Left-Handed People Explain The Downside Of Living In A Right-Handed World

Left-Handed People Explain The Downside Of Living In A Right-Handed World

Right handed people have it easy.

Redditor u/u/BadlySpeltBouy asked, "What are the perks and downsides of being left handed that no one talks about?"

Left handed Redditor's gave us a glimpse into the world of inconvenience that they face. Right handed people don't realize how every product and device is made for them to use easily, while lefties must adapt or hope someone invents an alternative for them. Still, there are some perks to being left handed.

10. My school had an odd abundance of left-handed desks

"The worst is when you're in a classroom that has those single chair/desk combo. They're all right handed making it super hard to make notes. Sometimes there's a token left handed one in a random place in the classroom where you don't particularly want to sit."


9. Grade school scissors are everyone’s enemy

"Spiral notebooks are your enemy, as well as grade school scissors. You can always use the excuse to use the teachers scissors though, they were always better anyway."


8. Lefties make good fighters


"In combat sports, left handers are more likely to win because everyone's been training against right handers and facing left handers is kind of rare. Manny Paquiao and Tenshin Nasukawa come to mind of famous southpaws. Keep in mind some right handers also choose to fight in 'left handed' stance too."


7. A right handed person would never notice

"The jagged teeth on printers for receipts and things are designed to be used by the right hand."


6. I’m guilty of saying this


"Everytime someone sees you write something you get to hear, 'Oh, you're a leftie huh?"


5. It puts a damper on writing 

"Downside is I always smudge my pencil/ink if im writing something especially if my hands are a lil sweaty"


4. It really is a right-handed world...

"All tools are made for right handers.

All thumb buttons are on the wrong side of handles.
Meat slicers and all one handed operation machines are right hand operation only.
Guns eject spent casing in your face and safety you often have to reach around the gun in an awkward manner.

I could go on and on. We live in a right handed word, lefties just visit it clumsily."


3. Even a dinner party is difficult

"I always have to be quick to sit down at a dinner table. Unless I get a spot on the left side of the table (as you face it) or the end I bump elbows with others at the table. It can seem rude but it works best for everyone."


2. It runs in the family

"I never had to share my softball glove cause no one could ever use it...but it was hard to find a glove to buy period.
My daughter is also left handed and for whatever reason I love that she is."


1. Holding hands isn't inconvenient

"My boyfriend and I can hold hands and both use our dominant hands for stuff"


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