Men Explain Which Compliments They Wish They Would Hear More

The stereotype of men being stoic and not really needing encouragement or compliments is just that - a stereotype. It's not true. It's just not. Dudes want to hear some nice stuff too!

But what? There are some things men may not really be into hearing. Like, do men want to know if they have a beautiful mouth? Is it only creepy when delivered by a bumpkin deep in Appalachia? Or is it a cringey compliment no matter who says it?

One Reddit user asked:

Men of reddit, what compliment would you like to hear more often ?

And honestly, it was way more wholesome than we thought it was going to be!

The Feels

Compliments that have to do with what feelings you're evoking in another person.

"You make me feel safe", for example, that's always awesome to hear.

- I_hate_traveling

This. Compliments on looks are nice, but were common when I was younger, and seem kinda insincere as I age. More importantly, looks aren't something I have much control over, so it's in the same ballpark as if someone said, "nice parents." I take them as intended, i.e. the person is making an effort to make me feel good, but they're kind of empty, like the junk food of compliments.

But "you're a good man" or "you're trustworthy/kind/hard-working/thoughtful/honest/etc" or "you make me a better person" ... Those are awesome. I feel genuinely proud of myself when I get those kinds of compliments, because I control whether they are true.

- livendive

A Font Of Knowledge

"Your extensive knowledge of pre-WWII aviation makes me feel all tingly."

"I wish I could find a man that knows about 1960's muscle cars like you"

"I'm so turned on by your encyclopedic knowledge of 1970's progressive rock bands!"

"No one knows more about guitar pedals than you!"

- e2hawkeye

That Grass, Tho


"Damn. You cut the sh!t out of that grass."

- TedDenslow

Nobody cuts grass better than you !

- Justanothermistake06

NOO ONNE...mows like Gaston

In even rows like Gaston

Buys the premium grass feed from Lowe's like Gaston

"You must keep it hydrated while germ-inating"

Oh what a lawnnn...Gas-Ton!

- 5ees4aquarter

Lookin' Good

Any compliment about my appearance would be nice to hear more often, especially since I've never had one before.

- zenebas21

I once told a distant coworker (he didn't work in the same department ) going through a divorce "oh I'm so sorry, well you're so handsome, women are going to flock to you"

He came back days later to thank me because "it meant so much to him, he's never gotten a compliment about his looks before and it helped his self-esteem to hear that" which is wild because he was actually handsome and what the heck his (ex) wife never told him!?

- beerladythefair

Men Can Be Beautiful

"You're Beautiful"

Can't describe why it hits so hard.

- Noishrol

"He is so BEAUTIFUL!" -My BFF and I whenever we see an attractive man. Never thought to say it to their face though, since I never wanted to be met with "I'm a man, I'm not beautiful." But maybe I will try it sometime. Thanks.

- ellekayxoxo



"You have a really nice complexion"

Compliment I received 15 years ago and still remember it

- ilovemygyro

I have acne scars and my husbands complexion is flawless. I tell him that, if I could, I would peel the skin off his face and plaster it to my own. Is this a similar compliment?

- iaintnocowgirl

I love your skin!

For context, I've suffered with oily, dull, and acne plagued skin for years. 1 1/2 - 2 years ago I got inspired by the 10 step Korean routine and my skin hasn't looked better.

Why are women the only ones who get compliments on their skin? 😭

- SethosYuuhi

Aggressive Drivers Would Be Delighted

"In hindsight, I now understand that your lane changes saved us some time. Well done."

- JonVoightKampf


"I really appreciate all the hard work you do to make sure our family has everything we need... thank you."

- DeepRoot

You are an unsung hero! Your post made me think of my dad. He worked his @ss off for us and was a fantastic provider. Thank you for being there for your family!!

- iloveSMSJ

Loyalty And Wrestling

"I love how loyal you are."

I am loyal to any of my closest friends, almost to a fault. Some just don't pay enough attention.

"Your extensive knowledge of anything wrestling isn't nerdy, it's actually pretty cool."

I am a huge fan of wrestling, have been since 2003. I'd rather people compliment me on it than say shit like 'you know it's fake right'

"I wish I knew more people like you."

Dudes, I'd fcking love to hear that.

- GingerBeamieBoi

Do you have something to confess to George? Text "Secrets" or ":zipper_mouth_face:" to +1 (310) 299-9390 to talk to him about it.

People Explain Which Things They Thought Everyone Was Exaggerating About Until They Experienced Them

"Reddit user rentinghappiness asked: 'What is something you used to think people were over-exaggerating about until you experienced it yourself?'"

Life lessons are forged in experience.

So many of us love to think we know what another person is feeling, and their reactions are just emotional.

Or what they're saying about what they're going through feels a bit over the top.

So many people are just dramatic, right?


Until we walk in those shoes, we'll never know.

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