People Imagine Which Minor Conveniences They'd Give People

People Imagine Which Minor Conveniences They'd Give People

A life of convenience.

Wouldn't that be lovely?

Can you imagine driving around and only encountering green lights?

Or always having the phone battery charged?

That is what dreams are made of.

What if you were given a superpower to make all of that happen?

What would you do with it?

RedditorAdAppropriate6975wanted hear about what small, good things some of us would do for others if we had the power.

They asked:

"You’ve been granted the power to bless people with minor conveniences. How do you make their lives slightly better?"

I'd be giving people money.

Even if it's just singles.

That's a small start.

Thank You

"You'll always remember why you walked into a room or where you last put the item you need."




"From this day forward, you will always choose the fastest-moving line."


"That's impossible for me. It's a fundamental, immutable law of the universe. To change that would be to nullify all of existence as we know it. Hitting stop lights is part of the same fundamental physical force."



"May your cellphone always have enough charge when you need it. Also, for the ladies: May you always have at least one pocket on your outfit."


"40m here. I bought a pair of light airy linen pants for summer. Thought I had bought the same brand as a pair I bought last summer and LOVED. First difference I noticed was a lack of back pocket… thought oh… that’s weird."

"Then I tried to put my wallet in my front pocket and it was too shallow. Wallet literally couldn’t sit in the pocket. Pocket so shallow as to be unusable. I finally understood your pain ladies. I had no idea. I’m so sorry. Consider me an ally in the PROPER POCKETS FOR ALL battle going forward."


Be There

"Your keys, wallet, and phone are always where you expect them to be."


"Hopefully you don’t start having misguided expectations lol. I’m imagining a guy recognizing this happen and experimenting. He imagines his wallet is in an irretrievable void, then searches his house and finds it nowhere. Knowing that it’s gone, he would never expect it to be anywhere he’d find it."


Spread It

"Their butter is always at the perfect consistency for being spread."



My butter is always a mess, so this would be perfect.

Good Scents

"Odorless, silent farts that always get rid of your stomach aches."




"Everybody's talking voice actually sounds like the one they hear in their heads."


"Wait people hear the voice in their heads? For me it's not like a voice but more like... floating words or so. I never really tried to describe it but it's sure AF not an actual voice Or are you talking about the way you hear your own voice while actually talking?"


"I feel like I'm the only one who doesn't hate the sound of my own voice."


To match is Divine

"From this day forward all of your socks shall magically be waterproof and nothing will ever stick to them."


"I threw out all socks I owned and then bought a couple boxes of the same kind of sock. I just throw all my socks in a bin now and pick two at random. Never need to throw away one sock because the matching on got a hole."


"Now everyone has single use socks, because they won't live in a world that permanently smells like feet. Socks become the number one target of Greenpeace. You go into hiding due to the environmental disaster you have created."


The Zzzzsss...

"The power to fall asleep once your head hits the pillow."


"Clearly I don't think big enough, my blessing was going to be: every night when you fluff/squish/arrange your pillow to go to sleep, it's perfect the first time."


"I can do this and my wife always complains about it. I can literally decide to fall asleep, turn around and be gone in seconds. Has always been like this, don’t know why."



"The toilet seat will always be in the correct state depending on your business when entering the bathroom."



I would love for someone to do ALL of those things for me. Please and thank you.

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