People Share The Greatest Quotes From The Most Terrible People

We are a quote heavy, self-help speeching society.

We thirst for leadership because honestly... life is dark and depressing.

How many books, speeches, essays and small "on the daily" quotes do we follow and take to heart?

Do you research every author of every quote?

You should. Or maybe you shouldn't.

Redditorcow780wanted to hear some inspiration from the worst people possible. They asked:

"Reddit, what are some great quotes by terrible people?"

Just because someone has wisdom, insight and charm doesn't mean they're kind. Evil comes in all packages.


Confused Daily Show GIF by CTV Comedy ChannelGiphy

“'Do not compare yourself to others. If you do so, you are insulting yourself.'”

"-Adolf Hitler"


"'Believe in yourself, and you can accomplish anything your heart desires.'"

"- Adolf Hitler"


Alexis Carrel

"'To progress again, man must remake himself. And he cannot remake himself without suffering. For he is both the marble and the sculptor. In order to uncover his true visage he must shatter his own substance with heavy blows of his hammer.'"

"In the context of self-improvement it's a great quote about pushing limits and enduring pain or discomfort in order to grow. However the author of the quote Alexis Carrel was not speaking about improvement of the individual, but of humanity as a whole through eugenics and forced sterilisation of criminals, disabled people, and other 'undesirables.'"



“'Decide that you want it more than you’re afraid of it.'- Bill Cosby"


"Man Bill Cosby is so frustrating. I feel like he did so much good while secretly being a slimy piece of garbage."


"Great quote until you realize that with modern context it's kinda disturbing."



“'Faith moves mountains, but only knowledge moves them to the right place.' - Joseph Goebbels"


"The dude has SO many good quotes. Joseph Goebbels is what happens at the intersection of wisdom and evil."



al capone inmates GIF by History UKGiphy

"'You can get far with a smile. You will get further with a smile and a gun' - Al Capone"


The villains always get the best lines.

To the Followers

Kool Aid GIFGiphy

"'My whole life I have suffered from poverty and have faced many disappointments and pain, like a man is used to. That is why I want to make other people happy and want them to feel at home.' - Jim Jones"



"'Women hold up half the sky' - Mao Zedong"


"My dad used to play that song when I was little. I always thought the line was, 'if you go carrying pictures of Trem and Mao.' I always thought there was some other guy named trem that I had just not learned about in school yet."


"Mao killed 80 million of his own people and there are statues of him all over China."



"Stalin- 'A single death is a tragedy, a million deaths are a statistic.'"


"Another one by Stalin, often paraphrased as 'It's not who votes that counts, it's who counts the votes.'"

"'I consider it completely unimportant who in the party will vote, or how; but what is extraordinarily important is this—who will count the votes, and how.'"



"'Expectations ruin relationships' - Michelle Duggar"

"This one stuck with me and then I started to notice the most unhappy people I know are the ones with the most or highest expectations of others."


"American hero worship is the worst thing. We have to lie about all, of amerikan history because our little snowflakes would melt learning the truth in school. Once you acknowledge that everyone is flawed, it's easier to accept reality."



david fincher fbi GIF by NETFLIXGiphy

"'You gotta remember, if we're all God then we're all the Devil too.' -Charles Manson"


Even the worst and most of us is can be brilliant. That's why evil can be hard to catch and easy to follow.

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