that can’t breathe."- username-alrdy-takn

Possible life saving advancements in science?

"I feel like organ transplants from strangers will seem bizarre in the future."

"I imagine we will be able to grow genetically-identical organs and use those instead."- thunderbiird1

Twenty years from now, we'll likely find ourselves relieved that some things have finally changed.

Then too, we might look back in horror at many things we wouldn't even take a second thought about at the time.

Teacher standing in front of a classroom
Photo by Taylor Flowe on Unsplash

It's a teacher's job to leave a lasting impression and set a good example for their students.

With this in mind, particularly in this age of viral videos and social media, teachers have to be very careful of what they say during class hours.

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Then too, sometimes teachers leave their students baffled and perplexed by what they say in their classroom, well aware of what they were saying.

Always making for a memorable story.

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