People Share Which Inanimate Objects Actually Get Their Sincere Sympathy

I admit, I love my stuffed animals. They're the best.

Some of them have been with me for years and I have them proudly displayed in different spots around my apartment. And when I've packed them for a move, I've done so with all the tender loving care I can muster.

What is it about them that stirs up these feelings?

Believe it or not, it's quite possible to form emotional attachments to inanimate objects!

People told us all about their own feelings after Redditor MoneySquare5734 asked the online community:

"People of Reddit, what weird sympathies do you have towards inanimate objects?"

"Like dude..."

"Computers when someone's throwing a fit or tantrum over something like a game lag, buffering or general software issues. Like dude, get angry at the real cause not the hardware thats essentially just the messenger."


We really mistreat our hardware sometimes, don't we? Going to apologize to my computer now.

"I think we're okay now..."

"I once slapped my iPad when it was being slow, then instinctively hugged it and apologised afterwards. I think we’re okay now but the level of trust definitely isn’t what it used to be."


Serves you right! You have a lot to make up for!

"I have way too much emotion..."

"I have way too much emotion invested in my Roomba. Especially as I only have one charging station, so when it's running in my living room/hallway, it can never get back to base as there's a step in the way."

"Usually feel guilty when I come home and find it stuck in some corner, knowing that it literally ran until exhaustion trying to find its home."


I do not have a Roomba but my friend has one and I think he has the opposite reaction. I think he mistreats his!

"All my dollar bills..."

"All my dollar bills need to face up in my wallet, otherwise I get the feeling those Georges and Lincolns are uncomfortable."


I think I do this too. I did not ask to be attacked like this.

"If I see..."

"If I see a really ugly plush toy at a thrift store, I feel compelled to buy it because I feel like it will just get thrown away. So now I have quite a few ugly plushies. I love them."


Aww, they now have a home with you and they must be so happy!

"I guess in general..."

"Abandoned toys. I guess in general I just feel so bad for any inanimate object that is no longer serving its purpose."


How many toys end up in the dump each year, I wonder? And how many of them are plotting their revenge as we speak?

"So I transferred everything..."

"I got a new cellphone not too long ago. So I transfered everything to my new phone but I didn't turn off the old phone afterward."

"This happened late on a Sunday and the next morning my old phone still rang to wake me up and I was somewhat sad that it still thought it was my current phone and that it still had the duty to wake me in the morning."


The feelings this stirred up... I did not know it was possible to feel this way!

"I am very appreciative..."

"Sometimes I give my car a pat on the dashboard and say thank you. It has carried me so many thousands of miles and i am safe. I am very appreciative of its hard work."


Aww. I don't have a car, but I get this! And your car appreciates YOU!

"When I was a kid..."

"When I was a kid I spent a whole afternoon feeding pebbles to a small drain outside my house because I thought it was hungry."


Okay, this is cute – and totally something a little kid would do!

"There's a thing I call..."

"There’s a thing I call 'mechanical empathy.' If you emotionally attach to your bike or car you’ll be kinder and more gentle to it."

"Some people are really rough on cars and other machinery, it’s painful to drive with them."


I was in a car recently with a driver who got a bad case of road rage and just slammed her hands on the dashboard whenever she was upset. That poor car!

Who knew we could feel so attached to the inanimate objects around us? Humans are fascinating creatures. We're capable of a lot of love and empathy, even for the smallest things.

Have some opinions of your own? Feel free to tell us more in the comments below!

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