Movie Lovers Share The Films They Recommend Everyone Watch

Movie Lovers Share The Films They Recommend Everyone Watch
Denise Jans on Unsplash

There are so many great movies released each year.

Who knows where to even start when you're trying to find things you want to watch.

Thankfully, there's a slew of films out there that tend to pop up on lists of everyone's favorites.

At the very least, if you really want to dive in to film, it wouldn't hurt watching some of these.

People shared their thoughts after Redditor noobmaster69 asked the online community:

"What are some good movies you’ll recommend to everyone if given the chance?"

Hot Fuzz (2007)

"I always recommend Hot Fuzz to everyone wanting a good mystery with action and comedy."


This makes perfect sense—this film is a wild ride.

Inception (2010)

"I know that most people have seen it by now, but Inception is my favorite movie of all time. That hallway scene is just fantastic, the storyline is great, and the score is on point."


This one was definitely a wild ride in the theater. I'd hesitate to say it holds up as well upon rewatching at home, however.

My Cousin Vinny (1992)

"My Cousin Vinny. One of the best movies of all time, even if it isn't something you'd watch you'd probably have to agree it was a well made movie anyway."


Everyone in this film is hilarious.

Marisa Tomei won the Best Supporting Actress Oscar for her performance in this, one of the Academy's most inspired wins.

Train to Busan (2016)

"Train to Busan. Incredible acting all round, brilliant story with succinct themes, and clearly a project a lot of people cared about. It’s one of the only movies I’ve bought to keep on streaming services and I recommend it to anyone who’s interested in Korean cinema."


Probably the best zombie film of the last decade.

Exceptional all around.

Dead Poets Society (1989)

"Dead Poets Society. I usually try to watch it the end of every summer break to try and get excited for the new school year. Mostly it just reminds me how crappy most my professors are."


Peak Robin Williams.

If you want to depress yourself, try watching this and The Fisher King back to back.

Bill & Ted's Excellent Adventure (1989)

"Bill and Ted’s Excellent Adventure. It has such witty humor and the combination of 80s music and history for some reason fit together perfectly."


This is the definition of a comfort movie—the sequels are good stuff too!

Schindler's List (1993)

"Schindler’s List. Everyone should watch that movie."


Agreed—and this film is all the more relevant now, especially in light of the news that a Tennessee school board banned copies of the Holocaust memoir Maus from their libraries.

The Princess Bride (1987)

"The Princess Bride. My mom doesn't like that movie and my dad and I both look at her like she's crazy."



To be fair, you walked right into that one.

No Country for Old Men (2007)

"No Country for Old Men. It is a long, slow film. Long stretches where little happens. I was amazed at how much it engaged me, despite what I just said. Should give it a watch in your own time, if you get enough."


This film is the definition of a slow burn and the payoff is incredible.

That ending though... definitely polarizing.

The Shawshank Redemption (1994)

"The Shawshank Redemption. I feel like it's impossible to dislike that movie no matter who you are."


This is truly one of those films that seems universally loved.

Probably the best "underdog" story committed to film in the last 30 years.

Hereditary (2018)

"Hereditary. It's The Exorcist of our generation, and nothing will ever change my opinion on that."


Few films unnerved me in the theater as much as this one.

Of course, I saw it three times.

Well, budding film watcher—you're armed with this list.

Now get out there and educate yourself!

Have some films of your own to share? Feel free to tell us about them in the comments below!

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