Guys Reveal The Hints From Women They Obliviously Ignored

Guys Reveal The Hints From Women They Obliviously Ignored

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A missed opportunity in life stings, especially if it's a guy who doesn't catch onto a girl coming onto him. Some men can be dense, but these guys are on another planet. This is how a magical moment got away from these guys.

u/Ahmedthrowaway997 asks:

Guys, what is the most obvious hint from a girl you've missed?

This seems a little forward...

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Sitting backstage at a high school show I was crewing for, I was talking to one of the dancers and for some reason we started talking about clicking/popping fingers, necks etc. She told me she could click all sorts of joints (hips, lower back, and so on) and said "Here, feel." She spent a good five minutes literally putting my hands all over her body... and I only realised what had happened several years later.

In my defense, she really could click all sorts of strange joints...


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Girl: "Can I kiss you?" Me: "Why would you wanna do that?"

This is how you fail at taking a relationship all the way

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I wouldn't know I missed it... The one I eventually caught was a girl telling me that she liked me a lot and I went:

"(DUH) I like you a lot too I'm glad we're friends :D"

What is wrong with you man!?

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  • She slept in my bed
  • She stole my phone, putting it in her bra and daring me to get it

This would have been a good time to have another conversation about that comment...

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I was a busboy when I was seventeen. Got to talking to one waitress during a shift. Never met her before. She was new, blond, cute, and when I told her my name, she said: "That sounds like a fun name to scream out." I didn't understand what she meant until 3 years later.

God, I was an awkward teen.

When he thought it was a joke....

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A girl asked me out but I was convinced that I was the victim of a cruel joke

It wasn't a complete waste...

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"So you can either watch me shower or wait with my uncle until I'm done."

Ended up watching star trek for the first time in my life....

That's never a joke!

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Whe she showed me her boobs as a "joke"

A little nap never hurt anyone

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Was at a party in highschool.

She said " I'm gonna go upstairs and take a nap, you can come and join me if you want"

I say, "no thanks I'm not tired"

Turns out she wasn't even tired

The casual touch

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I don't miss this anymore, but for years I missed the casual/flirtatious touch.

An unnecessary yet intentional caress on the arm, shoulder, back, etc can be very telling. I'm sure someone will be here to tell me I'm wrong and they just touch their friends all the time. But it's always been my experience that if a girl is finding an excuse to put her hands on you, there's a pretty good chance she's at least a little interested.


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I went on a blind date with a girl that went pretty well, and dropped her off at her apartment where she invited me in. We hung out for a little bit having a pretty good time just hanging out, it was getting late and she told me she had to go take a shower "but were not having sex." So I just think, OK, sure no problem I respect that.

Then after her shower she asks me to come into her bedroom and hang out in her bed. She wasn't wearing anything suggestive and said a few times "we're not going to have sex" and again, I'm like OK sure yeah this is still a fun time talking.

I finally go to leave and she goes "Um....ok....bye." And I thought that was weird and then I left.

We didn't go on another date but still talked and some time later she asked me why I didn't want to have sex that night.

I guess "We're not having sex." to her, obviously means "lets have sex"

She was aggressive!

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Super cute girl in college, we got on really well, but I thought I was firmly in the friend-zone. One night we were chatting and I'd said I wasn't very ticklish and she said she could find a ticklish spot in under 10 seconds.

I took her up on this, fully expecting her to go for the usual spots, but she leant in, stuck her tongue in my mouth and licked the roof of my mouth.

It was ticklish.

Took me another few days to realise what was going on....I wasn't very bright

Missed the boat

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Shortly after high school ended, this really hot girl told me that she had a crush on me for the entirety of my senior year. My response was basically "Oh that's nice". Her parents were out of town and we had her entire house to ourselves for the rest of the evening. Could've done it right then and there. You win some, you lose some, I guess (sigh)

That's an appropriate response

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My girlfriend still likes to tease me about the time (before we were together) when she put her arm around me and I just stood still and asked her "...are you okay?"

You can always s*** at her house

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I hope I am not missing any with the girl I have a crush on currently...

Missed a few hints because I am just oblivious to such things. The most obvious being, her inviting me to her home because her parents were away. But I needed to take a crap so badly that I just told her I need to go home.

I realized at home while shitting what an idiot move that was, I mean I could have shat at her house.

It's in the little things...

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Coming to school early and staying late just to talk to me, i had no idea

The nipple is a clear signal!

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As a teenager I had a girl bite my nipple while hugging me and then tell me I taste good, now either she was a vampire or I'm the biggest moron.

The phone number is the ticket

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Oh so many missed, but the most obvious was probably when I was out at a pub one night, suited up as their was a local race day event on, I was standing near the dance floor drinking and had a lass come over to me and start talking then dragged me to the dance floor, I faux danced (I have no rhythm) a bit and returned to my spot, this happened again, and at one stage she was so close while talking our foreheads where touching, she asked to see my phone and put her number in.

I realised what was going on while I was walking home, so much alcohol drank that day but still wow... I failed.

Indeed you are...

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She would invite me over to hangout, make me food, and try to cuddle. I was a dumb***.

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