People Divulge Which Inconveniences They Hate With A Passion

People Divulge Which Inconveniences They Hate With A Passion
Image by Robin Higgins from Pixabay

It's easy to be annoyed over petty things. We just have no time for nonsense when untoward actions get in the way of us trying to go about our day.

But everyone has that one gripe about something or someone that can potential ignite fury, and those are the buttons that one would be better off avoiding to push.
Curious to hear about the things that can set off a person, Redditor DoctorLove01 asked:
"What is something you hate with a passion?"
Are some of these relatable?

It's best to avoid people with certain proclivities that leave a lot to be desired.

A Cowardly Role

"People who always are the victim no matter what they have done."


Ditching Responsibility

"People that cannot admit fault."


"People will respect you if you come out and say you messed up and you're sorry."


Manipulative Wretches

"People who make subtle rude comments in such a way that if you call them out they can make you look like the a**hole."


Below are example's of the actions of people ranging from annoying to absolutely unforgivable.

Space Deniers

"People who block doorways. It just happened to me over the weekend, walking in and a family of 4 entering before me all blocked the way for myself and the guy behind me."

"I know I'm not running and I don't need to maintain a pace, but have some spatial awareness for gods sake."


Disrespectful Of Public Places

"Littering. How can anyone be that lazy and disgusting? Do they not use bins in their own homes?"


Epitome Of Irresponsibility

"Drunk drivers."


We may be guilty of some of the following we're too ashamed to admit.

Superficial Idolatry

"How aggressively and passionately people follow influencers and put them on a pedestal."


Unintelligent Arrogance

"Confident idiots"

"It's so bizarre how apparent it is that someone has never been surrounded by smarter people. You'd listen more and be less confident if you know that you have much more things to learn and that you, too, can be wrong."


Not Relationship Material

"People who hold a conversation and then just stop texting back in the middle of said conversation, being left on read and people who cheat."


Prone To Judge

"People who judge a people by their appearance. I work a blue collar job and the looks I get when I'm off work at like a gas station makes me mad. I'm sorry I'm covered in grease and bs but I want a coke and need gas."


I have a very low tolerance for people who don't understand the concept of being punctual.

There are many variables causing a person to be late, whether it's for a date, work, or a friend with whom you've planned a coffee date to catch up.

Even though I'm a procrastinator in other situations, that is not the case when someone else is involved. I always allow myself plenty of time to get to where I need to be with some wiggle room for subway delays or traffic.

A 10-15 minute late window is perfectly fine. However, I've waited 30 minutes to an hour before for people, and they never had a valid excuse except for the fact that they are terrible at time management.

It's enough to get me fuming, but maybe that's on me for expecting everyone else to share the same mentality that people's time is precious.

People are required to have a license to drive, fish, and have certain jobs.

So it boggles my mind that people aren't required to have a license to have kids.

Some of the cruelest and most vicious things I've ever heard were words uttered by a parent to a child.

As an adult, I was haunted by a few thigs.

I can't imagine the scaring of an adolescent.

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