People Break Down The 'Zombie Apocalypse' Fears That No One Ever Thinks About

People Break Down The 'Zombie Apocalypse' Fears That No One Ever Thinks About
Photo by Yohann LIBOT on Unsplash

If zombies arrived right now, none of us would be shocked.

The way the world has been working, I think most of us would be like... "Sounds about right..."

So maybe we should prepare.

I feel like there is a lot of detail shows like "The Walking Dead" ignore.

When we're not squabbling with the undead... what do we need for the day to day.

RedditorHouseGrasswanted us to get prepared... just in case. They asked people to divulge...

"If a zombie apocalypse were to happen, what is an issue people don’t think about?"

So far my biggest concerns are banks and the liquor store. Tell me more...


Gordon Ramsay Bug GIF by National Geographic ChannelGiphy

"There are so many flies. Flies."


"Flies eat dead flesh - they'll be zombie enemy #1."



"The smell. You ever see them movies where the cops find a corpse and they puke because of the smell... of one dead body? What's the smell going to be like when:"

"A huge percent of the population is decomposing and walking around everywhere. Or if you kill them, lying there not getting buried... just lying there getting more stinky."

"No refrigerators so all existing food in everywhere is going to rot."

"Toilets will eventually stop working so you have that to deal with."

"That and diseases other than being bit by a zombie and lack of medicine to treat them."


Get Soap

"Hygiene. A lot of people take the fact we have easily accessible soap and don't realize just how easy it is to die from a small infected cut without it."


"I've thought about this in every zombie film/show I've seen where two characters have sex. They're sweaty, dirty, sometimes covered in blood and zombie guts. That has absolutely got to give you a serious infection, and you won't even be able to find antibiotics to treat it. Yuck."



"Batteries. I’m one of the few left who is watching fear the walking dead. Just saw someone use a flashlight YEARS after sh*t started. 2 weekends ago when our power went out, our flashlight from last year had dead batteries."


"Most batteries sold these days advertise a shelf life of 10 years. But a battery sitting in a flashlight is likely to drain faster than one sitting in a box."


Easy Death

Sick Season 4 GIF by FriendsGiphy

"Simple illnesses such as strep throat."


"Diarrhea will be a potential death sentence again."


The basics are always the things forgotten in the movies and shows.

The Collapse

Loop Geometry GIF by xponentialdesignGiphy

"Uncontrolled release of toxic and hazardous materials as a result of industrial facilities collapsing due to a lack of continued maintenance."

"Dams collapsing and flooding out everything downstream. Power plants overheating or pressurizing and detonating. Toxic chemicals seeping into the water table or aerosolizing in fires. We made a world that we can only survive in if we keep it going."


Can you write me something...

"Your prescriptions. I personally don't take any meds daily but i know people who do and would eventually die without them. Even if you broke into a pharmacy or something the meds would only last you so long. If you're lucky the zombies will decompose until they die but it's never safe to assume that will happen."


Bad Ideas

"Sex in the zombie apocalypse is just overall a terrible idea. Becoming pregnant means you need more food and are much less agile, both major detriments. Even if the baby does get born, that new human is now going to be slowing you down, a hassle to take care of, quite loud and zombie-attracting, and cannot work or contribute to the group, but is still another mouth to feed and water."


How to Fuel...

"Gas expires."


"'The Last Man on Earth’ explores this after two years I think. He pours petrol from a can and it comes out kinda lumpy. One of the other characters points out that he warned everyone that this would happen and they should’ve been setting up solar panels which is what they do next. Obviously it’s not 100% accurate and it’s a comedy series but it reminded me how fossil fuels would become useless after a while."



Make It Rain Money GIF by SpongeBob SquarePantsGiphy

"It's not gonna be good for the economy."


Well that is a solid list compiled. I'm ready. Just need liquor.

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