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Gamers Share The Most Messed Up Thing They've Ever Overheard In The Voice Chat

Gamers don't always communicate strategy with their online team members.

Some of the most bizarre things can be heard in online gaming.

For the uninitiated, online gaming has become a multi-billion dollar industry where the number of enthusiastic players engaging in a virtual community with people from all walks of life has increased.

Voice chat apps like Discord, Overtone, or TeamSpeak3 have become increasingly prevalent due to its preferred method of communication over typing out messages on keyboards.

But the things players say in the heat of the moment can raise eyebrows.

NSFW comments from a sore loser or a disturbing argument heard in the background were some of the examples strangers shared when Redditor SON_MF_GOKU asked:

"Gamers of reddit, what was the most f'ked up thing you heard in a voice chat?"

Fridge On Fire

"While raiding on World of Warcraft our raid leader's fire alarm went off mid boss pull (open mic). He immediately starts yelling and throws his headset down without muting it. In the background all we hear is 'Ohhh f'k no.' and the sound of a door slamming. After a minute we hear weird cracking and groaning noises so I decide to phone him. Turns out his fridge had caught fire and his small flat was already half engulfed by the time the fire alarm had reacted. If he had not got out then then he probably wouldnt have been alive. Guy was literally standing outside of his flat in no shoes and he sadly lost everything including his clothes that day. A few years down the line and he is doing much better now though!"


Sore Loser

"Just the other day in Warzone I heard the funniest death mic after I killed someone. It sounded like some male and he just said, in the most monotone voice, 'You're adopted. You should kill yourself.' Made me laugh because it was so unexpected compared to the normal rage mics and the delivery really sold it."


The Crunching

"I've heard so many f'ked up things over the years, but seeing as how there's a bunch of those, I have a funny moment I won't forget. This guy was crunching very loudly on the mic during a game of Halo. So I decided to grab a soda and chips and crunch back. Then more and more people started chiming in and no joke, half of the team never said a single word to each other. It was just constant crunching and loud sipping. Normally that sh*ts annoying, but half a lobby doing it without any other communication was pretty funny."


The Triumphant Exclamation

"Wasn't the most messed up but it was pretty funny, I was playing overwatch and as we got released to capture the point a dude yelled 'BIG D*CK ENERGY' and then silence ... And then 'SORRY, I guess everyone in my daughter's zoom class heard me' wherever he is now I hope he's doing well"


Auditory Abuse

"A man beating his children, then his wife when she tried to defend them. Police were called and he was arrested. I was on with his 14 yr old son."


The A**hole

"Oh man... MW2 lobby when I was in 8th grade. 2 Dudes getting into it. Guy 1 said 'I hope your mother dies.' Guy 2 is quiet for a second and says, more solemnly 'That's f'ked up... she got cancer and died about a year back.'


Morbid Recollection

"Some guy I knew got drunk and started talking about how he watched his friend die when they were kids. He was crying telling all of us the story, everybody was silent."


Demon Dog & Using Coke

"Overhearing a woman crying in the background because their dog was dead. About 5 minutes later the dog woke up and the guy was trying to convince others that the dog was possessed."


What 'Samantha' Wants

"Playing Black Ops 2 Circa 2013."

"A kid kept dying and he said 'Well Tickle my anus and call me Samantha' and that has stuck with me for about 8 years."


Small Upgrades That Actually Made A Huge Difference In People's Homes

Reddit user Super_dupa2 asked: 'What small upgrade made a huge difference at your house?'

Smartphone showing a lighting switch app
Moritz Kindler/Unsplash

Making yourself feel at home takes work but not as much as you think.

Homeowners, for example, are apprehensive about renovations because of how much costs.

Even tenants renting a home can feel like they're stuck in a situation where they don't feel comfortable because of minor inconveniences they think requires major solutions to fix.

Cut to this Reddit thread, where the ideas for affordable home improvement options were shared that may make you wonder, "Why didn't I think of that?"

