People Break Down The Exact Moment Their Long-Term Relationship Fell Apart

People Break Down The Exact Moment Their Long-Term Relationship Fell Apart
Image by Foundry Co from Pixabay

If you live on this earth and you're fortunate enough to form long-lasting relationships with different people, chances are you'll know the pain of heartbreak. It's an unavoidable fact of life.

We are not guaranteed to stay with one person forever, as we were reminded once Redditor disturbance of mirrors asked the online community,

"People whose long-term relationship faded, what was the final straw that made you realize it was time to call it a day?"

"The last time..."

"When she 'broke up' with me for the 12th time.

We had a long-distance relationship and whenever we had an issue or a disagreement, instead of engaging in a conversation with me about it, she would say we were done and shut me out for two or three days before coming back and manipulating me into groveling for her forgiveness. The last time, I just said no to going back and stuck to it. She freaked out and tried to drive 6 hours to my place at 2:00 a.m... I got a call from her mom saying she had left in the middle of the night as a head's up and, upon finally getting ahold of her when she was just a couple of hours away, I was able to convince her to turn back.

That relationship f***** me up for a while but, once I began dating my now fiancee, it was unbelievable to me how wonderful a real, loving relationship with healthy communication can be."


"Her brother was living with us..."

"Mine was not a slow burn like most seem to be, but a very definitive moment.

Her brother was living with us and this was right when WiFi was becoming available to the general public. We couldn't afford it cuz we were broke kids, so her brother would take my GF's MacBook (it was a gift) and sit on a nearby bus bench and leech off someone's unsecured WiFi.

Well, one day we get a call from her sister and she says we need to get home immediately. Turns out some guys came up and asked him for change for a $20 and when he told them he didn't have it they tried to snatch the Mac and jump in their car.

He knew it wasn't his so he held onto it and tried to get it back but they were too much. He had gotten dragged by the car, kicked in the head, and then had his leg run over. He was in pretty bad shape.

As we turn the corner (didn't know what had happened yet) GF sees cop cars and an ambulance and says "This better not have anything to do with my Mac. We walk in and he's visibly in bad shape and she is just immediately "Did you lose my Mac?" I'll never forget his face. He was so ashamed and felt terrible and just started crying. She however started screaming my computer! My computer! And hitting him. To the point where the cops considered arresting her. It was an instant eye-opener."


"I'd sit in my car..."

"I'd sit in my car after work playing on my phone for like an hour because I just needed a break before going inside and dealing with him."


That would do it.

"I would find any excuse..."

"I would find any excuse to work late or sometimes go sit at a bar by myself just to avoid the misery at home. We divorced."


"He was a workaholic..."

"He was a workaholic to the point that I saw him about 6 days per month."


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"Somewhere between..."

"Somewhere between giving up on small talk and not looking forward to the weekends anymore."


That's no way to live.

"It really forced us..."

"Honestly it was the pandemic. It really forced us to actually spend time together and I realized we kind of just didn't do much together at all. I had spent years thinking it was cool that we kept our own friends and space but once those distractions were taken away it was just really clear to me that we were more roommates than a couple."


"When I realized..."

"When I realized I was needed and not wanted. Constantly trying to make someone happy who didn't want to be happy."


This one hurts. I've been there myself. (And I have also been that person––I thankfully got help.)

"We lived together..."

"We lived together but lived completely separate lives. Basically a housemate I shared a bed with. Happened twice to me so far."


"I would have moved mountains for him..."

"I knew it was over when I cared more about his wellbeing than he cared about his own wellbeing. I would have moved mountains for him if it made his life easier and he just continuously put himself in shi!ty situations. I eventually just gave up. I can't be with someone who doesn't care about themselves. Thank God that's over."


If you think you might be stuck in a pointless or unhealthy relationship, it's worth evaluating your options. And it's never worth sticking around and risking your emotional and mental health.

Have some stories of your own? Feel free to tell us about them in the comments below.

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