People Explain Which Previously Luxurious Things Are Now Considered Totally Normal

Even just in the past decade, items that used to seem too luxurious or expensive for "average" people to purchase are now incredibly affordable. And inaccessible produce and personal hygiene products are close to a distant memory.

It's fun to think back about how far we've come.

Redditor Repulsive_Ad_1163 asked:

"What previously luxurious thing is now considered normal?"

Speciality Spices

"Vanilla. It’s the second most expensive spice by weight, even today… but for some reason, it’s associated with bland or mundane flavor. Go figure."

- AccioNimbus

Year-Round Produce

"Today's produce is a crazy luxury."

"You are telling me that in Ontario Canada, I can get perfectly ripe bananas in January? Insanity."

- mkicon

Car Bag Phones

"I remember my dad having a bag/car phone in the '90s for his business and people thinking that was a huge deal."

- ServiceCall1986

Cell Phones

"25 years ago, I was in high school, and we watched a corporate video in class. It was one of those of how the future will be all bright and shiny, as long as everyone uses brand X."

"The video was by Motorola, and it described the future. And they weren't that far off, stuff like zoom calls from the beach. But the one thing that had everyone in the class laughing and dismissing the video as bulls**t?"

"The eight-year-old with her own cell phone. Because 'no parent would ever spend that much money on a phone for a kid.'"

- UssMaurauder


"The only way there used to be to get aluminum was to find native deposits of it. Meaning, basically, pure nuggets or otherwise tiny little deposits. Which were exceptionally rare. Hence the precious nature of aluminum."

"Aluminium didn't become the ridiculously disposable commodity it is today until we learned how to break bauxite with electricity."


Accessible Water

"Running Water. I live in a rural part of Alaska in the summer, it is still a luxury there."

- ier_who

Car Features

"Power windows in a car."

- mook1178

Backup Cameras

"Car backup cameras. I think they're mandatory standard features on cars now."

- Augustus58

Readily Available Food and Water

"I LOVE that I can buy pre-butchered meat and vegetables I didn't grow and pasta I didn't make, etc."

"I read 'Little House on the Prarie,' I'm not butchering the pigs and preserving the meat in barrels/smoking it over two weeks, and it's awesome!"

- Revolutionary-Yak-47

Flat Screen TVs

"The first flat screen TV I saw was at a Bose store in the Spring of 99' and it was 42" for $15k! By today's standards, it was a fat flat screen of lower pixel quality. Crazy how cheap you can get one for now!"

- krejkick

Meat Products

"Eating meat every day, my grandfather was born during WWII and he told me that he only ate meat once a week when he was a kid. I can't speak for other countries but in the French countryside that was considered a luxury post-WWII."

- lehmx

Purple Dye

"Purple clothing."

"If there was one random thing I remember from middle school social studies/history, it’s going to be the fact that purple pigment was for the elite."

- GorillonDollars

Feminine Products

"I'm old enough that when I was a girl, most sanitary napkins still had a suspender belt that you attached the pad to; the 'beltless' maxi pads that arrived in the '70s were a game-changing deal."

"And tampons? Revolutionary, although they required a large body of marking reassurance that girls' virginity wouldn't be ruined by tampon use..."

- Mis_Emily

Different Expenses

"Agatha Christie once said, 'I never thought I would ever be so poor that I would not have servants, or so rich that I would own a car.'"

"But Honestly this statement is still quite true around the world."

"In places like southeast Asia, many families have live-in helpers or servants and they are quite poor themselves. Yet they can't afford a car."

"It's wild."

- AussieCollector

Orange Selection

"My dad used to always put an orange in my stocking and explained that it used to be a big deal because the fruit was hard to find."

"I carried on the tradition with my own kids. My 20-year-old, who I still make a stocking for, told me this past Christmas that it doesn't feel like Christmas if he doesn't get an orange in his stocking."

"He said when he has kids, he'll carry on the tradition and explain why. It made me feel good to know that it was as important to him as it was to me."

- Smart_Cabinet_9381

It's amazing to think of how the economy and our lifestyles have evolved over the years, and how expenses have changed to reflect that.

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