Curious to hear some tips from strangers online, Redditor Super_dupa2 asked:

"What small upgrade made a huge difference at your house?"

We tend to overcomplicate things when solutions can be simplified.

Taking Charge

"Methodically buying phone chargers with long enough cables to not have to ever move one again."

– ihadtowalkhere

"I am a pretty mellow dad (benign neglect parenting style for 5 kids) but I have two rules. Nobody messes with my bedside charger and nobody steals my two pillows."

"So, as such, I make many, long chargers available for everybody. It costs me a fortune:)"

– nicktam2010

Hello Darkness, My Old Friend

"Blackout curtains for sleeping. Such a game changer."

– blehbleh1122

"And they keeps my bedroom cooler."

– BunjaminFrnklin

"Insulated blackout curtains make a 10f difference in my living room on hot days."

– TryUsingScience

A Cool Idea

"Attic heat exhaust fan. Our attic used to get up to 140F on the hottest days, and on those days our ceilings were hot to the touch. The whole house was consequently uncomfortable. Now the attic fan is thermostatically controlled to 90 degrees, and the whole house is cooler."

– jermleeds

"I added a passive whirly bird that does the same thing. Heat rises and escapes before it can accumulate to those extreme levels. It also happens to be clear acrylic so now there's always light up there too which helps keep away any vermin.

– cantwejustplaynice

No major bathroom renovations are required to make tenants happy.

No More Slamming

"Soft close cabinets and toilet seats."

– AreWeCowabunga

"We have a soft close toilet seat at our home and every time I'm at a hotel, I completely forget that they aren't usually soft close and the slam startles me 😂"

– PinkHamster08

Nozzle Upgrades Can Do The Trick

"A better shower. If you can't redo the whole bathroom, just replace the head. This also works if you rent, just keep the old one in a box, so you can bring the nice one to your next house."

– maartenvanheek

"I'm a renter and I finally installed a better shower head this year, after just using the default head in all my apartments for almost 20 years. 10/10, highly recommend."

– Am_I_a_Guinea_Pig

Perfect Welcoming Gesture

"My wife and I own a smallish apartment complex . One of the things we do every time a new tenant arrives is replace the toilet seat. I learned that trick from my parents who had about a dozen single-family rentals. It's amazing the goodwill you receive from a tenant simplify giving them a new toilet seat. We actually put the box behind the toilet so they know it's new."

– YouInternational2152

It's electrifying!

Think Smart

"Smart outlets for Christmas lights, both inside and outside. I have them scheduled to turn on at sunset and turn off at midnight."

– Revolutionary-Try746

"Smart outlets are one of my favorite purchases. During Halloween and Christmas, we’re using multiple outlets for inflatables, house lights, and tree lights. The smart outlets allow you to have everything synced so they all turn in at the same time."

– cppadam

Things Are Looking Bright

"Replaced dated lighting fixtures - fixtures are now properly grounded, the interior looks more updated, and there is more/better light."

– SnooCauliflowers9981

Energy Conservation Option

"Motion activated light switch for the laundry room. Never have to worry about turning off the light when leaving with an arm full of clothing."

– AmazingAsian

Creating an environment can make a huge difference.

Source Lighting For The Win

"Lighting can absolutely make a huge difference in the way you feel in your room. Get some shoulder height (when you are sitting) lamps for your living room. You will notice a shift in how much more relaxed you feel when you use those instead of the overheads."

– ShoesAreTheWorst

Home Art Gallery

"Spending a day mounting my artwork. It felt so much more like my home after that."

– GinGimlet

"Every time I've moved, I put that off for way too long, then finally break down and do it and the house feels so much better to be in."

– Triolion

One major upgrade was our VE hybrid tech water boiler and warmer we got from Japan.

The Zojirushi kitchen appliance uses VE, or vacuum electric, technology for very minimal electricity to maintain the water temperature at a constant 195° so we always have hot water at the touch of a button.

There's no more time wasted boiling hot water over the stove every time we want tea or the occasional instant cup noodles.

Game changer.

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