People Share Small Things That Send Them Flying Off The Handle With Rage

People Share Small Things That Send Them Flying Off The Handle With Rage
Joshua Wordel on Unsplash

Everyone has pet peeves, little things that irritate them more than others, but sometimes those pet peeves evolve into a whole new level of irritant.

Whether it's subbing their toe or getting cut off in traffic, there are plenty of things that send folks into an immediate rage.

Reddit user 4ninawells asked:

"What small thing takes your anger from zero to 60 in one second flat?"

The Finish Line

"Having my expectation of the finish line moved is something I really need to work on in terms of going from 0 to 60 mad."

"You get off work at 4:30. At 4:00, you're daydreaming about the rest of your day after work."

"4:15 comes around, and someone has something on fire that needs worked on for an hour."

"You're cooking a meal. The sauce is simmering, just need to sear the meat."

"You open the refrigerator to get it and find that someone has already consumed the ingredient you were depending on. Now you need to change your plan or go to the store."

"You finish cleaning the house and sit down to relax."

"The cat vomits all over the stairs. Back to cleaning."

"You're grocery shopping."

"On your way to the car with your full cart, you get a text message, 'Can you pick up eggs?'. Back to the store!"


Right of Way

"People who don't understand how right of way works while driving and then proceed to honk at me because they made an incorrect and unpredictable maneuver almost causing an accident."


Not Your Turn

"Yes! Or people who try to wave you through when it's not your turn. Like just follow the rules and we can all get through this together, now is not the time to be weirdly polite."


Cabinet Woes

"Hitting my head on an inanimate object like the corner of a cabinet."

"Have no clue why because I don't normally have a temper, but that happening makes me want to grab an axe and chop the fricking thing down."


Proper Exits

"If a building has a set of double doors, obviously one is used for entering the building and the other one is used for exiting the building."



Turning Point

"People not turning on their blinker, slamming on their brakes to turn, and then turning on their blinker the second before they turn."


This Sucks

"The vacuum cleaner... odd I know, but when I was a kid the noise used to wake me up on cleaning days. I hate everything about the vacuum and actually dented a wall one time trying to fight with the cords on the damned thing."


Tongue and Cheek

"Biting my cheek when I'm eating something. There's a split second of directionless rage before I'm just mildly angry with myself."


Topsy Turvey

"Driving home from grocery store, make a turn and hear the groceries all start rolling around the trunk. I get FURIOUS."


No Patrol

"Pushy people who don't accept "no" for an answer and pester the hell out of you until you're basically forced to get 'mean'."


"Often followed by a variation of "Wow, no need to be so rude to me, I was just asking you something." Lack of social and self-awareness in people like this is astounding."


"It's not lack of social awareness; It's intentional. They're trying to disguise their obvious disrespect of you by trying to paint you as being the unreasonable party."



"Getting my earbud cord snagged on something and them ripping from my ears sends me into a rage like no other."

"I have since moved on to bluetooth. Years later and I'm still pissed."


"Came here to say this. Straight from zero to wanting to watch the world burn."


Jump Scares

"People intentionally startling me to laugh at my momentary spike of anxiety and fear. It's not f'king funny."

"I have never been intentionally cold and dead serious to anyone at work but the one motherf'ker who did this and then had a baby-a** fit when I firmly told him to NEVER do that to me again and to leave me alone for 5-10 minutes to calm down."

"I was almost outright rude to him about it even though he hadn't known any better until then. I'm not someone who experiences anger often, but this particular thing makes me 0-60 angry, and then 0-60 anxiety attack after I'm done being mad."

"I try and tell the coworkers/friends who I think are the type to do this ahead of time very nicely. When I get REALLY, TRULY angry in a more aggressive/argumentative way is when people startle me when they know better than to."

"I only have patience the first time, and only when there was no prior notice from me about it."

"And I myself don't do it to other people. I just personally don't find it funny when I'm a participant."

"If two other people do it to each other and are cool? Fine, I can get a laugh from it if they're laughing at themselves, but keep me out of it."

- Ellorium

Pants on Fire

"When someone lies to me. I am very f'king picky about trust—if I’m lied to that’s enough for me to go from 0 to 60 and stop trusting that person entirely."

"I’m brutally honest and serious and I despise people who lie for stupid reasons because it shows to me that I made a bad choice putting my trust on you."

- Abdelg20


"Chewing noises.

"Oh my god does that send me into an immediate fury, especially if it's gum."

"It makes my skin crawl, and it takes everything I have to not just reach out and slap the person right across their cud-chomping mouth."

- OneTrueSneaks

It doesn't take much to send some people flying off the handle—and that's not to say they're not justified.

Some of these would make our blood boil over, too.

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